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1 Djeroual exact 3/07/1963
Sure Scientist 2 obs. à 64 km à l'ouest-sud-ouest de Djeroual.Le puit de Djeroual semble être, d'après de nombreuses données anciennes,avoir été un endroit important pour l'observation des oryx au Tchad. Avant 1960, certaines données relatives à Djeroual font mention de "centaines de bêtes" vues ensemble le même jour. Oryx dammah 0

Document Gillet,H.
4 Biltine exact 1/02/1959 28/02/159 Sure Scientist 2 sud-ouest de Biltine. Témoignage de M.F. Sommer Oryx dammah 0

No Gillet,H.
5 Djeroual exact 4/07/1963
Sure Scientist 2 ouest-sud-ouest de Djeroual. Observation de 3 troupeaux (herds) importants de l'ordre d'une centaine chacun. Oryx dammah 0

No Gillet,H.
6 Lidey exact 4/08/1963
Sure Scientist 2 un troupeau d'une centaine de bêtes. Oryx dammah 0

No Gillet,H.
9 Tibesti Massif exact period 1/01/1936
Sure Scientist 273 Oryx: assez rare dans le massif (gravures rupestres). Oryx dammah 0

No Dalloni, M.
10 Tadrès (Tadéras) exact period 1/01/1940 31/12/1942 Sure Scientist 64 les principales concentrations d'oryx, dans les années 1940, étaient notées au sud de l'Aïr, se déplaçant entre la région du Tadéras (Tadres) et les confins sud-est du massif, au voisinnage du Ténéré. Oryx dammah 0

Document Brouin, G.
13 Tadrès (Tadéras) exact period 1/01/1940 1/01/1943 Sure Scientist 64 groupes de plusieurs centaines d'oryx en migrations saisonnières. Ils quittent le Tadrès au moment des pluies, lorsque les troupeaux de bovins et de camelins montent vers le Nord, pour se rendre à la limite du Ténéré de l'Est : In Tedrouft-Taguedoufat, Adrar des Iskokoritène où les terres rouges salées sont plus abondantes. Leur axe de marche est sensiblement Sud-Ouest/Nord-Est et coupe la piste Agadez-Zinder entre Dan Galadima Aballema et la Falaise (mi-juillet, mi-août). Ils semblent également bien connaître la piste de Bilma par Tabellot et y viennent manger le sel qu'y laissent tomber les caravanes. Dès l'apparition des grands vents d'Est, qui entraînent l'abandon du pays par les troupeaux transhumants, les Oryx retournent au sud. Les petites bandes et les solitaires sont souvent accompagnés de Gazelles dorcas et de Ménas (Gazelles dama) qui jouent le rôle de sentinelles Oryx dammah 0

No Brouin, G.
14 Tigbelama exact period 1/03/1940
Sure Scientist 64 12 km Est d'Aderbissinat, région de Im Millène, Orhom, In toufalaouine Oryx dammah 0

No Brouin, G.
15 Arbre du Ténéré exact 3/02/1940
Sure Scientist 64 50 km Nord de l'Arbre du Ténéré Addax nasomaculatus 0

Taking Brouin, G.
16 Edeck exact 14/01/1941
Sure Scientist 64 près de Marandet (pieds de la falaise de Tiguidit). Zone non usuelle pour les addax.Ces addax ont été probablement chassés du Ténéré par les froides et violentes bourrasques de vent d'Est qui sévissaient ces jours là Addax nasomaculatus 0

Taking Brouin, G.
17 Tadéra (I-n-Tadéra) exact 21/10/1941
Sure Scientist 64
Addax nasomaculatus 0

Taking Brouin, G.
18 In-Azaoua exact 23/10/1941
Sure Scientist 64
Addax nasomaculatus 0

No Brouin, G.
19 Erg de Bilma exact period 1/12/1941
Sure Scientist 64 Nord-Ouest de l'Adra Madet Addax nasomaculatus 0

No Brouin, G.
20 Ténéré du Tafassasset exact period 1/01/1947 31/12/1948 Sure Scientist 64 Nord d'Iférouane Addax nasomaculatus 0

No Brouin, G.
22 Termit (Massif de...) approximative period 1/01/1940 31/12/1945 Sure Scientist 64 vers 1940, d'après les scientifiques de l'époque, le Massif de Termit constituait la limite des zones de nomadisation des Addax en hiver et en été. Le Termit-Sud était une région de liaison et de rencontre entre Oryx/Addax. Les scientifiques de l'époque ont notés la présence, dans Massif de Termit, de lions, guépards, hyènes. L'auteur note que certaines épidémies de peste bovine, célèbres dans les annales de la tribu des chasseurs Azzas, ont mis en danger l'espèce toute entière. Addax nasomaculatus 0

No Brouin, G.
24 I-n Tadéra exact period 1/11/1941
Sure Scientist 64 Région de Tadéra (puits) situé à 200 km au Nord d'Iférouane. Cette donnée concerne le spécimen le plus septentrional observé en 1941. Vers le sud, la Dama ne dépasse guère, selon les auteurs de l'époque, le parallèle 15°30'. A cette époque, elle est considérée comme abondante dans tout le cercle d'Agadez : on la rencontre partout dans la montagne aussi bien que dans la plaine. Elle monte très loin dans le Nord. Gazella dama 0

No Brouin, G.
25 Tadrès (Tadéras) exact period 1/01/1940 31/12/1945 Sure Scientist 64 dans les années 1940, on rencontre facilement , d'après BROUIN, G., des hardes de Gazella dama de 10 à 30 têtes : "en hivernage,..., il n'est pas rare de rencontrer des bandes qui comprennent plusieurs dizaines d'individus.". BROUIN décrit : "nous nous sommes trouvés en présence, à la fin janvier (1940-) dans un kori près de Tchinsafalène (dans le Tadrès) d'un rassemblement d'animaux qui comptait pas moins de 500 à 600 individus." Gazella dama 0

fairly common
No Brouin, G.
26 Marandet exact period 1/01/1940
Sure Scientist 64 Igouda, entre Marandet et Tiliisamit. Tadrès Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
27 Tin Tabourak exact period 1/01/1940
Sure Scientist 64 Kori D'iblichy Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
28 Kori d'Akareyat exact period 1/01/1940
Sure Scientist 64 15 km Est de Tchin Agarouf. Tadrès Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
29 Kori de Tchiral exact period 1/01/1940
Sure Scientist 64 5 km ouest du Kori de Tigbelana. Tadrès Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
30 Kori de Tigbelana exact 27/03/1940
Sure Scientist 64 Tadrès. Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
31 Kori de Tigbelana exact 28/03/1940
Sure Scientist 64 Kori à 15 km Ouest de Tigbelana Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
32 Kori de Tigbelana exact 30/03/1940
Sure Scientist 64
Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
33 Tchi n Agarouf exact 30/03/1940
Sure Scientist 64 30 km de Tigbelana (kori près d'Aderbissinat) Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
34 Tigbelama exact 31/03/1940
Sure Scientist 64 entre le kori de Tigbelana et Tchin agarouf, près de Aderbissinat (Tadrès) Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
35 Tchi n Agarouf exact 1/04/1940
Sure Scientist 64 "entre tchinagarouf et Tchiouendiguit" Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
36 Kori d'Iblichy exact 2/01/1940
Sure Scientist 64 "kori d'Iblichy, près de Tin aborack" Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
37 Tchi n Agarouf exact 2/01/1940
Sure Scientist 64 près du puits Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
38 Agadez exact 18/05/1940
Sure Scientist 64 "à 40 km Nord-Est d'Agadez, route de Bilma Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
39 Tagueschia exact 28/09/1940
Sure Scientist 64 "route Teguida In teçun-In-abangarit " = Teguidda-n-Tessoum vers In Abangharit Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
40 Assaouas exact 28/09/1940
Sure Scientist 64 entre Assaouas et Fagoschia Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
41 Montagnes d'Izougouloulen exact 5/01/1941
Sure Scientist 64 "de Regueg à Temboulaga" Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
42 Kori d'Iblichy exact 10/01/1941
Sure Scientist 64
Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
43 Marandet exact 13/01/1941
Sure Scientist 64 route Marandet Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
44 Tânout exact 14/01/1941
Sure Scientist 64 entre Tânout et Marandet (Tadrès) Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
45 Terèris exact 30/06/1941
Sure Scientist 64 "près Kori d'Anou Macharène" Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
46 Tesakana exact 6/05/1941
Sure Scientist 64
Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
47 Toumbélaga (Tembellaga) exact

Sure Scientist 64 20 km d'Aderbissinat (temboulaga) Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
48 Elado exact 25/09/1941
Sure Scientist 64
Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
49 Effeï Melleine exact 27/09/1941
Sure Scientist 64
Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
50 Effeï Melleine exact 27/09/1941
Sure Scientist 64
Gazella dama 0

No Brouin, G.
51 Tchinataouassen exact 24/01/1942
Sure Scientist 64 entre Tin Taborack et Teguitte Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
52 Akarenjat exact 20/01/1942
Sure Scientist 64
Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
53 Ellalak exact 28/01/1942
Sure Scientist 64 près de la route In Gall - Tahoua Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
54 Tânout exact 30/01/1942
Sure Scientist 64 près de Tanout Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
55 Eddoul exact 23/01/1942
Sure Scientist 64 Est du puit de Tin Taborack Gazella dama 0

Taking Brouin, G.
56 I-n Tadéra exact period 1/01/1940 31/12/1942 Sure Scientist 64 Au delà du puits de Tadera. 200 km Nord d'Iférouane Gazella dama 0

No Brouin, G.
57 Agadez exact period 1/01/1940 31/12/1942 Sure Scientist 64 30 km Sud d'Agadez Gazella dama 0

No Brouin, G.
58 Intoufalaouine exact period 1/01/1940 31/12/1942 Sure Scientist 64
Gazella dama 0

No Brouin, G.
59 Téouar exact period 1/01/1940 31/12/1942 Sure Scientist 64
Gazella dama 0

No Brouin, G.
60 Ekelfi exact 3/04/1940
Sure Scientist 64 3 km du puits vers Marandet Gazella dorcas 0

Taking Brouin, G.
61 Iférouane exact 5/05/1940
Sure Scientist 64 18 km d'Iférouane Gazella dorcas 0

Taking Brouin, G.
62 Tegguida-n-Tessoum exact 27/09/1940
Sure Scientist 64 sur la route Gazella dorcas 0

Taking Brouin, G.
63 In Gall exact 28/09/1940
Sure Scientist 64 route In Gall Gazella dorcas 0

Taking Brouin, G.
64 Agadez exact period 1/11/1940
Sure Scientist 64 environs d'Agadez Gazella dorcas 0

Taking Brouin, G.
65 Tebehig exact 27/09/1940
Sure Scientist 64
Gazella dorcas 0

Taking Brouin, G.
66 Iférouane exact period 1/01/1940 31/12/1942 Sure Scientist 64 30 km Nord d'Iférouane Gazella dorcas 0

No Brouin, G.
67 In-Guezzam exact period 1/01/1940 31/12/1942 Sure Scientist 64 BROUIN, 1950 : Gazelle dorcas présence confirmée jusqu'à la frontière Algérie/Niger. Trace de In Guezzam, en Algérie, à In-Abangarit, au Niger Gazella dorcas 0

Tracks Brouin, G.
68 In-Abangarit exact 25/09/1940
Sure Scientist 64 à 80 km au Nord de In-Abangarit Gazella dorcas 0

No Brouin, G.
70 Ténéré exact period 1/01/1975 31/03/1976 Sure Scientist 181 "Addax are still fairly common in the more inaccessible desert wastes east of Aïr Massif" Addax nasomaculatus 0

fairly common
No Grettenberger, J.F. & Newby, J.E.
71 Arlit exact period 1/01/1975 31/03/1976 Sure Scientist 181 "West of Aïr Massif, the survival of Addax is being greatly threatened by motorized hunters working out of the Arlit area, formerly one of the Addax strongholds, and associated with the uranium mining firm SOMAIR. These ingeneers are slowly but surely clearing the whole area of wildlife, large and smell, and most of this for pleasure. There are also reports of Algerain border patrols crossing the International Frontier to hunt Addax." Addax nasomaculatus 0

No Grettenberger, J.F. & Newby, J.E.
72 Tiguidit (Falaises) exact period 1/01/1975 31/03/1976 Sure Scientist 181 In the years 1975, "the situation of Oryx is,,,,, graver. More vulnerable to indegenous poaching than the more desert-living and less gregarious Addax. Oryx are still to be found round the Falaise of Tiguidit....and more commonly in the western reaches of Ténéré. Both these areas are heavily used by cattle herdres and digging operations also encourage the nomads to settle in areas of heavy pasture which are recognized as traditional Oryx zones...." Oryx dammah 0

No Grettenberger, J.F. & Newby, J.E.
73 Termit (Massif de...) exact period 1/01/1975 31/03/1976 Sure Scientist 181 "....It is only in the area around the Massif of Termit, apparently, that Oryx are still more or less left alone and found in any quantity. The Termit also harbours good numbers of Dama gazelle, a few Cheetah, and, in the mountains, Barbary sheep,,,," Oryx dammah 0

fairly common
No Grettenberger, J.F. & Newby, J.E.
74 Termit (Massif de...) exact period 1/01/1975 31/03/1976 Sure Scientist 181 ",,,,,,The Termit also harbours good numbers of Dama gazelle;;;" Gazella dama 0

fairly common
No Grettenberger, J.F. & Newby, J.E.
75 Tamesna Region exact period 1/01/1975 31/12/1979 Sure Scientist 181 ",,,at the moment, no one is certain about the exact status of the Oryx in Niger. .....Tamesna, a region of sub-desert country that the oryx once occured in in abundance,....." Oryx dammah 0

No Grettenberger, J.F. & Newby, J.E.
77 Zagado exact period 1/01/1979
Sure Scientist 62 NEWBY, J.E. saw 2 oryx in the Zagado (Takolokouzet Massif) Oryx dammah 0

No Newby, J.E. & Jones, D.M.
78 Tafidet (wadi) exact period 1/07/1981 31/08/1981 Sure Scientist 62 four oryx including a yearling seen in Wadi Tafidet. "...these animals have probably come into the hills for shade and to find grazeing in the hotter weather Oryx dammah 0

Photo Newby, J.E. & Jones, D.M.
79 Adrar Madet exact period 1/05/1980 30/06/1980 Sure Scientist 62 Picture of an addax carcase "...many die of heat exhaustion after being chased by vehicules....." Addax nasomaculatus 0

Dead specimen Newby, J.E. & Jones, D.M.
80 Tafidet (wadi) exact period 1/05/1980 30/06/1980 Sure Scientist 62 "....In Takolokouzet area, the dama gazelle lives singly or in small, very nervous groups in the least inhabited parts of the massif," Gazella dama 0

small groups
No Newby, J.E. & Jones, D.M.
81 Issaouan (Issaouen) exact period 1/05/1980 30/06/1980 Sure Scientist 62 until 1960, "...the dama gazelle was extremely common in and around Takolokouzet (Aïr). In 1980 (NEWBY,J.E.), it has virtually disappeared and although increasingly dry conditions have has a considerable effect, hutning has been and is the major cause of its decline." Gazella dama 0

disappeared from this region
No Newby, J.E. & Jones, D.M.
82 Assango exact period 1/05/1980 30/06/1980 Sure Scientist 62 " ...tracks of few more" (than 3, see observations at Issaouen n°81) Gazella dama 0

Tracks Newby, J.E. & Jones, D.M.
83 Zagado exact period 1/05/1981 30/06/1981 Sure Scientist 62
Gazella dama 0

No Newby, J.E. & Jones, D.M.
84 Aîr (Massif) exact period 1/05/1980 30/06/1980 Sure Scientist 62 in the years 1980 : "...gazella dorcas is certainly the most common....and manage to survive in reasonable numbers....
In some of the remoter parts of the massif, we found gazelle (dorcas) locally common...".
Gazella dorcas 0

reasonable numbers
No Newby, J.E. & Jones, D.M.
86 Addax Sanctuary (RNNAT) exact period 1/01/1988 31/12/1989 Probable Scientist 63 "...the precise number of addax within the Sanctuary is unknown but is thought to be no more than 20 individuals." Addax nasomaculatus 0

No Dixon, A.; Knowles, J. & Newby, J.
87 Adrar Bous exact period 1/01/1988 31/12/1989 Sure Scientist 63 addax seen just outside the Sabctuary:Adrar Bous, Wadi Ibel. Entre juillet et mars, saison pluvieuse et période froide, l'addax évolue dans le Ténéré, principalement au Nord et à l'Est de l'Adrar Chiriet, dans la région de l'Adrar Bous et dans les ergs Capot-Rey, Bréard, Brusset et, plus au Sud, vers l'Adrar Madet (REF37) Addax nasomaculatus 0

No Dixon, A.; Knowles, J. & Newby, J.
88 Tezirzek exact period 1/01/1988 31/12/1989 Sure Scientist 63 addax seen twice during this period , in the Santuary for Addax. Addax nasomaculatus 0

No Dixon, A.; Knowles, J. & Newby, J.
89 Issaouan (Issaouen) exact period 1/01/1988 31/12/1989 Sure Scientist 63 fresh droppings Addax nasomaculatus 0

Tracks Dixon, A.; Knowles, J. & Newby, J.
90 Ifinyane exact period 1/06/1989 30/06/1989 Sure Scientist 63
Addax nasomaculatus 0

Tracks Dixon, A.; Knowles, J. & Newby, J.
91 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1990
Sure Scientist 278 population estimated 170 individuals. The species has shown no recovery in the relatively good rainfall years since 1987. ...poaching by military is the principal threat to DamaG. In the RNNAT.....In contrast to the more sedentary Dorcas Gazelle, whose population has double in the Aïr-Ténéré (RRNAT)....about 12,000 individuals (Magin, 1990a) Gazella dama 0
in danger 0
No Willington, S.J. ; Tiega, A. & Newby, J.E.
92 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1983 31/12/1983 Sure Scientist 278 Dernière observation de l'oryx au niger. Newby,J. Pers. comm. Mission de terrain dans le bassin du Tâfidet (sud-est de l'Aïr, en bordure du Ténéré). Oryx dammah 0

extinct 0
No Willington, S.J. ; Tiega, A. & Newby, J.E.
93 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1990 31/12/1990 Probable Scientist 278 Magin, 1990a. About 12,000 individuals. The population has doubled between 1985 and 1990 : good rainfall years since 1987. Gazella dorcas 0

No Willington, S.J. ; Tiega, A. & Newby, J.E.
94 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1996 31/12/1996 Probable Scientist 279 "Eteint ? Autrefois cette espèce nomadisait dans le Tamesna, le Talak, le Tadress et le sud-Ténéré
Newby, en 1982, estimait que l'Oryx avait déjà perdu 80% de son aire au Niger. Les nomades affirment que que l'espèce a subi de grosses pertes au cours des sécheresses de 1970-74"
Oryx dammah 0

disappeared from this region extinct 0
No Giazzi, F.
96 Niger exact period 1/01/1991 31/12/1991 Probable Scientist 61 < 200 individus Aïr, Ténéré, Termit (source : J.E. Newby) Addax nasomaculatus 0

No Millington, S.J.; Tiega, A. & Newby, J.E.
97 Niger exact period 1/01/1991 31/12/1991 Probable Scientist 61 Eteint ? (source : J.E. Newby) Oryx dammah 0

disappeared from this region extinct 0
No Millington, S.J.; Tiega, A. & Newby, J.E.
98 Niger exact period 1/01/1991 31/12/1991 Probable Scientist 61 <1000 ind. Aïr, Termit, Azawak (source : J.E. Newby) Gazella dama 0

No Millington, S.J.; Tiega, A. & Newby, J.E.
99 Niger exact period 1/01/1991 31/12/1991 Probable Scientist 65 50-200 ind. Addax nasomaculatus 0

No Dixon, A.M.; Mace, G.M.; Newby, J.E. & Olney, P.J.S.
100 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1982 31/12/1982 Probable Scientist 279 200-300 addax :estimation de la population d'addax dans la RNNAT (J.E. Newbt, 1982) Addax nasomaculatus 0

No Giazzi, F.
101 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1984 31/12/1984 Probable Scientist 282 30-50 addax : estimation de la population d'addax dans la RNNAT (J.F. Grettenberger,J.E. Newbt et K.L. Monnson, 1984) Addax nasomaculatus 0

No Grettenberger, J.F. & Newby, J.E.
102 Niger exact period 1/01/1996 31/12/1996 Probable Scientist 279 au Niger , la population d'addax ne compte certanement pas plus de 200 individus et est toujours en déclin (RNNAT, Ténéré, Termit) (J.Newby) Le Termit, de superficie réduite par rapport à la Réserve, présente très certainement une densité d'animaux plus forte (réf 37 + 39) Addax nasomaculatus 0
declining 0
No Giazzi, F.
103 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1988 31/12/1989 Probable Warden 279 limite nord-est de la RNNAT, au contact du Ténéré (warden + tourists) Addax nasomaculatus 0

No Giazzi, F.
104 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1980 31/12/1991 Sure Scientist 279 27 observations au total en 10 ans. Toutes sur la bordure est de l'Aïr au contact du Ténéré : à la saison chaude, de mars à juillet; ces régions ont des oueds importants et des zones inondables que fréquentent les troupeaux (régions d'Izouzaouene, de Tezirzek, d'Issaouane) . Surtout traces.Inventaires de terrain. Addax nasomaculatus -1 27

No Giazzi, F.
106 Djeroual exact period 1/01/1950 31/12/1960 Sure Scientist 2 Le puit de Djeroual semble être,d'après de nombreuses données anciennes,avoir été un endroit important pour l'observation des oryx au Tchad. Avant 1960, certaines données relatives à Djeroual font mention de "centaines de bêtes" vues ensemble le même jour. Oryx dammah 0

No Gillet,H.
107 Tibesti Massif exact 1/01/1936
Sure Scientist 273 Oryx: assez rare dans le massif .gravures rupestres. Oryx dammah 0

quite rare
No Dalloni, M.
108 Issaouan (Issaouen) exact period 1/01/1900 31/12/1960 Sure Scientist 62 until 1960, "...the dama gazelle was extremely common in and around Takolokouzet (Aïr). In 1980 (NEWBY,J.E.), it has virtually disappeared Gazella dama 0 0
fairly common
No Newby, J.E. & Jones, D.M.
109 Niger exact period 31/12/1983
Sure Scientist 278 Dernière observation de l'oryx au niger. Newby,J. Pers. comm. Mission de terrain dans le bassin du Tâfidet (sud-est de l'Aïr, en bordure du Ténéré). Oryx dammah 0 0
disappeared from this region extinct 0
No Willington, S.J. ; Tiega, A. & Newby, J.E.
110 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1985
Sure Scientist 278 Magin, 1990a. About 12,000 individuals. The population has doubled between 1985 and 1990 : good rainfall years since 1987. Gazella dorcas 0

No Willington, S.J. ; Tiega, A. & Newby, J.E.
111 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1987
Sure Scientist 280 NEWBY J. Et: al (87) estimait la population d'Addax de la réserve à 200-300 ind. Variable selon les années: pluies et pâturages Addax nasomaculatus 0 0 200-300

No Newby, J.E.
112 Niger exact period 1/01/1981
Sure Scientist 283 dont 250 addax dans la RRNAT Addax nasomaculatus 0 0 800-1000

No Newby, J.E.
113 Chad exact period 1/01/1981
Sure Scientist 283 Newby, E. < or = 1000 Addax nasomaculatus 0 0 <1000

No Newby, J.E.
114 Sudan exact period 1/01/1981
Sure Scientist 283
Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
unknown numbres
No Newby, J.E.
116 Majabat desert exact period 1/01/1981
Sure Scientist 283 Majabat desert f Mali and Mauritania Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
unknown numbres
No Newby, J.E.
117 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1981
Sure Scientist 283
Addax nasomaculatus 0 0 250-500

No Newby, J.E.
118 Niger exact period 1/01/1983
Sure Scientist 274 idem réf 61 Addax nasomaculatus 0 0 1000

No Newby, J.E.
119 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1983
Sure Scientist 274 idem réf 61 Addax nasomaculatus 0 0 250

No Newby, J.E.
120 West of Aïr Mountains exact period 1/01/1983
Sure Scientist 274
Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
disappeared-absent from this region
No Newby, J.E.
121 West of Aïr Mountains exact period 1/01/1970 31/12/1975 Sure Scientist 164 idem réf 55 and 52
before 1975, addax have survived in the west along Mali and Algerian borders
Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
No Jones, D.M.
122 RNNAT + Ténéré exact period 1/01/1991
Sure Scientist 275
Addax nasomaculatus 0 0 <200

No Poilecot, O.
123 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1988 31/12/1989 Sure Scientist 279 des observations concernant quelques animaux faites par le personnel de la Réserve et touristes : limite nord-est de la Réserve au contact du Ténéré Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
No Giazzi, F.
124 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1996
Sure Scientist 279
Addax nasomaculatus 0 0 50

No Giazzi, F.
126 Erg de Bilma exact period 1/01/1930 31/12/1933 Sure Scientist 276 "in the early 1930s"
presence of addax south of Bilma and in regions of Agadem and Dibbela
Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
No Lavauden, L.
127 Agadem exact period 1/02/1925 28/02/1925 Sure Scientist 276 "herd of several hundred" addax seen in february 1925. South of Agadem Addax nasomaculatus 0 0 >100

No Lavauden, L.
128 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1979 31/12/1991 Sure Scientist 279
Gazella dama -1 219

No Giazzi, F.
129 Tadrès (Tadéras) exact period 15/01/1940 31/01/1940 Sure Scientist 64 BROUIN décrit : "nous nous sommes trouvés en présence, à la fin janvier (1940-) dans un kori près de Tchinsafalène (dans le Tadrès) d'un rassemblement d'animaux qui comptait pas moins de 500 à 600 individus." NB: c'était à la fin de l'hivernage Gazella dama 0 0
No Brouin, G.
130 Wour exact period 1/01/1936
Sure Scientist 273 Gazella dama:rare au tibesti: 1obs à Wour Gazella dama 0 0
No Dalloni, M.
131 Tibesti Massif exact period 1/01/1936
Sure Scientist 273 Gazela dorcas:très commune aux abords du massif; pénètre dans quelques vallés. Gazella dorcas 0 0
fairly common
No Dalloni, M.
132 Tibesti Massif exact period 1/01/1936
Sure Scientist 273 Addax: rare au nord de Kanem et du Borkou; traces reconnues dans l'Enneri Tehagam. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
No Dalloni, M.
133 Niger exact period 1/01/1983
Sure Scientist 281 Dragesco 1983 Gazella dama 0 0 200-400

No Dragesco-Joffé, A.
134 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1996
Sure Scientist 279
Gazella dama 0 0 150-200 threatened
No Giazzi, F.
135 Niger exact period 1/01/1996
Sure Scientist 279 En 1996 "la population de G. Dama du Niger est fragmentée à l'intérieur de son aire d'origine, qui s'étendait sur l'ensemble de la zone sahélienne et du Sahara méridional. Le Massif de l'Aïr et surtout celui de Termit, le sud des ergs du Ténéré et de Bilma constituent les derniers refuges pour cette espèce" Gazella dama 0 0
threatened in danger 0
No Giazzi, F.
136 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1979 31/12/1984 Sure Scientist 282 74 individus au total vus entre 1982 et 1984. (Grettengerger & Newby) Gazella dama 0 0 <100

No Grettenberger, J.F. & Newby, J.E.
137 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1982
Sure Scientist 279 J.E. Newby et al. 1982 Gazella dama 0

No Giazzi, F.
138 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1983 31/12/1984 Sure Scientist 279 J.F. Grettenberger et J.E. Newby (1986) Gazella dama 0 0 150-250

No Giazzi, F.
139 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1990
Sure Scientist 279 Magin (1990) Gazella dama 0 0 170

No Giazzi, F.
140 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1996
Sure Scientist 279 "la Réserve abrite une population (G.dama) estimée à 150-200 individus, mais très certainement inférieure. ...les destructions des habitats et les sécheresses successives ont obligé les troupeaux à migrer vers le sud où ils entrent en compétition avec le bétail et où ils sont décimés par les chasseurs" Gazella dama 0 0 150-200
in danger 0
No Giazzi, F.
141 Termit (Massif de...) exact period 1/01/1996
Sure Scientist 279
Gazella dama 0 0 200-400

No Giazzi, F.
142 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1979 31/12/1980 Sure Scientist 279
Gazella dama -1 17

No Giazzi, F.
143 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1981 31/12/1982 Sure Scientist 279
Gazella dama -1 25

No Giazzi, F.
144 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1983 31/12/1985 Sure Scientist 279
Gazella dama -1 53

No Giazzi, F.
145 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1986 31/12/1988 Sure Scientist 279
Gazella dama -1 80

No Giazzi, F.
146 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1989 31/12/1991 Sure Scientist 279
Gazella dama -1 44

No Giazzi, F.
147 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1979 31/12/1991 Sure Scientist 279
Gazella dama -1 219

No Giazzi, F.
148 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1996
Sure Scientist 279
Gazella dorcas 0 0 10001-12000

No Giazzi, F.
149 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1980 31/12/1982 Sure Scientist 279
Gazella dorcas -1 437

No Giazzi, F.
150 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1983 31/12/1985 Sure Scientist 279
Gazella dorcas -1 1543

No Giazzi, F.
151 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1986 31/12/1988 Sure Scientist 279
Gazella dorcas -1 1064

No Giazzi, F.
152 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1989 31/12/1991 Sure Scientist 279
Gazella dorcas -1 1124

No Giazzi, F.
153 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1980 31/12/1991 Sure Scientist 279
Gazella dorcas -1 4168

No Giazzi, F.
154 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1982
Sure Scientist 279 J.E. Newby (1982) Gazella dorcas 0 0 >2000

No Giazzi, F.
155 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/01/1987
Sure Scientist 279 J.F. Grettenberger (1987) Gazella dorcas 0 0 4800-6000

No Giazzi, F.
157 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/07/1988 30/06/1989 Sure Scientist 279 C. Magin (1990) Gazella dorcas 0 0 5800

No Giazzi, F.
158 RNNAT (Réserve de l'Aïr et du Ténéré) exact period 1/07/1989 30/06/1990 Sure Scientist 279 C. Magin (1990): effectif évalué a 12000 têtes pour cette année là de prospection.
Nette augmentation de la population. Conditions climatiques plus favorables. 30 à 40 % de la superficie de la Réserve correspondent à l'habitat de la G. Dorcas
Gazella dorcas 0 0 10001-12000

No Giazzi, F.
159 Termit (Massif de...) exact period 1/01/1983
Sure Scientist 279 Dragesco (1983) Gazella dorcas 0 0 >2000

No Giazzi, F.
160 Termit (Massif de...) exact period 1/01/1989 31/12/1989 Sure Scientist 279 Magin (1990) Gazella dorcas 0 0 2135

No Giazzi, F.
162 Niger exact period 1/01/1996
Sure Scientist 279 Dragesco-Joffé (1993)
"F. Giazzi: Malgré une population encore importante, la chasse, la destruction des habitats et la compétition pour les pâturages avec les troupeaux domestiques menacent la survie de l'espèce. De même que pour la Gazelle dama, des hardes (de dorcas) sont obligées de migrer au sud à la recherche de pâturages, surtout au cours des années à pluviométrie déficiaire, et sont massacrées sur la bordure de la zone sahélienne..."
Gazella dorcas 0 0 20000
threatened 0
No Giazzi, F.
163 Niger exact period 1/01/1996
Sure Scientist 279 Très peu d'observations. D.M. Jones(1973) et Newby (obs. pers) la signale sur les marges est de l'Aïr, au contact du Ténéré (RNNAT). Aucune autre information n'a été relevée au Niger Gazella leptoceros 0 0 <1000
in danger 0
No Giazzi, F.
164 Niger exact period 1/03/2000
Sure Scientist 277 "...encore présente dans les zones sahéliennes comme le Tadrès jusque dans les régions désertiques très sablonneuses comme les dunes de Temet (est de l'Aïr) ainsi que les oueds des régions montagneuses de l'Aïr. Chassée légalement dans le Tadrès, et très braconnée dans l'Aïr-Ténéré, sa fuite de distance est très grande (>500m). Le satut actuel est inconnu." Gazella dorcas 0 0

unknown 0
No Saint-Andrieux, C.
165 Niger exact period 1/03/2000
Sure Scientist 277 "...les régions montagneuses de l'est de l'Aïr et du Massif de Termit constituent des habitats favorables aux dernières populations de dama qui y trouvent des refuges relativement sûr, des oueds ouverts et des pentes pas trop escarpées. Les effectifs étaient estimés à 400 animaux pour le Niger (Dragesco, 1990). Les mêmes chiffres sont avancés actuellement mais aucun recensement n'a été réalisé." Gazella dama 0 0 400

No Saint-Andrieux, C.
166 Niger exact period 1/03/2000
Sure Scientist 277 "...elle était encore signalée en petit nombre en 1996 dans la zone de contact entre l'Aïr et le Ténéré, mais aucune observation récente n'a été faite...." Gazella leptoceros 0 0

unknown 0
No Saint-Andrieux, C.
167 Niger exact period 1/03/2000
Sure Scientist 277 doc. Donnent un résummé: "...les sécheresses des années 1970 à 1974 auraient décimé les oryx qui étaient encore observés en grands rassemblements d'une centaine d'individus à la fin des années 1960....dans les années 1980, ne semble subsister que sur une bande allant du sud-est de l'Aïr jusqu'au Tchad. De petits groupes sont signalés entre 1975 et 1985. Un groupe de 4 a été photographié dans le sud-est de l'Aïr en 1980 par J.Newby. Vers 1990, des traces d'animaux isolés sont encore observées dans la région du Termit par Dragesco. Des petis groupes d'au maximum 5 à 6 individus sont signalés de temps en temps à cette même période au sud du grand erg de Bilma. Considéré comme éteint actuellement...." sauf voir obs 171 Oryx dammah 0 0

extinct 0
Document Saint-Andrieux, C.
168 Agadez exact period 1/01/2000
Possible Scientist 277 "...observation récente (début 2000) de 4 animaux au sud-est d'Agadez...rapportée par un braconnier"... Oryx dammah 0 0

other Saint-Andrieux, C.
169 Termit (Massif de...) exact period 1/01/1990
Sure Scientist 277 vers 1990, des traces isolées observées dans la région du Termit par Dragesco Oryx dammah 0 0

Tracks Saint-Andrieux, C.
170 Grand Erg de Bilma exact period 1/01/1990
Possible Scientist 277 "...des petits groupes d'au maximum 5 à 6 individus sont signalés de temps en temps (période 1990) au sud du grand erg de bilma..." Oryx dammah 0 0

extinct 0
Document Saint-Andrieux, C.
171 Termit (Massif de...) exact period 1/01/2000
Possible Scientist 277 quelques observations récentes (début 2000) signalées dans la zone de Termit Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
other Saint-Andrieux, C.
172 Niger
Sure Scientist 277
Addax nasomaculatus 0 0 50-200

Document Saint-Andrieux, C.
173 Termit (Massif de...) exact period 13/10/2002 1/11/2002 Sure Scientist 177 18 obs directes de G. Dama. 3 pistes,1 corne, ossements. Les groupes étaient composés de 1 à 5 individus. La plupart étaient observées dans les oueds à la végétation luxuriante Gazella dama 0

in danger -1 18 No Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
174 Termit (Massif de...) exact period 13/10/2002 1/11/2002 Sure Scientist 177 observation de 3 pistes Gazella dama 0 0
Tracks Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
175 Termit (Massif de...) exact 18/10/2002
Sure Scientist 177 1 corne Gazella dama 0 0

Horn Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
176 Termit (Massif de...) exact 29/10/2002
Sure Scientist 177 ossements d'une g. Dama Gazella dama 0 0

Dead specimen Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
177 Termit (Massif de...) exact period 1/07/2002 31/07/2002 Possible Nomad/Touareg/guide 177 99 obs d'addax faites directement par le guide de la mission "Claro" dans la région Nord-Est du Termit Addax nasomaculatus -1 99

No Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
178 Termit (Massif de...) exact period 9/10/2002 27/10/2002 Sure Scientist 177 60 traces d'addax observées pendant la mission. Addax nasomaculatus 0

0 60 Tracks Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
179 Termit (Massif de...) exact period 9/10/2002 27/10/2002 Sure Scientist 177 en 4 jours , 36 individus ont été observés dont un jeune d'environ 1 mois, Les groupes observés étaient costitués de 1 à 11 individus. Il n'est pas impossible que certains individus aient pu être observés 2 jours de suite. Les nomades indiquent que depuis plusieurs années les addax sont présents toute l'année dans la région Nord Est du Termit. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

in danger -1 0
Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
180 Termit (Massif de...) exact 11/10/2002
Sure Scientist 177 jeune addax mort Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Dead specimen Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
181 Termit (Massif de...) exact 11/10/2002
Sure Scientist 177 cornes, os Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Horn Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
182 Termit (Massif de...) exact 18/10/2002
Sure Scientist 177 1 corne, ancienne Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Horn Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
183 Termit (Massif de...) exact 18/10/2002
Sure Scientist 177 1 corne ancienne, double torsade Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Horn Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
184 Termit (Massif de...) exact 26/10/2002
Sure Scientist 177 crâne. Mâle Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 other Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
185 Termit (Massif de...) exact 26/10/2002
Sure Scientist 177 cadavre femelle. Ensemble avec obs. 184 Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Dead specimen Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
186 Termit (Massif de...) exact 10/10/2002
Sure Scientist 177 4 pistes Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Tracks Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
187 Termit (Massif de...) exact 11/10/2002
Sure Scientist 177 4 pistes. Reposées Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Tracks Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
188 Termit (Massif de...) exact 11/10/2002
Sure Scientist 177 2 pistes Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Tracks Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
189 Termit (Massif de...) exact 11/10/2002
Sure Scientist 177 3 pistes Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Tracks Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
190 Termit (Massif de...) exact 11/10/2002
Sure Scientist 177 5 pistes Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Tracks Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
191 Termit (Massif de...) exact 11/10/2002
Sure Scientist 177 18 pistes + 2 BB Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Tracks Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
192 Termit (Massif de...) exact 11/10/2002
Sure Scientist 177 2 pistes + 1 BB Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Tracks Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
193 Termit (Massif de...) exact 12/10/2002
Sure Scientist 177 2 pistes Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Tracks Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
194 Termit (Massif de...) exact 12/10/2002
Sure Scientist 177 2 pistes Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Tracks Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
195 Termit (Massif de...) exact 12/10/2002
Sure Scientist 177 5 pistes + 1 BB Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Tracks Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
196 Termit (Massif de...) exact 12/10/2002
Sure Scientist 177 4 pistes + 1 BB Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Tracks Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
197 Termit (Massif de...) exact 13/10/2002
Sure Scientist 177 2 pistes Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Tracks Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
198 Termit (Massif de...) exact 26/10/2002
Sure Scientist 177 1 piste Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Tracks Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
199 Termit (Massif de...) exact 27/10/2002
Sure Scientist 177 1 piste Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Tracks Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
200 Termit (Massif de...) exact period 3/10/2002 15/11/2002 Sure Scientist 177 374 groupes vus : le plus souvent entre 1 et 8 individus. Certains groupes allant jusqu'à 22 individus. Distance de fuite par rapport aux 2 véhicules = 500 m. Gazella dorcas -1 765

vulnerable -1 0
Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
201 Termit (Massif de...) exact period 3/10/2002 15/11/2002 Sure Nomad/Touareg/guide 177 témoignage d'un berger qui indiquait n'avoir plus vu d'oryx depuis 20 ans Oryx dammah 0 0

extinct 0 0
Claro, F. ; Pellé, E. ; Faye, B. ; Sissler, C. & Tubiana, J.
202 Kanem exact period 1/01/1952
Sure Scientist 270 l'oryx semble plus particulièrement abondant dans l'Egueï, le Manga, le Mortcha; région comprise entre le Kanem et le Borkou Oryx dammah 0 0
fairly common
0 0
Malbrant, R.
203 Ennedi Massif exact period 1/01/1952
Sure Scientist 270 oryx est commun dans les parties moyennes et Sud de l'Ennedi Oryx dammah 0 0
fairly common
0 0
Malbrant, R.
204 Ziguey (Zigueï) exact period 1/01/1952
Sure Scientist 270 en fin de saison sèche, l'oryx se retrouve bien au sud de sa limite méridionale (15ème parallèle) jusqu'au niveau de Ziguey (Bouloumène) et de Fantrassou au Kanem. Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Malbrant, R.
205 ouadi Rimé exact period 1/01/1952
Sure Scientist 270 en fin de saison sèche, l'oryx se retrouve bien au sud de sa limite méridionale (15ème parallèle) jusqu'à la ligne de mares qui termine l'Oued Rimé, dans la region de Batha, et parfois jusqu'à la hauteur de la route Oum Hadjer-Abeché. Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Malbrant, R.
206 Beurkia approximative period 1/01/1952
Sure Scientist 270 obs. rapportée à l'auteur par le Capitaine Carrique : "en juillet, entre Koulo et Tillis, près de Beurkia, au centre d'une région absolument désertique, un groupement de plusieurs milliers d'oryx se dirigeant en masse compacte vers l'Est où il avait plu" Oryx dammah 0 0 >2000

-1 0
Malbrant, R.
207 Bodélé exact period 1/01/1952
Sure Scientist 270 Addax assez abondant au Nord de l'Egueï et du Bodélé (Kanem), tout particulièrement dans le triangle Hacha, Koubba, Aourak Addax nasomaculatus 0 0 >200 numerous
0 0
Malbrant, R.
208 Ziguey (Zigueï) exact period 1/01/1952
Sure Scientist 270 l' Addax ne descend jamais en dessous du 15 ème parallèle, sauf au niveau d'Aourak, entre Zigueï et Salal. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Malbrant, R.
209 Faya-Largeau exact period 1/01/1952
Sure Scientist 270 On rencontre l'Addax sur la route de Zigueï à Faya Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Malbrant, R.
210 Oum-Chalouba exact period 1/01/1952
Sure Scientist 270 On rencontre parfois l'Addax entre Faya et Oum-Chalouba Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Malbrant, R.
211 Mourdi Depression exact period 1/01/1952
Sure Scientist 270 on rencontre l'Addax dans la dépression du Mourdi, depuis Ouado jusqu'à 30 km à l'Est d'Ounianga Sérir Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0
Malbrant, R.
212 Erdi depression exact period 1/01/1952
Sure Scientist 270 on rencontre l'Addax plus à l'Est qu'Ounianga Serir, dans l'Ennedi, notamment dans le pays Bideyat et au Nord dans les Erdis Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Malbrant, R.
213 Djeroual approximative period 1/01/1939
Probable Tourist 2 Signalisation de rassemblements pouvant atteindre le milliers de têtes dans la région de Biltine et de Djeroual .Avant la deuxième guerre mondiale Oryx dammah 0 0

0 0 Document Gillet,H.
214 Djeroual exact 3/07/1963
Sure Scientist 2 observation faite à 36 km à l'Est-Nord-Est de Djeroual Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

-1 0
215 Djeroual exact 3/07/1963
Sure Scientist 2 36 km à l'Est-Nord-Est du puits de Djeroual. Observation faire par H. Gillet. Sans doute des addax isolés issus d'une bande dont ils se sont séparés (dérangement) Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

-1 0
216 Koro Toro exact period 1/01/1964 31/12/1965 Sure Scientist 2 Addax ne se concentre que rarement en troupeaux de plus de 30 individus: le plus souvent entre 4 et 20. Migrations saisonnières Sud-Nord (ou Nord-sud) ce qui fait que leur aire générale de répartition s'allonge plutôt suivant les méridiens.
Egalement in Réf 74 et 488
Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0
217 Batha Mortcha exact period 1/01/1960 31/12/1964 Sure Scientist 241 zone avec faune intéressante à l'époque mais déjà en danger, vu les conditions de chasse et l'absence de protection (réf.488) Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
presence in danger 0 0
Cornet d'Elzius, C.J.B. & Gillet, H.
218 Batha Mortcha exact period 1/01/1960 31/12/1964 Sure Scientist 241 zone avec faune intéressante à l'époque mais déjà en danger, vu les conditions de chasse et l'absence de protection Oryx dammah 0 0
presence in danger 0 0
Cornet d'Elzius, C.J.B. & Gillet, H.
219 Batha Mortcha exact period 1/01/1960 31/12/1964 Sure Scientist 241 zone avec faune intéressante à l'époque mais déjà en danger, vu les conditions de chasse et l'absence de protection Gazella dama 0 0
presence in danger 0 0
Cornet d'Elzius, C.J.B. & Gillet, H.
220 Batha Mortcha exact period 1/01/1960 31/12/1964 Sure Scientist 241 zone avec faune intéressante à l'époque mais déjà en danger, vu les conditions de chasse et l'absence de protection Gazella dorcas 0 0
presence in danger 0 0
Cornet d'Elzius, C.J.B. & Gillet, H.
221 Borkou Ennedi exact period 1/01/1960 31/12/1964 Sure Scientist 241 très peu d'oryx (données raportées par militaires) Oryx dammah 0 0
quite rare
0 0
Cornet d'Elzius, C.J.B. & Gillet, H.
222 Mourdi Depression exact period 1/01/1960 31/12/1964 Sure Scientist 241 addax assez nombreux dans l'est de la dépression du Mourdi et il en existerait également à la frontière Libye-Tchad Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
reasonable numbers
0 0
Cornet d'Elzius, C.J.B. & Gillet, H.
223 Kanem exact period 1/01/1960 31/12/1964 Sure Scientist 241 La partie nord, située au nord du parallèle de Korotoro est alors considérée comme refuge idéal pour les troupeaux d'Addax Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Cornet d'Elzius, C.J.B. & Gillet, H.
225 Ouadi Emara exact 20/01/1959
Sure Nomad/Touareg/guide 241 témoignage du guide de chasse Micheleti. Oryx compés un à un à la jumelle Oryx dammah 0 0

-1 800
Cornet d'Elzius, C.J.B. & Gillet, H.
226 Tchad (chad) exact period 1/01/1963 31/12/1964 Sure Scientist 241 estimations les plus sensées d'après H. Gillet 4000 au maximum Oryx dammah 0 0 4000

0 0
Cornet d'Elzius, C.J.B. & Gillet, H.
227 Tchad (chad) exact period 1/01/1963 31/12/1964 Sure Scientist 241 l'estimation de 1400 addax max. donnée par H. Gillet. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0 1400

0 0
Cornet d'Elzius, C.J.B. & Gillet, H.
228 Tchad (chad) exact period 1/01/1930 31/12/1936 Sure Scientist 270 the oryx could still be called "abundant" in Chad. Its range lay between the 15 th and 17 th parallels, from Niger border in the west to the Ouddaï, Kapka and Ennedi Massifs and the Mourdi depression in the east. Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Malbrant, R.
229 ouadi Haddad exact period 14/07/1972 19/07/1972 Sure Scientist 24 Seasonal movements and migrations: all of the tracks heading south Oryx dammah 0 0

0 0 Tracks Newby, J. E.
230 ouadi Haddad exact 19/07/1972

24 Seasonal movements and migrations Oryx dammah 0 0

-1 40
Newby, J. E.
231 ouadi Haddad exact 20/07/1972
Sure Scientist 24 in the vincinity of the Wadi Haddab; heading north. Seasonal movements and migrations Oryx dammah 0 0

0 0 Tracks Newby, J. E.
232 Derbe (Bir) exact period 19/07/1972 29/07/1972 Sure Scientist 24 the oryx stayed in the vicinity of Derbé for several days before they moved on further north,
The migration patterns for the oryx populations in Chad is well explained by J.Newby.
Oryx dammah -1 534

0 0
Newby, J. E.
233 Tefi Basal exact 22/08/1974
Sure Scientist 24 west of Tefi Basal Oryx dammah 0 0

-1 572
Newby, J. E.
234 Tefi Basal exact 20/09/1973
Sure Scientist 24
Oryx dammah 0 0

-1 304
Newby, J. E.
235 R.F.O.R.O.A.(Wadi Rimé-Wadi Achim Faunal Reserve exact period 1/07/1972 30/09/1974 Sure Scientist 24 37 distinct normal herds (herds wich oryx form throughout the year) totalled 547 animals, giving an average of 14,8 head per herd.. Oryx dammah -1 547

0 547
Newby, J. E.
236 Derbe (Bir) exact period 1/07/1972 31/07/1972 Sure Scientist 24 wet-season migrations Oryx dammah 0 0

-1 208
Newby, J. E.
237 Derbe (Bir) exact period 1/07/1972 31/07/1972 Sure Scientist 24 wet-season migrations Oryx dammah 0 0

-1 183
Newby, J. E.
238 Derbe (Bir) exact period 1/07/1972 31/07/1972 Sure Scientist 24 wet-season migrations Oryx dammah 0 0

-1 152
Newby, J. E.
239 Derbe (Bir) exact period 1/07/1972 31/07/1972 Sure Scientist 24 wet-season migrations Oryx dammah 0 0

-1 157
Newby, J. E.
240 Derbe (Bir) exact period 1/07/1972 31/07/1972 Sure Scientist 24 wet-season migrations. Oryx dammah 0 0

-1 158
Newby, J. E.
241 Tefi Basal exact 9/09/1973
Sure Scientist 24 dormitory and mi-day resting herd Oryx dammah 0 0

-1 156
Newby, J. E.
242 R.F.O.R.O.A.(Wadi Rimé-Wadi Achim Faunal Reserve exact period 1/01/1972 31/12/1974 Sure Scientist 24 31 sightings of single oryx : 23 of them were old solitary males Oryx dammah -1 31

0 0
Newby, J. E.
243 R.F.O.R.O.A.(Wadi Rimé-Wadi Achim Faunal Reserve exact period 1/01/1972 31/12/1974 Sure Scientist 24
Oryx dammah 0 0 3500-4000

0 0
Newby, J. E.
244 R.F.O.R.O.A.(Wadi Rimé-Wadi Achim Faunal Reserve exact period 1/01/1972 31/12/1974 Sure Scientist 24 J.newby: no more than 1000 addax left within the llimits of the R.F.O.R.O.A. but this figure probably represents only about one fifth of the Addax of the Chad, most of wich now inhabit the more desolate regions of the North. Within the RFOROA, the addax is normally restricted the the regions north of latitude 16°N, in the Djourab and the Kossoma Trama, migrating northwards Tibesti during the wet season. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0 800-1000
vulnerable 0 0
Newby, J. E.
245 Tchad (chad) exact period 1/01/1972 31/12/1974 Sure Scientist 24 North-central Chad is one of the few regions which still sustain viable populations of Addax. Most of these antelopes inhabit an area which straddles the Chad-Niger border and crosses the country in a broad band lyingroughly between the 16th and the 19th parallels to the Mourdi Depression and the Sudanese border. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0 5000

0 0
Newby, J. E.
246 R.F.O.R.O.A.(Wadi Rimé-Wadi Achim Faunal Reserve exact period 1/01/1972 31/12/1974 Sure Scientist 24 Ten or twelve thousand Dama Gazelles in the reserve. The range of this gazelle in Chad lies roughly between latitude 13°30'N and latitude 18°N. Dama can be found throughout the reserve, wherever local conditions allow. It is less tolerant of very driest areas than is the Dorcas....The Dama is equally at home on the steppe or in the wadis. Gazella dama 0 0 10001-12000

0 0
Newby, J. E.
247 R.F.O.R.O.A.(Wadi Rimé-Wadi Achim Faunal Reserve exact period 1/01/1972 31/12/1974 Sure Scientist 24 Within the Reserve the Dorcas Gazelle is very common. It is one of the few large animals whose future is not immediately menaced.It ranges from latitude 13°30' in the South to the Libyan frontier in the North. Gazella dorcas 0 0 35000-40000
not treatened 0 0
Newby, J. E.
248 R.F.O.R.O.A.(Wadi Rimé-Wadi Achim Faunal Reserve exact period 1/01/1975 31/12/1978 Sure Scientist 246 Following the establishment of the Ouadi Rime-Ouadi Achim Faunal Reserve in 1969, rigorious anti-poaching measures allowed the reserve's oryx population to increase. Oryx dammah 0 0 4000-6000

0 0
Thomassey, J.P. & Newby, J.E.
249 R.F.O.R.O.A.(Wadi Rimé-Wadi Achim Faunal Reserve exact period 1/01/1978 31/12/1990 Sure Scientist 246 The oryx population reduced to small, scattered groups. The protection of the Reserve ceased after the outbreak of hostilities between Government troops and Libyan-backed rebel forces in 1978 Oryx dammah 0 0

endangered 0 0
Thomassey, J.P. & Newby, J.E.
250 Tchad (chad) exact period 1/01/1978 31/12/1990 Sure Scientist 246 The total population in Chad has declined markedly since 1978 because of excessive hunting, drought, competition for food with domestic livestock, and the effects of the war in the north. It probably still occurs in very small numbers in remote desert areas between 15 and 17 degrees North: perhaps 200 or less Addax nasomaculatus 0 0 <200
endangered 0 0
Thomassey, J.P. & Newby, J.E.
251 Tchad (chad) exact period 1/01/1978 31/12/1990 Sure Scientist 246 Occurs north of latitude 13°30'North. Numbers have been reduced by uncontrolled hunting, drought years and when the Ouadi-Rimé-Ouadi Achim Faunal Reserve was overrun by the civil war but to a much lesser extent than those of other antelopes species. Gazella dorcas 0 0 <10000
not treatened 0 0
Thomassey, J.P. & Newby, J.E.
252 R.F.O.R.O.A.(Wadi Rimé-Wadi Achim Faunal Reserve exact period 1/01/1978 31/12/1990 Sure Scientist 246 Occurs in the central and southern parts of the Ouadi Rimé - Ouadi Achim Faunal Reserve but numbers in the Reserve have declined markedly since 1978. The population was estimated to 6-8000 in the mid-late 1970' Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Thomassey, J.P. & Newby, J.E.
253 Tchad (chad) exact period 5/09/2001 5/10/2001 Sure Scientist 240
Gazella dorcas -1 4033

0 0
Moskia, D. ; Newby, J. ; Wacher, T. ; Monfort, S. L. & Tubiana, J.
254 Manga exact period 5/09/2001 5/10/2001 Sure Scientist 240
Gazella dorcas -1 570

0 0
Moskia, D. ; Newby, J. ; Wacher, T. ; Monfort, S. L. & Tubiana, J.
255 R.F.O.R.O.A.(Wadi Rimé-Wadi Achim Faunal Reserve exact period 5/09/2001 5/10/2001 Sure Scientist 240 The data confirmed that the species is continuously distributed over a very large area and implies that both the Chadian Manga (c. 5000 km²) and the central grassland zone of Ouadi Rimé-ouadiAchim (at least 20000 km²) held very substantial numbers of dorcas gazelles in september 2001 Gazella dorcas -1 2713

0 0
Moskia, D. ; Newby, J. ; Wacher, T. ; Monfort, S. L. & Tubiana, J.
256 Central zone (Chad) exact period 5/09/2001 5/10/2001 Sure Scientist 240
Gazella dorcas -1 496

0 0
Moskia, D. ; Newby, J. ; Wacher, T. ; Monfort, S. L. & Tubiana, J.
257 Manga exact 12/09/2001
Sure Scientist 240 1m:1f or 2m? Gazella dama 0 0

-1 2
Moskia, D. ; Newby, J. ; Wacher, T. ; Monfort, S. L. & Tubiana, J.
258 Manga exact 13/09/2001
Sure Scientist 240 2 ad seen together Gazella dama 0 0

-1 2
Moskia, D. ; Newby, J. ; Wacher, T. ; Monfort, S. L. & Tubiana, J.
259 Manga exact 13/09/2001
Sure Scientist 240 1m:1f? Gazella dama 0 0

-1 2
Moskia, D. ; Newby, J. ; Wacher, T. ; Monfort, S. L. & Tubiana, J.
260 Manga exact 14/09/2001
Sure Scientist 240
Gazella dama 0 0

-1 2
Moskia, D. ; Newby, J. ; Wacher, T. ; Monfort, S. L. & Tubiana, J.
261 Manga exact 14/09/2001
Sure Scientist 240
Gazella dama 0 0

-1 1
Moskia, D. ; Newby, J. ; Wacher, T. ; Monfort, S. L. & Tubiana, J.
262 Manga exact 14/09/2001
Sure Scientist 240
Gazella dama 0 0

-1 2
Moskia, D. ; Newby, J. ; Wacher, T. ; Monfort, S. L. & Tubiana, J.
263 Manga exact 15/09/2001
Sure Scientist 240
Gazella dama 0 0

-1 1
Moskia, D. ; Newby, J. ; Wacher, T. ; Monfort, S. L. & Tubiana, J.
264 Manga exact 17/09/2001
Sure Scientist 240 one young sub-adult animal was seen with 2 Ad Gazella dama 0 0

-1 3
Moskia, D. ; Newby, J. ; Wacher, T. ; Monfort, S. L. & Tubiana, J.
265 R.F.O.R.O.A.(Wadi Rimé-Wadi Achim Faunal Reserve exact 21/09/2001
Sure Scientist 240 the field team found no evidence of live Oryx dammah in any part of the survey route. The only evidence of former oryx was the discorvery of old horn fragments lying in the desert. The team visited places where J. Newby had been able to count up to 1000 animals in a single day 25 years ago. Oryx dammah 0 0

extinct 0 0 Horn Moskia, D. ; Newby, J. ; Wacher, T. ; Monfort, S. L. & Tubiana, J.
266 R.F.O.R.O.A.(Wadi Rimé-Wadi Achim Faunal Reserve exact 22/09/2001
Sure Scientist 240 1 fragment. Oryx dammah 0 0

0 0 Horn Moskia, D. ; Newby, J. ; Wacher, T. ; Monfort, S. L. & Tubiana, J.
267 R.F.O.R.O.A.(Wadi Rimé-Wadi Achim Faunal Reserve exact 22/09/2001
Sure Scientist 240 1 fragment Oryx dammah 0 0

0 0 Horn Moskia, D. ; Newby, J. ; Wacher, T. ; Monfort, S. L. & Tubiana, J.
268 R.F.O.R.O.A.(Wadi Rimé-Wadi Achim Faunal Reserve exact 27/09/2001
Sure Scientist 240 1fragment Oryx dammah 0 0

0 0 Horn Moskia, D. ; Newby, J. ; Wacher, T. ; Monfort, S. L. & Tubiana, J.
269 Central zone (Chad) exact 28/09/2001
Sure Scientist 240 1 worked fragment Oryx dammah 0 0

0 0 Horn Moskia, D. ; Newby, J. ; Wacher, T. ; Monfort, S. L. & Tubiana, J.
271 Eguey exact 22/09/2001
Sure Scientist 240 north of Eguey. 1 horn Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Horn Moskia, D. ; Newby, J. ; Wacher, T. ; Monfort, S. L. & Tubiana, J.
272 Eguey exact 22/09/2001
Sure Scientist 240 1 horn Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Horn Moskia, D. ; Newby, J. ; Wacher, T. ; Monfort, S. L. & Tubiana, J.
273 Eguey exact 28/09/2001
Sure Scientist 240 2 addax running from vehicle Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

-1 2
Moskia, D. ; Newby, J. ; Wacher, T. ; Monfort, S. L. & Tubiana, J.
274 Eguey exact 28/09/2001
Sure Scientist 240
Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Feces Moskia, D. ; Newby, J. ; Wacher, T. ; Monfort, S. L. & Tubiana, J.
275 Eguey exact 28/09/2001
Sure Scientist 240
Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Feces Moskia, D. ; Newby, J. ; Wacher, T. ; Monfort, S. L. & Tubiana, J.
276 Eguey exact 20/09/2001
Sure Scientist 240
Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Feces Moskia, D. ; Newby, J. ; Wacher, T. ; Monfort, S. L. & Tubiana, J.
277 Eguey exact 29/09/2001
Sure Scientist 240 2 addax tracks Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Tracks Moskia, D. ; Newby, J. ; Wacher, T. ; Monfort, S. L. & Tubiana, J.
278 Eguey exact 29/09/2001
Sure Scientist 240 2 addax tracks Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Tracks Moskia, D. ; Newby, J. ; Wacher, T. ; Monfort, S. L. & Tubiana, J.
279 Eguey exact 29/09/2001
Sure Scientist 240 2 tracks Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Tracks Moskia, D. ; Newby, J. ; Wacher, T. ; Monfort, S. L. & Tubiana, J.
280 Central zone (Chad) exact 29/09/2001
Sure Scientist 240 west of Bahr al Gazal. 1 horn Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Horn Moskia, D. ; Newby, J. ; Wacher, T. ; Monfort, S. L. & Tubiana, J.
282 Reserve des éléphants(ElephantReserve) exact period 1/08/1972 30/06/1974 Sure Scientist 39
Gazella dorcas 0 0
0 0
Sayer, J. A.
283 Reserve des éléphants(ElephantReserve) exact period 1/08/1972 30/06/1974 Sure Scientist 39
Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Sayer, J. A.
284 Adrar des Iforas (Ifoghas)

Sure Scientist 39 It appears that the sahelian gazelles, Oryx, with man and his domestic stock until the mid-20th century. The wild antelopes then decreased to very low levels in inverse relation to a spectacular increase in domestic livestock and a considerable increase in the human population. Oryx are very rare and almost nothing is known about them in Mali Oryx dammah 0 0
possible presence
0 0
Sayer, J. A.
285 Gossi exact period 27/12/1995 31/12/1995 Sure Scientist 40 several small groups Gazella dorcas 0 0
small groups
0 0
Pavy, J. M.
286 Gossi exact period 27/12/1995 31/12/1995 Sure Scientist 40 several small groups Gazella dama 0 0
small groups
0 0
Pavy, J. M.
287 Reserve des éléphants(ElephantReserve) approximative period 1/01/1970 31/12/1979 Probable Nomad/Touareg/guide 40 data given by villagers from Kersani and herders living in the area (Gourma area). Oryx extinc from the reserve in the 70's.this species do exist elswere in the Gourma region Oryx dammah 0 0

extinct 0 0
Pavy, J. M.
288 Reserve des éléphants(ElephantReserve) approximative period 1/01/1960 31/12/1969 Probable Nomad/Touareg/guide 40 data given by villagers from Kersani and herders living in the area (Gourma area). Addax extinc from the reserve in the 60's.this species do exist elswere in the Gourma region Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

extinct 0 0
Pavy, J. M.
289 Reserve des éléphants(ElephantReserve) approximative period 1/01/1980 31/12/1989 Probable Nomad/Touareg/guide 40 data given by villagers from Kersani and herders living in the area (Gourma area). dorcas extinc from the reserve in the 80's. this species do exist elswere in the Gourma region Gazella dorcas 0 0

extinct 0 0
Pavy, J. M.
290 Reserve des éléphants(ElephantReserve) approximative period 1/01/1980 31/12/1989 Probable Nomad/Touareg/guide 40 data given by villagers from Kersani and herders living in the area (Gourma area). Dama gazelles extinc from the reserve in the 80's. this species do exist elswere in the Gourma region Gazella dama 0 0

0 0
Pavy, J. M.
291 Adrar des Iforas (Ifoghas) exact period 1/03/1994 31/03/1994 Sure Scientist 72 …are said to still inhabit the area. Gazella leptoceros 0 0

0 0
Pavy, J-M.
292 Gourma region exact period 1/03/1994 31/03/1994 Sure Scientist 72 the area is suitable for the reintroduction of species such as the scimitar-horned oryx and the adda, that are now (1994) extinct in Mali but which exist as captive populations. Gazella dama 0 0

endangered 0 0
Pavy, J-M.
293 El Djouf (desert)/Majabat exact period 1/01/1979 31/12/1979 Sure Scientist 73 The 1979 survey showed that the Majabat zone still holds considerable numbers of addax Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Lamarche, B. & Sanogho, N.
294 Azzawakh valley (Azaouak) exact period 1/01/1979 31/12/1979 Sure Scientist 73
Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Lamarche, B. & Sanogho, N.
295 Gourma region exact period 1/01/1979 31/12/1979 Sure Scientist 74 concentrations of dama gazelles in the Gourma and Ansongo areas Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Lamarche, B. & Sanogho, N.
296 Gourma region exact period 1/01/1979 31/12/1979 Sure Scientist 74 concentrations of dorca gazelles in the Gourma and Ansongo areas Gazella dorcas 0 0

0 0
Lamarche, B. & Sanogho, N.
297 Mali exact period 1/01/1980 1/01/1983 Sure Scientist 71 extinct in Mali in the early 1980's Oryx dammah 0 0

extinct 0 0
Duvall, C.; Niagate, B.; Pavy, J-M.
298 border mali/Niger extreme east exact period 1/01/1970 31/12/1979 Sure Scientist 286 from Ref 39 : Sayer 1977. Oryx dammah 0 0
possible presence declining 0 0
East, R.
299 Mali exact period 1/01/1981 31/12/1981 Sure Scientist 286
Oryx dammah 0 0

extinct 0 0
East, R.
300 Laga Koundiri area exact period 1/01/1986 31/12/1986 Probable foreign worker 286 in the wet season in 1986: pers.comm. By a German worker (M. Graf).The animal could have been on either side of this border, which was recently redrawn by International Court (Heringa 1990 in R.East) Oryx dammah 0 0

0 0
East, R.
301 Noth-West border Mali/Mauritania approximative period 1/01/1987 31/12/1990 Sure Scientist 286
Addax nasomaculatus 0 0 <50 very low numbers
0 0
East, R.
302 Adrar des Iforas (Ifoghas) approximative period 1/01/1987 31/12/1990 Sure Scientist 286
Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
possible presence
0 0
East, R.
303 Noth-West border Mali/Mauritania approximative period 1/01/1980 31/12/1983 Sure Scientist 286 no more than a few hundred in the early 1980's. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0 a few hundred

0 0
East, R.
304 Mali approximative period 1/01/1980 31/12/1981 Sure Scientist 286 Newby 1981
insufficient recent information to accurately assess this gazelle's current status (1990)
Gazella dorcas 0 0
unknown number not treatened 0 0
East, R.
305 Ansongo-Menaka area exact period 1/01/1990 31/12/1990 Sure Scientist 286
Gazella dorcas 0 0
small groups
0 0
East, R.
306 Reserve des éléphants(ElephantReserve) exact period 1/01/1990 31/12/1990 Sure Scientist 286
Gazella dorcas 0 0
small groups
0 0
East, R.
307 northern desert zone approximative period 1/01/1990 31/12/1990 Sure Scientist 286 there is insufficient information about this species to precisely assess its status, but if it is not already extinct in Mali it is probably highly endangered. Gazella leptoceros 0 0
very low numbers highly endangered 0 0
East, R.
308 Mali exact period 1/01/1981 31/12/1981 Sure Scientist 286 Newby 1981 Gazella leptoceros 0 0
0 0
East, R.
309 Mali exact period 1/01/1981 31/12/1981 Sure Scientist 286 Newby 1981. Mali was at that time regarded as one of only 3 countries where viable populations of this formely widespread species persisted. Gazella dama 0 0 501-1000

0 0
East, R.
310 sahel and southern fringe of Sahara approximative period 1/01/1950 1/01/1970 Sure Scientist 286
Gazella dama 0 0
numerous not treatened 0 0
East, R.
311 Gourma region approximative period 1/01/1970 31/12/1973 Sure Scientist 39 around Menaka in the early 1970's Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Sayer, J. A.
312 southern part of the desert zone approximative period 1/01/1970 31/12/1973 Sure Scientist 39
Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Sayer, J. A.
313 Ansongo area approximative period 1/01/1979 31/12/1979 Sure Scientist 73 concentrations of dama gazelles in the Gourma and Ansongo areas Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Lamarche, B. & Sanogho, N.
314 Araouane approximative period 1/01/1980 31/12/1980

12 southeast of Araouane Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Lamarche, B.
315 Mali approximative period 1/01/1983 31/12/1990 Sure Scientist 286 This species has been reduxced to very small, scattered, remnant populations, Numbers are in 1990's likely to be much lower than in the early 1980's and continuing to decline Gazella dama 0 0
very low numbers threatened 0 0
East, R.
316 Ansongo-Menaka area approximative period 1/01/1990 31/12/1990 Sure Scientist 286
Gazella dama 0 0
very low numbers
0 0
East, R.
317 Reserve des éléphants(ElephantReserve) approximative period 1/01/1990 31/12/1990 Sure Scientist 286
Gazella dama 0 0
very low numbers
0 0
East, R.
318 Mali approximative period 1/01/1997 31/12/1997 Sure Scientist 71 there appears in 1997 to be no further evidence of oryx survival in Mali in 1997 Oryx dammah 0 0

extinct 0 0
Duvall, C.; Niagate, B.; Pavy, J-M.
319 Mali+Mauritania approximative period 1/01/1985 31/12/1985 Sure Scientist 71 the addax population of nothwestern Mali and adjoining Mauritania had probably declined to <50 individuals by the mi-late 1980's. No more information since the report made by Heringa in 1990 (Ref 286) Addax nasomaculatus 0 0 <50

0 0
Duvall, C.; Niagate, B.; Pavy, J-M.
320 Mali exact period 31/12/1990 31/12/1997 Sure Scientist 71 no further information on the occurrence of this species in Mali beyond that reported by Heringa (1990) Ref 286, Gazella leptoceros 0 0
no more sighting
0 0
Duvall, C.; Niagate, B.; Pavy, J-M.
321 northern sahel zone approximative period 1/01/1974 31/12/1984 Sure Scientist 71 uncontrolled hunting and the prolonged drought of 1974-1984 have taken a severe toll on the numbers of dorcas gazelle in northern Mali. Gazella dorcas 0 0

declining 0 0
Duvall, C.; Niagate, B.; Pavy, J-M.
322 northern sahel zone approximative period 1/01/1974 31/12/1984 Sure Scientist 71 severely affected by the 1974-1984 drought + uncontrolled hunting and competition with domestic livestock. . Gazella dama 0 0

declining 0 0
Duvall, C.; Niagate, B.; Pavy, J-M.
323 northern sahel zone approximative period 1/01/1997 31/12/1997 Sure Scientist 71 The total population is estimated to be about 2000-2500, with the situation arising frm the 1991-1995 rebellion in the north favouring an increase in this species'numbers since 1991 (Niagate 1996) Gazella dorcas 0 0 2000-2500 low densities declining 0 0
Duvall, C.; Niagate, B.; Pavy, J-M.
324 Tombouctou + Mopti region approximative period 1/01/1950 1/01/1974 Sure Scientist 71
Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Duvall, C.; Niagate, B.; Pavy, J-M.
325 Tombouctou + Mopti region approximative period 1/01/1997 31/12/1997 Sure Scientist 71 rarely seen ih these regions today (1997). Its population may have increased slightly in recent years as a result of conditions created by the rebellion in the north of the country (1991-1995) Gazella dama 0 0 a few hundred very low numbers
0 0
Duvall, C.; Niagate, B.; Pavy, J-M.
326 Wadi Magrur exact period 15/01/1922 31/03/1922 Sure foreign worker 103 South of Jebel Tegaru, in the large, undlating plain, east of the wadi Magrur. The dama (addra) gazelles were plentiful in large herds Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Maydon, H.C.
327 Wadi Magrur exact period 2/01/1922 31/03/1922 Sure foreign worker 103 South of Jebel Tegaru, in the large, undlating plain, east of the wadi Magrur. The dorcas gazelles were common Gazella dorcas 0 0
0 0
Maydon, H.C.
328 Wadi Magrur approximative period 1/01/1918 31/12/1918 Probable Nomad/Touareg/guide 103 South of Jebel Tegaru, in the large, undlating plain, east of the wadi Magrur. Oryx present in this zone but in 1922 they only came down there in the rains Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Maydon, H.C.
329 Wadi El Haraz exact period 27/01/1922 31/03/1922 Sure foreign worker 103
Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Maydon, H.C.
330 Wadi El Haraz exact period 27/01/1922 31/03/1922 Sure foreign worker 103
Gazella dorcas 0 0
0 0
Maydon, H.C.
331 Wadi Howar (Howa/Hawa) exact period 27/01/1922 31/03/1922 Sure foreign worker 103 the author shot several oryx "en route". 20 miles north of wadi Howar Oryx dammah 0 0
fairly common
0 0
Maydon, H.C.
332 Wadi Howar (Howa/Hawa) exact period 27/01/1922 31/03/1922 Sure foreign worker 103 20 miles north of wadi Howar Gazella dama 0 0
fairly common
0 0
Maydon, H.C.
333 Wadi Howar (Howa/Hawa) exact period 27/01/1922 31/03/1922 Sure foreign worker 103 20 miles north of wadi Howar Gazella dorcas 0 0
fairly common
0 0
Maydon, H.C.
334 Wadi Howar (Howa/Hawa) exact period 27/01/1922 31/03/1922 Sure foreign worker 103 20 miles north of wadi Howar Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
no sign
0 0
Maydon, H.C.
335 Wadi Howar (Howa/Hawa) exact period 27/01/1922 31/03/1922 Sure foreign worker 103 60 miles north of wadi Howar. The author saw only 5 bulls in tree days. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
not common
0 0
Maydon, H.C.
336 Wadi Howar (Howa/Hawa) exact period 27/01/1922 31/03/1922 Sure foreign worker 103 60 miles north of wadi Howar. Sometimes in herds of 50-60 animals Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Maydon, H.C.
337 Wadi Howar (Howa/Hawa) exact period 27/01/1922 31/03/1922 Sure foreign worker 103 60 miles north of wadi Howar Gazella dama 0 0
no sign
0 0
Maydon, H.C.
338 Wadi Howar (Howa/Hawa) exact period 27/01/1922 31/03/1922 Sure foreign worker 103 60 miles north of wadi Howar. "G. dorcas were plenty and also what appears to be a new variety ofDorcas, smaller and always single or in pairs at most. The Arabs had distinct name for it..." but the author had no time to shoot one…. Gazella dorcas 0 0
0 0
Maydon, H.C.
339 Dongola approximative period 1/01/1927 31/12/1931 Sure foreign worker 102 at that time, the most southern range for addax in Sudan is approximately 15°7' latitude North. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Brocklehurst, H.C.
340 Kordofan (Kurdufan) approximative period 1/01/1927 31/12/1931 Sure foreign worker 102 at that time, the most southern range for addax in Sudan is approximately 15°7' latitude North. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Brocklehurst, H.C.
341 Jebel Teiga approximative period 1/01/1927 31/12/1931 Sure foreign worker 102 at the beginning of the hot weather after the southern migration starts the addax come as far south as jebel Teiga,but in the very dry seasons,when there is little grazing in the north,they have been known to come as far south as the Anke district.They are usually found in herds of from five to thirty.but the author saw much larger herds. Addax nasomaculatus -1 400
0 0
Brocklehurst, H.C.
342 Northern Darfur (Darfour) exact period 1/01/1927 31/03/1927 Sure foreign worker 102 the author saw also many addax " the Bedayat country of north-western Darfur, at the boundary of French Equatorial Africa. Addax near the frontier were few and difficult to approach because they have been hunted by parties of arabs with dogs. Further to the north and east, where addax are seldom disturbed, I encountered several large herds easy to approach." Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Brocklehurst, H.C.
343 Kordofan (Kurdufan) approximative period 1/01/1927 31/12/1931 Sure foreign worker 102 from El Obeid northwards into Dongola Gazella dama 0 0
fairly common
0 0
Brocklehurst, H.C.
344 Al Fasher (El Fashir) approximative period 1/01/1927 31/12/1931 Sure foreign worker 102 they are generally to be seen on the road from El Fasher to El Obeid, fifty to sevnty miles east of El Fasher Gazella dama 0 0
fairly common
0 0
Brocklehurst, H.C.
345 Kabkabiyya (kabkabia) approximative period 1/01/1927 31/12/1931 Sure foreign worker 102 Dama (adda gazelle) are to be seen also in the desert country between Kabkabia and Kereinik. North-western Darfur Gazella dama 0 0
fairly common
0 0
Brocklehurst, H.C.
346 Dongola approximative period 1/01/1927 31/12/1931 Sure foreign worker 102
Gazella dorcas 0 0
0 0
Brocklehurst, H.C.
347 Kordofan (Kurdufan) approximative period 1/01/1927 31/12/1931 Sure foreign worker 102
Gazella dorcas 0 0
0 0
Brocklehurst, H.C.
348 Northern Darfur (Darfour) approximative period 1/01/1927 31/12/1931 Sure foreign worker 102
Gazella dorcas 0 0
0 0
Brocklehurst, H.C.
349 Northern Darfur (Darfour) approximative period 1/01/1927 31/12/1931 Sure foreign worker 102 oryx, on the southern migration, come as far south as lat, 14 °, having been seen on the road between El Fasher and Um Kedada Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Brocklehurst, H.C.
350 Northern Kordofan approximative period 1/01/1927 31/12/1931 Sure foreign worker 102
Oryx dammah 0 0
fairly common
-1 0
Brocklehurst, H.C.
351 Dongola approximative period 1/01/1927 31/12/1931 Sure foreign worker 102
Oryx dammah 0 0
fairly common
-1 0
Brocklehurst, H.C.
352 Northern Kordofan exact period 1/01/1910 31/12/1931 Sure foreign worker 102 ,,."many hundreds were destroyed each year by local nomads but it is not the whole reason for the total absence of oryx in 1931 in Northern Kordofan" Oryx dammah 0 0
no sign extinct 0 0
Brocklehurst, H.C.
353 Wadi El Melik (el Melek, el Milk) exact period 27/01/1922 31/03/1935 Sure in the forces 95 "Game was never plentiful, Herds of Ril (Addra Gazelle) and dorcas and, very rarely, Rufifrons and an occasional Ostrich were seen, But bird game, such as Guinea-fowl, Bustard, Francolin, and Sand Grouse had practically disappeared" Gazella dama 0 0
-1 0
Maydon, H.C.
355 Wadi El Haraz exact period 27/01/1922 31/03/1935 Sure in the forces 95
Gazella dama 0 0
-1 0
Maydon, H.C.
356 Hamra Kola exact period 5/02/1922 19/02/1922 Sure in the forces 95 "…as we neared the western neck of Hamra Kola, we began to pass White Oryx tracks, all moving westward and then one evening we spotted a herd of them,,,," Oryx dammah 0 0
-1 0
Maydon, H.C.
357 Hamra Kola exact 12/02/1922
Sure in the forces 95
Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Tracks Maydon, H.C.
358 Wadi Howar (Howa/Hawa) exact 19/02/1922
Sure in the forces 95 20 miles north of Wadi Hawar."...the most desolate desert we had yet see, bare of scrub and even of the moss-like desert grass and equally so of game. Hereabouts the bleached skulls and bones of Addax, White Oryx, and Gazelle lay thick, the collection of countless ages, probably the remains of starved weaklings, who had clung to the Wadi Hawa as their herds migrated to new and distant feeding grounds..." Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 bones Maydon, H.C.
359 Wadi El Haraz exact period 27/01/1922 31/03/1935 Sure in the forces 95
Gazella dorcas 0 0
-1 0
Maydon, H.C.
360 Hamra Kola exact period 27/01/1922 31/03/1935 Sure in the forces 95
Gazella dama 0 0

-1 0
Maydon, H.C.
361 Hamra Kola exact period 27/01/1922 31/03/1935 Sure in the forces 95
Gazella dorcas 0 0
-1 0
Maydon, H.C.
362 Wadi Howar (Howa/Hawa) exact period 13/02/1922 19/02/1922 Sure in the forces 95 ",,, we had seeing White Oryx frequently of late but always in twos and threes and always in the most deseparate country for stalking,,,,." Oryx dammah 0 0
small groups
-1 0
Maydon, H.C.
363 Wadi Howar (Howa/Hawa) exact period 13/02/1922 20/02/1922 Sure in the forces 95 between Wadi Howar and Hamra Kola Plateau. Oryx dammah 0 0

-1 0 killed by the author Maydon, H.C.
364 North of Wadi Howar (Hawa/Howar) exact 20/02/1922
Sure in the forces 95 north-north west of wadi Howar. (lat:16°45'N; long:25°30'E)
",,,True desert,,, There was never a sign of a tree or patch of scrub,…succession of smal switchback dunes….The sand wes very white…Now and again in the hollows was a very light carpet of mossy grass,,,"
Oryx dammah 0 0
-1 0
Maydon, H.C.
365 North of Wadi Howar (Hawa/Howar) exact 20/02/1922
Sure in the forces 95 north-north west of wadi Howar. (lat:16°45'N; long:25°30'E)
"...True desert... There was never a sign of a tree or patch of scrub,…succession of smal switchback dunes….The sand wes very white…Now and again in the hollows was a very light carpet of mossy grass...Addra Gazelle (dama) had practically disappeared..."
Gazella dama 0 0
-1 0
Maydon, H.C.
366 North of Wadi Howar (Hawa/Howar) exact 20/02/1922
Sure in the forces 95 north-north west of wadi Howar. (lat:16°45'N; long:25°30'E)
"...True desert... There was never a sign of a tree or patch of scrub... succession of smal switchback dunes....The sand wes very white...Now and again in the hollows was a very light carpet of mossy grass...There were large herds of Dorcas Gazelle (Um Ting), whose coats appeared lighter and more woolly and their horns smaller than usual...".
Gazella dorcas 0 0
0 0
Maydon, H.C.
367 North of Wadi Howar (Hawa/Howar) exact 20/02/1922
Sure in the forces 95 north-north west of wadi Howar. (lat:16°45'N; long:25°30'E)
"...True desert... There was never a sign of a tree or patch of scrub... succession of smal switchback dunes.…
Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Tracks Maydon, H.C.
368 North of Wadi Howar (Hawa/Howar) exact 21/02/1922
Sure in the forces 95 north-north west of wadi Howar. (lat:16°45'N; long:25°30'E) Oryx dammah 0 0

-1 0 killed by the author Maydon, H.C.
369 North of Wadi Howar (Hawa/Howar) exact 21/02/1922
Sure in the forces 95 north-north west of wadi Howar. (lat:16°45'N; long:25°30'E) Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Tracks Maydon, H.C.
370 North of Wadi Howar (Hawa/Howar) exact 21/02/1922
Sure in the forces 95 north-north west of wadi Howar. (lat:16°45'N; long:25°30'E) Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

-1 0 killed by the author Maydon, H.C.
371 North of Wadi Howar (Hawa/Howar) exact 22/02/1922
Sure in the forces 95 north-north west of wadi Howar. (lat:16°45'N; long:25°30'E). "...herds of forty or more3 Oryx dammah 0 0 30-50 herd
-1 0
Maydon, H.C.
372 North of Wadi Howar (Hawa/Howar) exact 23/02/1922
Sure in the forces 95 north-north west of wadi Howar. (lat:16°45'N; long:25°30'E). Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

-1 4
Maydon, H.C.
373 North of Wadi Howar (Hawa/Howar) exact 24/02/1922
Sure in the forces 95 north-north west of wadi Howar. (lat:16°45'N; long:25°30'E). Oryx dammah 0 0
large herds
-1 0
Maydon, H.C.
374 North of Wadi Howar (Hawa/Howar) exact 24/02/1922
Sure in the forces 95 north-north west of wadi Howar. (lat:16°45'N; long:25°30'E). Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

-1 0 killed by the author Maydon, H.C.
375 North of Wadi Howar (Hawa/Howar) exact 24/02/1922
Sure in the forces 95 north-north west of wadi Howar. (lat:16°45'N; long:25°30'E). Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

-1 0
Maydon, H.C.
376 Wadi Howar (Howa/Hawa) exact 25/02/1922
Sure in the forces 95 north-north west of wadi Howar. (lat:16°45'N; long:25°30'E). Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

-1 0 killed by the author Maydon, H.C.
377 Wadi Howar (Howa/Hawa) exact period 7/02/1935 28/02/1935 Sure Scientist 94

0 0

0 0
Shaw, W.B.K.
378 North of Wadi Howar (Hawa/Howar) exact period 1/01/1932 31/03/1932 Sure Scientist 94 good winter for "gizu" vegetation. "In 1932 the country well north of the wadi Hawa had been swarming with addax, oryx, gazelle.." Addax-Oryx-Gazelle 0 0
0 0
Shaw, W.B.K.
379 North of Wadi Howar (Hawa/Howar) exact period 7/02/1935 28/03/1935 Sure Scientist 94 In 1935, owing the failure of the "gizu", at lat,18° , they (addax, oryx, Gazelle) were very few indeed" Addax-Oryx-Gazelle 0 0
very low numbers
0 0
Shaw, W.B.K.
380 Western part of Wadi Howar (Hawa/Howar) exact period 7/02/1935 28/03/1935 Sure Scientist 94 "...the Addax normally range north of the oryx; this year we found them both in the wadi Hawa and the oryx as far siuth as lat. 15°30'..." Addax-Oryx-Gazelle 0 0
0 0
Shaw, W.B.K.
381 Northern Darfur (Darfour) exact period 1/01/1937 31/12/1937 Sure in the forces 98 " ...hundreds were killed on their southern migration by northern tribes....". "In average year the migration starts in March and reaches its southern limit at the end of April and May where the herds stay, if unmolested until the first rains, when they immediately start north again. Its during this period, April to the first rains,that the great majority are killed... "(the Addax) never comes as far south (than the oryx).." Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
very low numbers declining 0 0
Audas, R.S.
382 Northern Darfur (Darfour) exact period 1/01/1937 31/12/1937 Sure in the forces 98 " ...hundreds were killed on their southern migration by northern tribes since the first world war many northern arbs became the owners of rifles and ammunition. The Kabashish were the chief culprits" "In average year the migration starts in March and reaches its southern limit at the end of April and May where the herds stay, if unmolested until the first rains, when they immediately start north again. Its during this period, April to the first rains,that the great majority are killed… Oryx dammah 0 0
low densities declining 0 0
Audas, R.S.
383 Bara (Kordofan) exact period 1/01/1912 31/12/1912 Sure in the forces 98 this herd spent a few weeks 30 miles west of Bara (North of El Obeid) Oryx dammah 0 0 >40

0 0
Audas, R.S.
384 En Nahud exact period 1/01/1900 31/12/1928 Sure in the forces 98 Up to 1928 several herds came south of the Nahud-Fasher road in the Um Kedada district Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Audas, R.S.
385 Mellit Jebel (Melleit / Millet)) exact period 1/01/1924 31/12/1924 Sure in the forces 98 In 1924, driven south by drought and hunger, large nimbers came to the outskirts of the villages and welles east and West of Melleit Oryx dammah 0 0
large herds
0 0
Audas, R.S.
386 Northern Kordofan-Northern Darfur exact period 1/01/1914 31/12/1934 Sure in the forces 98 " The Addra gazelle (Ril) are to be found in all oryx districts and their range extends east to west north of parallel 13. A few isolated flocks existed in the gebel Schwi area in Eastern Kordofan some 30 miles west of the White Nile. They appear to be capable of keeping up their numbers, but do not favaour the vincinity of humans and stock" Gazella dama 0 0

not treatened 0 0
Audas, R.S.
387 Northern Darfur (Darfour) exact 1/12/1936 20/01/1937 Sure in the forces 100 " during this period (first trip), no fresh addax spoor was found and no addax seen".
The major Ionides made 3 trips in the Libyan Desert: 1; in December 1936 - January 1937;2; November - December 1946 ; 3. April -May 1947. During the 3 trips horns of killed addax where found everywhere, oryx horns were found also but not in such numbers
Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
no animals seen
0 0 Tracks/Spoors Ionides, C.J.P.
389 Jebel Rahib (Wells) exact 1/12/1936 20/01/1937 Sure in the forces 100 the route taken by Ionides was from Walha Welles to Bir Natrun; thence south westerly to the Wadi Hawar; thence direct to Jebel Rahib; thence back again to the Wadi Hawar; thence south easterly to a rocky outcrop 2 days north of Jebel Meidob; thence back to Jebel Meidob and Malha Welles to El Fasher. Oryx dammah 0 0

0 0 Tracks/Spoors Ionides, C.J.P.
390 Jebel Rahib (Wells) exact 1/12/1936 20/01/1937 Sure in the forces 100
Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Tracks/Spoors Ionides, C.J.P.
391 Wadi Howar (Howa/Hawa) exact 1/12/1936 20/01/1937 Sure in the forces 100 tracks found on the wadi Oryx dammah 0 0

0 0 Tracks/Spoors Ionides, C.J.P.
392 Wadi Howar (Howa/Hawa) exact 1/12/1936 20/01/1937 Sure in the forces 100 south of the wadi, in the open desert Oryx dammah 0 0

-1 0
Ionides, C.J.P.
393 Jebel Tagaru (Tageru) exact period 1/12/1936 20/01/1937 Sure in the forces 100 The herd was seen 9 days during this period. Oryx dammah 0 0
-1 0
Ionides, C.J.P.
394 Jebel Tagaru (Tageru) exact period 1/12/1936 20/01/1937 Sure in the forces 100
Gazella dama 0 0

-1 0 killed by the author Ionides, C.J.P.
395 Northern Darfur (Darfour) exact period 1/12/1936 20/01/1937 Sure in the forces 100 they were seen in nummbers Gazella dorcas 0 0
fairly common
0 0
Ionides, C.J.P.
396 Northern Darfur (Darfour) exact period 1/12/1936 20/01/1937 Sure in the forces 100 During the 3 trips horns of killed addax where found everywhere, oryx horns were found also but not in such numbers Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 horns Ionides, C.J.P.
397 Northern Darfur (Darfour) exact period 1/12/1936 20/01/1937 Sure in the forces 100 During the 3 trips horns of killed addax where found everywhere, oryx horns were found also but not in such numbers Oryx dammah 0 0

0 0 horns Ionides, C.J.P.
398 Shigaib (Siref ?) exact period 1/11/1946 30/11/1946 Sure in the forces 100 The second Ionides trip started from Kutum to Musbat Welles, to Wadi Hawar, El Hazra, Rahib and return to Kutum.
"A number of addra were seen near Siref (Sigaib ?)"
Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Ionides, C.J.P.
399 Shigaib (Siref ?) exact period 1/11/1946 30/11/1946 Sure in the forces 100
Oryx dammah 0 0

-1 0
Ionides, C.J.P.
400 Shigaib (Siref ?) exact period 1/11/1946 30/11/1946 Sure in the forces 100 seen west of "Ibra" (?). Tracks of 4 addax on the move… Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

Tracks/Spoors Ionides, C.J.P.
401 Shigaib (Siref ?) exact period 1/11/1946 30/11/1946 Sure in the forces 100 seen west of "Ibra" (?) Oryx dammah 0 0

-1 0
Ionides, C.J.P.
402 Mellit Jebel (Melleit / Millet)) exact period 1/11/1946 30/11/1946 Sure in the forces 100 "..lying down in the middle of a shallow basin between two hills in completely open sand..". Oryx dammah 0 0

0 0
Ionides, C.J.P.
403 Mellit Jebel (Melleit / Millet)) exact period 1/11/1946 30/11/1946 Sure in the forces 100 fresh spoor of a pair of oryx Oryx dammah 0 0

0 0 Tracks/Spoors Ionides, C.J.P.
404 Wadi Hassi exact period 1/11/1946 30/11/1946 Sure in the forces 100
Gazella dama 0 0

-1 0
Ionides, C.J.P.
405 Wadi Hassi exact period 1/11/1946 30/11/1946 Sure in the forces 100 spoor of a herd of 5 oryx Oryx dammah 0 0

0 0 Tracks/Spoors Ionides, C.J.P.
406 Wadi Hassi exact period 1/11/1946 30/11/1946 Sure in the forces 100
Oryx dammah 0 0

-1 5
Ionides, C.J.P.
407 Kutum exact period 4/04/1947 5/05/1947 Sure in the forces 100 Trip n°3. Fresh tracks at 4 days north of Kutum and Siref.Desert in that area hopelessy flat and open. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Tracks/Spoors Ionides, C.J.P.
408 El Hazra exact period 4/04/1947 5/05/1947 Sure in the forces 100
Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

-1 2
Ionides, C.J.P.
409 El Hazra exact period 4/04/1947 5/05/1947 Sure in the forces 100
Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

-1 1
Ionides, C.J.P.
410 El Hazra exact period 4/04/1947 5/05/1947 Sure in the forces 100
Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

-1 1
Ionides, C.J.P.
411 El Hazra exact 5/05/1947
Sure in the forces 100
Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 killed by the author Ionides, C.J.P.
412 Northern Darfur (Darfour) approximative period 1/01/1963 31/12/1963 Sure Scientist 93
Oryx dammah 0 0
unknown number threatened 0 0
Schomber, H.W.
413 Northern Darfur (Darfour) approximative period 1/01/1963 31/12/1963 Sure Scientist 93 "The Kababish Nomads carried out a terrible massacre among the Addax during the period 1935-1948"; Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
unknown number threatened 0 0
Schomber, H.W.
414 Northern Darfur (Darfour) exact period 1/01/1935 31/12/1948 Sure Scientist 93 "The Kababish Nomads carried out a terrible massacre among the Addax during the period 1935-1948"; Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

threatened 0 0
Schomber, H.W.
416 Darfur+Northern+Kordofan+Kassala exact period 1/01/1974 31/12/1974 Sure Scientist 87 "The Dorcas gazelle occurs in Darfur, Kordofan, Northern and Kassala Provinces, an area which passes through desert, semi-desert and savannah.." Gazella dorcas 0 0
0 0
Ghobrial, L.I.
418 Northern Sudan exact period 21/10/1975 10/11/1975 Sure Scientist 99 reconnaissances in northern Suadan made with an aircraft in Northern Darfur and northern Khordofan and in the vincinity of the Nile in Northern Province... The most southerly area reported to be inhabited by dorcas gazelle was Abu Fas, near Sodiri (14°30'N) although a very smell number have probably survived somewhat south of this zone. Gazella dorcas -1 45

0 0
Lamprey, H.F.
419 Northern Sudan exact period 21/10/1975 10/11/1975 Sure Scientist 99 "25 km west of wadi Milk in desert at 16)N. This indicates an extremely low density of this species in the area surveye. Nomads who were asked about dama distribution and numbers confirmed the rarety of this species in Khordofan and Darfur." Gazella dama 0 0

-1 1
Lamprey, H.F.
420 Northern Sudan exact period 21/10/1975 10/11/1975 Sure Scientist 99 reconnaissances in northern Suadan made with an aircraft in Northern Darfur and northern Khordofan and in the vincinity of the Nile in Northern Province...
The team noted the almost total absence of game birds throughout the arid-zone in Sudan : 1 dead Arabian Bustard was seen in north-western Khordofan but in 1952 Praed and Grant (in the African Handbook of Birds, Series One) described this species as the common large bustard of the northern Sudan exm
Oryx dammah 0 0
no more sighting
0 0
Lamprey, H.F.
421 Northern Sudan exact period 21/10/1975 10/11/1975 Sure Scientist 99 reconnaissances in northern Suadan made with an aircraft in Northern Darfur and northern Khordofan and in the vincinity of the Nile in Northern Province... Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
no more sighting
0 0
Lamprey, H.F.
422 Wadi Howar (Howa/Hawa) exact period 1/01/1964 31/12/1964 Sure Government official 99 several herds of oryx in numbers of up to 50 seen in the Wadi Howar : records given by Mr Hussein Dosa (Assistant Commissioner). He said that " Nomads not only kill the wildlife but destroy the woodlands and scrub vegetation which constitute the oryx and Addax habitats". Oryx dammah 0 0

Lamprey, H.F.
423 North of Wadi Howar (Hawa/Howar) exact period 1/01/1964 31/12/1964 Probable Nomad/Touareg/guide 99 ryx seen in the "gizu" ephemeral vegetation north of Wadi Howar. Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Lamprey, H.F.
424 Al Atrun (El Atrun /Bir Natrun) exact period 21/10/1975 10/11/1975 Sure Scientist 99
Oryx dammah 0 0
no more sighting
0 0
Lamprey, H.F.
425 Nukheila exact period 21/10/1975 10/11/1975 Sure Scientist 99
Oryx dammah 0 0
no more sighting
0 0
Lamprey, H.F.
426 Wadi Howar (Howa/Hawa) approximative period 1/01/1960
Probable Nomad/Touareg/guide 99 the Kababish and Camel Rezeigat nomads said that this species had not been seen in the vincinity of the Wadi Howar for about 15 year (they said that during the survey made in 1975 ) Oryx dammah 0 0
no more sighting
0 0
Lamprey, H.F.
427 Wadi Howar (Howa/Hawa) approximative period 1/01/1960
Probable Nomad/Touareg/guide 99 the Kababish and Camel Rezeigat nomads said that this species had not been seen in the vincinity of the Wadi Howar for about 15 year (they said that during the survey made in 1975 ) Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
no more sighting
0 0
Lamprey, H.F.
429 Mourdi Depression (eastern end in Sudan) exact period 1/01/1972 31/12/1975 Sure Nomad/Touareg/guide 99 nomads explain that "in the last 3 years (1972-1975) well-equipped big game hunting parties across the desert from Egypt and some from Khartoum to hunt Oryx and Addax on the Chad border north of Wadi Howar. They appear to hunt in the Mourdi Depression which lies in Chad but has its eastern end just inside Sudan. Very small number of oryx have been shot by these parties and one was reported to have been killed at tne western end of the Wadi Howar, in Sudan in 1973. It seems likely that this oryx was one of the last to frequent the wadi howar and that the species is virtually extinct…" Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Lamprey, H.F.
430 Mourdi Depression (eastern end in Sudan) exact period 1/01/1972 31/12/1975 Sure Nomad/Touareg/guide 99 nomads explain that "in the last 3 years (1972-1975) well-equipped big game hunting parties across the desert from Egypt and some from Khartoum to hunt Oryx and Addax on the Chad border north of Wadi Howar. They appear to hunt in the Mourdi Depression which lies in Chad but has its eastern end just inside Sudan. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
no animals seen
0 0
Lamprey, H.F.
431 Northern Darfur (Darfour) exact period 21/10/1975 10/11/1975 Sure Scientist 99 "the reconnaissance flights covered a relatively smell proportion of the libyan desert of aaaadarfur….it is possible that some oryx and addx herds were missed and the negative results of the reconnaissance should not be taken to suggest that the two species are extinct in the area". Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
extremely scarce
0 0
Lamprey, H.F.
432 Northern Darfur (Darfour) exact period 21/10/1975 10/11/1975 Sure Scientist 99 "the reconnaissance flights covered a relatively smell proportion of the libyan desert of aaaadarfur….it is possible that some oryx and addx herds were missed and the negative results of the reconnaissance should not be taken to suggest that the two species are extinct in the area". Oryx dammah 0 0
extremely scarce
0 0
Lamprey, H.F.
433 Jebel Uweinat approximative period 1/01/1970 31/12/1975 Possible rumour 99 small numbers of oryx have been seen in recent years near Jebel Uweinat. Reports which the team survey could not confirm Oryx dammah 0 0
very low numbers
0 0
Lamprey, H.F.
434 Dongola exact period 21/10/1975 10/11/1975 Sure Scientist 99 no wild ungulates were seen during the survey in the vincinity of the Nile Valley in Dongola Province. Addax-Oryx-Gazelle 0 0
no more sighting
0 0
Lamprey, H.F.
435 Dongola exact period 21/10/1975 10/11/1975 Sure Reliable document or report 99 30 kms to the west of Dongola Gazella dorcas 0 0
small groups
0 0
Lamprey, H.F.
436 Delgo area exact period 21/10/1975 10/11/1975 Possible Rumour 99 "No confirmation of reports that there is a population of dama gazelles living near the Nile in the Delgo area." Gazella dama 0 0
unknown number
0 0
Lamprey, H.F.
437 Lake Nasser (southern part) exact period 1/10/1975 10/11/1975 Sure Scientist 99 "the rocky and sandy desert areas around the southern end of Lake nasser were searched but appeared to be devoid of wildlife" Addax-Oryx-Gazelle 0 0
no sign
0 0
Lamprey, H.F.
438 Northern Kordofan exact period 1/01/1984 31/12/1984 Sure Reliable document or report 89 Cloudsley-Thompson made abstracts from an article published in Sudan Environnmental Sudies, the Newsletter of the Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Khartoum, April 1989 containing an account (by Dr Mutasim B. Nimir, Director of the Wildlife Research Center) of wildlife massacres in the Sudan by citizens of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. gazelles 0 0

0 0 Dead specimen Cloudsley-Thompson, J.L.
439 Red Sea Province exact period 1/01/1985 31/12/1985 Sure Scientist 89 120 gazelles killed by a Saudi Prince in Kwamatet gazelles 0 0

0 0 Dead specimen Cloudsley-Thompson, J.L.
440 Sinkat exact period 1/12/1986 31/12/1986 Sure Scientist 89 A Saudi prince, accompanied by a party of 30 other persons using 19 vehicules and 2 fuel tankers, was found poachng 200 km south of Sinkat. 50 gazelles and 5 bustards carcasses were found. gazelles 0 0

0 0 Dead specimen Cloudsley-Thompson, J.L.
441 Omdurman exact period 1/01/1987 31/12/1987 Sure Scientist 86 In 1987 a high-ranking Saudi prince killed 300 dorcas and 103 bustards west of Omdurman and collected several live gazelles and ostriches. Gazella dorcas 0 0

0 0 Dead specimen Dupuy, A. & Toure, I.
442 Khor Shah exact period 1/12/1987 31/12/1987 Sure Scientist 89 a Saudi prince killed 64 dorcas including 13 pregnant females, near Khor Shah, 160 km from Port Sudan Gazella dorcas 0 0

0 0 Dead specimen Cloudsley-Thompson, J.L.
443 Khor Arab exact period 1/04/1988 30/04/1988 Sure Scientist 89 a high-ranking Saudi prince have shot 18 gazelles in Khor Arab, 22 in Khor Tamatamba, and 63 at a third site. gazelles 0 0

0 0 Dead specimen Cloudsley-Thompson, J.L.
444 Omdurman exact period 1/02/1989 31/03/1989 Sure Scientist 89 A Saudi prince poached dorcas gazelles from Omdurman to western Darfur. The group consisted of 97 people with 34 vehicles . Over a period of 83 days, 1660 dorcas gazelles and 3000 bustards were killed, and 2 dama gazelles were captured, despite a ban on all hunting imposed in January 1989. Gazella dorcas 0 0

0 0 Dead specimen Cloudsley-Thompson, J.L.
445 Omdurman exact period 1/02/1989 31/03/1989 Sure Scientist 89 A Saudi prince poached dorcas gazelles from Omdurman to western Darfur. The group consisted of 97 people with 34 vehicles . Over a period of 83 days, 1660 dorcas gazelles and 3000 bustards were killed, and 2 dama gazelles were captured, despite a ban on all hunting imposed in January 1989. Gazella dama 0 0

0 2 captured Cloudsley-Thompson, J.L.
446 Northern Darfur+Northern Kordofan+Northern State exact period 1/01/1988 31/12/1988 Sure Scientist 284 "Addax were quite common in Northern Darfur in the early 1900's but their populations were decimated by hunting with firearms. Their present distribution and numbers in the Sudan are little known; they may no longer occur as resident species but as part of populations which move between Chad and the Sudan. There are highly endangered. There are no conservation areas in the desert and arid zones, which cover most of the northern half of Sudan." Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
unknown number highly endangered 0 0
East, R.
447 Northern Darfur+Northern Kordofan+Northern State exact period 1/01/1988 31/12/1988 Sure Scientist 284 Oryx "were quite common in Northern Darfur in the early 1900's but their populations were decimated by hunting with firearms. Their present distribution and numbers in the Sudan are little known; they may no longer occur as resident species but as part of populations which move between Chad and the Sudan. There are highly endangered. There are no conservation areas in the desert and arid zones, which cover most of the northern half of Sudan." Oryx dammah 0 0
unknown number highly endangered 0 0
East, R.
448 arid zone+central and southern parts of the desert zone, to the west of the Nile exact period 1/01/1988 31/12/1988 Sure Scientist 284 Lack of information precludes an accurate assessment of the current status of this gazelle. "All species (dama, dorcas, slender-horned gazelles) have un doubtedly suffered considerable reductions in their numbers as a result of decades of uncontrolled hunting with firearms and severe habitat degradation caused by man and his domestic animals, accentuated by recent droughts" Gazella dama 0 0
unknown number threatened 0 0
East, R.
449 northern deserts and arid zones on both sides of the Nile, to the Red Sea coast in the east exact period 1/01/1988 31/12/1988 Sure Scientist 284 Lack of information precludes an accurate assessment of the current status of this gazelle. "All species (dama, dorcas, slender-horned gazelles) have un doubtedly suffered considerable reductions in their numbers as a result of decades of uncontrolled hunting with firearms and severe habitat degradation caused by man and his domestic animals, accentuated by recent droughts" Gazella dorcas 0 0
unknown number declining 0 0
East, R.
450 north-western desert exact period 1/01/1988 31/12/1988 Sure Scientist 284 Lack of information precludes an accurate assessment of the current status of this gazelle. "All species (dama, dorcas, slender-horned gazelles) have un doubtedly suffered considerable reductions in their numbers as a result of decades of uncontrolled hunting with firearms and severe habitat degradation caused by man and his domestic animals, accentuated by recent droughts" Gazella leptoceros 0 0
still occurs ? threatened 0 0
East, R.
451 subdeserts and deserts of the northwest exact period 1/01/1998 31/12/1998 Sure Scientist 14 "It was apparently exterminated by hunting with firearms" Oryx dammah 0 0
no more sighting extinct 0 0
East, R.
452 northern deserts to the west of the Nile exact period 1/01/1998 31/12/1998 Sure Scientist 14 "It has been reduced to the point of extinction by excessive hunting. " Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
unknown number highly endangered 0 0
East, R.
453 Mourdi Depression (eastern end in Sudan) exact period 1/01/1992 31/12/1992 Sure Government official 14 "Recent information from the Wildlife Administration in Northern Darfur indicates that addx were seen in 1992 near the border with Chad. These animals ran westward across the Chad border when disturbed. It is unclear whether they enter Sudan seasonally or only as occasional vagrants", Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
unknown number highly endangered 0 0
East, R.
454 northern deserts and arid zones on both sides of the Nile, to the Red Sea coast in the east exact period 1/01/1998 31/12/1992 Sure Scientist 14 this gazelle "survives in reasonable numbers in areas such as Northern Darfur, the northern and western edges of the red Sea Hills where they merge with the surrounding desert and probably elswhere, e,g,, parts of Northern Kordofan. Unontrolled hunting is a major treat to the surviving populations. The Mohammed Gol-Gebeit Maadin region of the Red Sea Hills, for example, still supports substantial numbers of dorcas gazelles but they are subjected to intensive, uncontrolled hunting by motorised parties of hunters from the Middle East, personnel of international mining companies and heavely armed Zubedia pastoralists;" Gazella dorcas 0 0
reasonable numbers declining 0 0
East, R.
455 arid zone+central and southern parts of the desert zone, to the west of the Nile exact period 1/01/1998 31/12/1992 Sure Scientist 14 "By the 1970s, it numbers had been reduced greatly by overhunting and its distribution was becoming defragmented. Its decline has continued..the only evidence of dama gazelle's survival in the 1990s is anectotal information from local people who indicate that it still occurs quite widely at low densities in Northern Darfur and Northern Kordofan". Gazella dama 0 0
unknown number highly endangered 0 0
East, R.
456 north-western desert exact period 1/01/1998 31/12/1992 Sure Scientist 14 "..the limits of its former range are unclear. Recent information indicates that it still occurs in the northwest, where it is threatened by illegal hunting". Gazella leptoceros 0 0
unknown number highly endangered 0 0
East, R.
457 Northern Kordofan-Northern Darfur exact period 1/01/1990 31/12/1995 Sure Scientist 14 "..the only evidence of dama gazelle's survival in the 1990s is anectotal information from local people who indicate that it still occurs quite widely at low densities in Northern Darfur and Northern Kordofan". Gazella dama 0 0
low densities highly endangered 0 0
East, R.
458 Majâbat al Koubra (El Djouf) approximative period 1/12/1953 28/02/1957 Sure Scientist 30 le mâjabat était encore dans les années 1950 le grand réservoir d'Addax du Sahara occidental : pâturages adéquats et relative tranquillité. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Monod, Th.
460 Itïlen (Itellene Telli) approximative period 1/12/1953 28/02/1957 Sure Scientist 30 Monod a vu "le Mohor entre Achgig et Boû Trefiya, à Itilen" c'est à dire dans la region de l'Adâfer Gazella dama 0 0
-1 0
Monod, Th.
461 Nmâdi (Ogeylet en-Nmâdi) approximative period 1/12/1953 28/02/1957 Sure Scientist 30
Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Monod, Th.
462 El Fersîg approximative period 1/12/1953 28/02/1957 Sure Scientist 30 Th Monod a vu des Gazelles dama un peu au Sud-Est des oglats "ce qui est assez surprenant" dit-il, Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Monod, Th.
463 Ijâfen(e) exact period 22/12/1953 23/12/1923 Sure Scientist 30 Th Monod a fait un comptage des traces + individus au cours de ces différents itinéraires dans le Majabât. Ces comptages, d'après lui, sont très imprécis (traces individuelles comptées plusieurs fois, traces actuelles et durables donc pouvant être anciens (crottes) etc..) mais donnent un bon aperçu sur les régions plus fréquentées, ces années là, par les addax. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0 tracks and animal Monod, Th.
464 Warân (Ouarâne) exact period 25/12/1953 26/12/1953 Sure Scientist 30 Th Monod a fait un comptage des traces + individus au cours de ces différents itinéraires dans le Majabât. Ces comptages, d'après lui, sont très imprécis (traces individuelles comptées plusieurs fois, traces actuelles et durables donc pouvant être anciens (crottes) etc..) mais donnent un bon aperçu sur les régions plus fréquentées, ces années là, par les addax. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0 tracks and animal Monod, Th.
465 El Mreyyé (Le Mreyyé) exact period 27/12/1953 31/12/1953 Sure Scientist 30 Th Monod a fait un comptage des traces + individus au cours de ces différents itinéraires dans le Majabât. Ces comptages, d'après lui, sont très imprécis (traces individuelles comptées plusieurs fois, traces actuelles et durables donc pouvant être anciens (crottes) etc..) mais donnent un bon aperçu sur les régions plus fréquentées, ces années là, par les addax. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
low densities
0 0 tracks and animal Monod, Th.
466 Warân (Ouarâne) exact period 12/12/1954 16/12/1954 Sure Scientist 30 Th Monod a fait un comptage des traces + individus au cours de ces différents itinéraires dans le Majabât. Ces comptages, d'après lui, sont très imprécis (traces individuelles comptées plusieurs fois, traces actuelles et durables donc pouvant être anciens (crottes) etc..) mais donnent un bon aperçu sur les régions plus fréquentées, ces années là, par les addax. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
low densities
0 0 tracks and animal Monod, Th.
467 Ijâfen(e) exact period 17/12/1954 20/12/1954 Sure Scientist 30 Th Monod a fait un comptage des traces + individus au cours de ces différents itinéraires dans le Majabât. Ces comptages, d'après lui, sont très imprécis (traces individuelles comptées plusieurs fois, traces actuelles et durables donc pouvant être anciens (crottes) etc..) mais donnent un bon aperçu sur les régions plus fréquentées, ces années là, par les addax. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
low densities
0 0 tracks and animal Monod, Th.
468 El Mreyyé (Le Mreyyé) exact period 21/12/1954 24/12/154 Sure Scientist 30 Peu de présence dans la première partie du Mreyyé. Th Monod a fait un comptage des traces + individus au cours de ces différents itinéraires dans le Majabât. Ces comptages, d'après lui, sont très imprécis (traces individuelles comptées plusieurs fois, traces actuelles et durables donc pouvant être anciens (crottes) etc..) mais donnent un bon aperçu sur les régions plus fréquentées, ces années là, par les addax. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
very low numbers
0 0 tracks and animal Monod, Th.
469 El Mreyyé (Le Mreyyé) exact period 25/12/1954 30/12/1954 Sure Scientist 30 Addax très fréquents dans cette région surtout dans la partie orientale vers les Erigât. Th Monod a fait un comptage des traces + individus au cours de ces différents itinéraires dans le Majabât. Ces comptages, d'après lui, sont très imprécis (traces individuelles comptées plusieurs fois, traces actuelles et durables donc pouvant être anciens (crottes) etc..) mais donnent un bon aperçu sur les régions plus fréquentées, ces années là, par les addax. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0 tracks and animal Monod, Th.
470 Erigat (les) exact period 31/12/1954 1/01/1955 Sure Scientist 30 Th Monod a fait un comptage des traces + individus au cours de ces différents itinéraires dans le Majabât. Ces comptages, d'après lui, sont très imprécis (traces individuelles comptées plusieurs fois, traces actuelles et durables donc pouvant être anciens (crottes) etc..) mais donnent un bon aperçu sur les régions plus fréquentées, ces années là, par les addax. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
reasonable numbers
0 0 tracks and animal Monod, Th.
471 Erigat (les) exact period 5/01/1955 10/01/1955 Sure Scientist 30 Th Monod a fait un comptage des traces + individus au cours de ces différents itinéraires dans le Majabât. Ces comptages, d'après lui, sont très imprécis (traces individuelles comptées plusieurs fois, traces actuelles et durables donc pouvant être anciens (crottes) etc..) mais donnent un bon aperçu sur les régions plus fréquentées, ces années là, par les addax. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0 tracks and animal Monod, Th.
472 Habar ou Gdour (Habr-oû-Gdoûr, Haba Oukdour) exact period 11/01/1955 14/01/1955 Sure Scientist 30 Région très sèche, pas d'Addax. Région située sur la route d'Araouane à El Mrayer.
Th Monod a fait un comptage des traces + individus au cours de ces différents itinéraires dans le Majabât. Ces comptages, d'après lui, sont très imprécis (traces individuelles comptées plusieurs fois, traces actuelles et durables donc pouvant être anciens (crottes) etc..) mais donnent un bon aperçu sur les régions plus fréquentées, ces années là, par les addax.
Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
no animals seen
0 0 tracks and animal Monod, Th.
473 Ijâfen(e) exact period 14/01/1955 18/01/1955 Sure Scientist 30 Th Monod a fait un comptage des traces + individus au cours de ces différents itinéraires dans le Majabât. Ces comptages, d'après lui, sont très imprécis (traces individuelles comptées plusieurs fois, traces actuelles et durables donc pouvant être anciens (crottes) etc..) mais donnent un bon aperçu sur les régions plus fréquentées, ces années là, par les addax. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0 tracks and animal Monod, Th.
474 El Mrâyer exact period 18/01/1955 19/01/1955 Sure Scientist 30 Pas d'Addax car c'est un lieu de passage humain.
Th Monod a fait un comptage des traces + individus au cours de ces différents itinéraires dans le Majabât. Ces comptages, d'après lui, sont très imprécis (traces individuelles comptées plusieurs fois, traces actuelles et durables donc pouvant être anciens (crottes) etc..) mais donnent un bon aperçu sur les régions plus fréquentées, ces années là, par les addax.
Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
no animals seen
0 0 tracks and animal Monod, Th.
475 Warân (Ouarâne) exact period 20/01/1955 27/01/1955 Sure Scientist 30 Th Monod a fait un comptage des traces + individus au cours de ces différents itinéraires dans le Majabât. Ces comptages, d'après lui, sont très imprécis (traces individuelles comptées plusieurs fois, traces actuelles et durables donc pouvant être anciens (crottes) etc..) mais donnent un bon aperçu sur les régions plus fréquentées, ces années là, par les addax. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0 tracks and animal Monod, Th.
476 Nmâdi (Ogeylet en-Nmâdi) exact period 16/01/1956 31/01/1956 Sure Scientist 30 itiniraires aller-retour de Wâdân à Cheggât.
Th Monod a fait un comptage des traces + individus au cours de ces différents itinéraires dans le Majabât. Ces comptages, d'après lui, sont très imprécis (traces individuelles comptées plusieurs fois, traces actuelles et durables donc pouvant être anciens (crottes) etc..) mais donnent un bon aperçu sur les régions plus fréquentées, ces années là, par les addax.
Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
no animals seen
0 0
Monod, Th.
477 El Mreyyé (Le Mreyyé) exact period 21/01/1957 5/02/1957 Sure Scientist 30 trajet de Wâdân-Aratân-sud de l'Aklé-Râs el Mâ. Deux maxima de présence dans le Mréyyé et la partie occidentale de l'Aklé. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

-1 16
Monod, Th.
478 Majâbat al Koubra (El Djouf) exact period 6/02/1975 20/02/1975 Sure Scientist 69
Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Tracks/Spoors Sheppard, T.
480 In Echaïe exact period 1/04/1913 30/04/1913 Sure Reliable document or report 28 killed between In Echaïe (Mali) and El Gattara (Mali), not far from the Djouf.Data given by M.C. Chudeau, 1920 (Ref 158) Oryx dammah 0 0

0 0
Trotignon, J.
481 Mauritania exact period 1/01/1920 31/12/120 Sure Reliable document or report 28 common as far as the plains of Rio de Oro. Data given by M.C. Chudeau, 1920 (Ref 158) Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
482 El Moënane (Moïnane) exact period 1/01/1920 31/12/1920 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Oryx present south of El Moënan (North of Tidjikja / Adafer) Data given by M.C. Chudeau, 1920 (Ref 158) Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
483 Dahr Tîchît exact period 1/01/1930 31/12/1930 Sure Reliable document or report 28 presence of Oryx in the area surrounding Dahr Oualâta and Dahr Tïchît (In Tanoust Ref 304) Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
484 Oualâta exact period 1/01/1930 31/12/1930 Sure Reliable document or report 28 presence of Oryx in the area surrounding Dahr Oualâta to the dunes in the Aklé (In Tanoust Ref 304) Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
485 Labyar exact period 1/01/1930 31/12/1930 Sure Reliable document or report 28 presence of Oryx in the dunes of labyar (mali) (In Tanoust Ref 304) Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
486 Irrigui (Irîgui) exact period 1/01/1930 31/12/1930 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Oryx in the large desert zone surrounding north of the line Oualata-Bacikounou-Lac Faguibine (Mali) (In Tanoust Ref 304) Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
487 Azaouad (Azâwad) exact period 1/01/1930 31/12/1930 Sure Reliable document or report 28 presence of Oryx in the Azoauad (between Timbouktou and Arawan- Mali) (In Tanoust Ref 304) Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
488 Boutilimit exact period 1/01/1934 31/12/1934 Sure Reliable document or report 28 (Bouet, G. 1934, Ref: 303) Presence of Oryx from Boutilimit (Trarza) and Tidjikdja (Tagant) Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
489 Tidjikja exact period 1/01/1934 31/12/1934 Sure Reliable document or report 28 (Bouet, G. 1934, Ref: 303) Presence of Oryx from Boutilimit (Trarza) and Tidjikdja (Tagant) Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
490 Adâfer exact period 1/01/1934 31/12/1934 Sure Reliable document or report 28 (Bouet, G. 1934, Ref: 303) Presence of Oryx In Adâfer region (Noth-West of Tidjikdja) Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
491 Araouane exact period 1/01/1934 31/12/1934 Sure Reliable document or report 28 (Bouet, G. 1934, Ref: 303) Presence of Oryx North-West of Araouan (Mali) Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
492 Toumbouctou exact period 1/01/1934 31/12/1934 Sure Reliable document or report 28 (Bouet, G. 1934, Ref: 303) Presence of Oryx North of Toumbouktou (Mali) Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
493 Kiffa exact period 1/01/1937 31/12/1937 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Presence of Oryx North from Kiffa ; between the Tagant region, at the west, and Afollé region, at the south-east, (Bigourdan, J. 1937. Ref: 302) Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
494 Affolé exact period 1/01/1937 31/12/1937 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Presence of Oryx North from Kiffa ; between the Tagant region, at the west, and Afollé region, at the south-east, (Bigourdan, J. 1937. Ref: 302) Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
495 Tagant exact period 1/01/1937 31/12/1937 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Presence of Oryx North from Kiffa ; between the Tagant region, at the west, and Afollé region, at the south-east, (Bigourdan, J. 1937. Ref: 302) Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
496 Dhar Oualâta exact period 1/01/1937 31/12/1937 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Presence of Oryx at the surroundings of Dahr Oualâta and Dahr Néma (Bigourdan, J. 1937. Ref: 302) Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
497 Dahr Néma exact period 1/01/1937 31/12/1937 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Presence of Oryx at the surroundings of Dahr Oualâta and Dahr Néma (Bigourdan, J. 1937. Ref: 302) Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
498 Tâziâzet (Tassiast) exact period 1/01/1937 31/12/1937 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Presence of Oryx from Tâziâzet (west) to Choûm (east): border of Rio de Oro (Bigourdan, J. 1937. Ref: 302) Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
499 Choûm exact period 1/01/1937 31/12/1937 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Presence of Oryx from Tâziâzet (west) to Choûm (east): border of Rio de Oro (Bigourdan, J. 1937. Ref: 302) Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
500 Adâfer exact period 1/01/1943 31/12/1943 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Adâfer, Aklé and Irrigui are predilection zones for Oryx and Gazella dama. (Sevent, 1943. Ref: 306) Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
501 Aklé exact period 1/01/1943 31/12/1943 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Adâfer, Aklé and Irrigui are predilection zones for Oryx and Gazella dama. (Sevent, 1943. Ref: 306) Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
502 Irrigui (Irîgui) exact period 1/01/1943 31/12/1943 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Adâfer, Aklé and Irrigui are predilection zones for Oryx and Gazella dama. (Sevent, 1943. Ref: 306) Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
503 Adâfer exact period 1/01/1943 31/12/1943 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Adâfer, Aklé and Irrigui are predilection zones for Oryx and Gazella dama. (Sevent, 1943. Ref: 306) Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
504 Aklé exact period 1/01/1943 31/12/1943 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Adâfer, Aklé and Irrigui are predilection zones for Oryx and Gazella dama. (Sevent, 1943. Ref: 306) Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
505 Irrigui (Irîgui) exact period 1/01/1943 31/12/1943 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Adâfer, Aklé and Irrigui are predilection zones for Oryx and Gazella dama. (Sevent, 1943. Ref: 306) Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
506 Tichla exact period 1/01/1959 31/12/1959 Sure Reliable document or report 28 not rare to find Oryx in the region surrounding Ticla (Rio de oro) when the pasture are good, alone or in herds of 15 or 30 animals (Morales Agacino, 1959. Ref:140) Oryx dammah 0 0
fairly common
0 0
Trotignon, J.
507 North-West of Oualata exact period 1/01/1952 31/12/1952 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Addax et Oryx se rencontrent au nord-est de Oualata. (Roure.G. 1952. Ref:305) Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
508 North-West of Oualata exact period 1/01/1957 31/12/1957 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Th Monod a noté 2 oryx dans le Semi-Aklé, au nord-est de oualata. Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
509 Boûlanouâr exact period 1/01/1959 31/12/1959 Sure Foreign worker 28 last oryx killed in the region between Boû Lanouâr et Choûm (comm. Du personnel du Cominor {compagnie des minerais} de Choûm) Oryx dammah 0 0

highly endangered 0 0
Trotignon, J.
510 Tâziâzet (Tassiast) approximative period 1/01/1958 31/12/1959 Sure Warden 28 2 oryx killed at the "Point Kilométrique" 260 from Point-Central to Zouérat in the Taziâzet, Oryx dammah 0 0

0 0
Trotignon, J.
511 Dhar Oualâta exact period 1/01/1950 31/12/1952 Sure Other 28 Herds of Oryx in 1950/52 ; herds of 10/15 animals ; between Oualâta and Néma. Now (1975) Oryx have disappeared from this region (comm, from Mr. Lenormand) Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
512 Dahr Néma exact period 1/01/1950 31/12/1952 Sure Other 28 Herds of Oryx in 1950/52 ; herds of 10/15 animals ; between Oualâta and Néma. Now (1975) Oryx have disappeared from this region (comm, from Mr. Lenormand) Oryx dammah 0 0

0 0
Trotignon, J.
513 Dahr Néma exact period 1/01/1975 31/12/1975 Sure Other 28 Oryx have disappeared from the region between Oualâta and Néma (comm, from Mr. Lenormand) Oryx dammah 0 0
no more sighting
0 0
Trotignon, J.
514 Oualâta exact period 1/01/1975 31/12/1975 Sure Scientist 28 Some Oryx could survive between Ouâlata and Néma. But All the informations received in 1975 by Trotignon in this area mentionned only Addax Oryx dammah 0 0
still occurs ?
0 0
Trotignon, J.
515 Majâbat al Koubra (El Djouf) exact period 1/01/1957 31/12/1957 Sure Scientist 28 Th Monod: oryx doen't exist in the Mâjabât Oryx dammah 0 0

0 0
Trotignon, J.
516 El Moënane (Moïnane) exact period 1/01/1920 31/12/1920 Sure Reliable document or report 28 (Chudeau, M.R. 1920) Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
517 El Moënane (Moïnane) exact period 1/01/1920 31/12/1920 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Addax is rare from El Moënane and is replaced by the "Ouerg" (oryx). Ref 307 Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
518 Boûlanouâr exact 5/04/1911
Sure Reliable document or report 28 an addax and a calf killed. Ref 307 Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0
Trotignon, J.
519 El Mreyyé (Le Mreyyé) exact period 1/01/1930 31/12/1930 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Addax : numerous in the pasture with "sbot" (Aristida pungens). Ref 304 Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
520 Erg Chech exact period 1/01/1930 31/12/1930 Sure Reliable document or report 28 addax: numeros in Erg Chech's basins. Ref 304 Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
521 Mauritania exact period 1/01/1930 31/12/1930 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Addax:southern limit: "une ligne qui passerait au nord de l'Adrar de Mauritanie, au Nord de Tichit, de oualata et du Lac Faguibine (Mali), au sud d'Araouaan (Mali)" Ref 304 Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0
Trotignon, J.
522 Warân (Ouarâne) exact period 1/01/1930 31/12/1930 Sure Reliable document or report 28 "The Am Garij (Tribe from Adrar) hunt addax during the winter in the large dunes of Ouarâne" Ref 304 Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
523 Tidjikja exact period 1/01/1934 31/12/1934 Sure Reliable document or report 28 North-East of Tidjikja (Adâfer). Ref: 303. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
524 Arawân (Araouane) exact period 1/01/1934 31/12/1934 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 303. Addax presence North-east of Araouan Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
525 Toumbouctou exact period 1/01/1934 31/12/1934 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 303. Presence of Addax North of Tombouctou Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
526 Oualâta exact period 1/01/1937 31/12/1937 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Observation of Addax North of Oualâta. Ref: 302 Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
527 Arawân (Araouane) exact period 1/01/1937 31/12/1937 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 302. Addax presence around Araouane Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
528 Zouérat exact period 1/01/1937 31/12/1937 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 302. East of Zouérat in the Elb el Harach region. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
529 Aklé exact period 1/01/1943 31/12/1943 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 306. "all the northern region of the Aklé is a large reserve for addax..We met each day herds and numerous tracks. Those herds are composed from 15 animals sometimes more to 70 animals. Most of them stay in the North all the year, surrounding "le Mrayer". But a large number goes down to the Hodh when the rain saison arrives and then they are killed by hunters" (traduction from french) Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
530 Hodh Ech Chargut exact period 1/01/1943 31/12/1943 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 306. "all the northern region of the Aklé is a large reserve for addax..We met each day herds and numerous tracks. Those herds are composed from 15 animals sometimes more to 70 animals. Most of them stay in the North all the year, surrounding "le Mrayer". But a large number goes down to the Hodh when the rain saison arrives and then they are killed by hunters" (traduction from french) Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
531 Erg Chech exact period 1/01/1951 31/12/1951 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 309. Prsence of Addax during the raining saison. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
532 Dahr Néma exact period 1/01/1952 31/12/1952 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 305, presence of Addax from the North-West of Oualâta to the west 14 longitude Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
533 Oualâta exact period 1/01/1952 31/12/1952 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 305, presence of Addax from the North-West of Oualâta to the west 14 longitude Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
534 Adâfer exact period 1/01/1952 31/12/1952 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 305, presence of Addax from the North-East of Oualâta to the west 14 longitude Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0
Trotignon, J.
535 Taçârât (Tassarat, Tasarat) exact period 1/01/1955 31/12/1955 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 310. Addax coming from Taçarat region (south-west of Ouadane) Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0
Trotignon, J.
536 Bir Moghrein (Fort Trinquet) exact period 1/01/1951 31/12/1951 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 309. Northern limit for addax in Mauritania: Bir Moghrein near the Rio de Oro boundaries Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
537 El Mreyyé (Le Mreyyé) exact period 1/01/1974 31/12/1974 Sure Foreign worker 28 Comm. From Director from Texaco : employees saw addax in the Mreyyé region, North-East from Tichit Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0
Trotignon, J.
538 Eastern Mreyyé + Erigât exact period 1/01/1958 31/12/1958 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 30 Th, Monod. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
539 Bnâig (les) exact period 1/01/1958 31/12/1958 Sure Reliable document or report 28 deuxièment région de peuplement pour les Addax mais moins habitée que la région Mreyyé oriental + Erigât. Th. Monod. Ref: 30 Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
540 Tichit(t) exact period 1/01/1974 31/12/1974 Sure Warden 28 poacher, arrested by an "Agent des Eaux et Forêts" from Nouakchott , with 700 kgs from addax meat ; +/- 30-35 antelopes killed. The same warden with other confirmed that he saw Land-Rover full of addax meat in the same area. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Dead specimen Trotignon, J.
541 Zouérat exact period 1/01/1966 31/12/1967 Sure Foreign worker 28 A herd of 57 addax, coming from North, stayed at 200 km East from Zonérat (to El Khatt). People from the town killed all of them Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Dead specimen Trotignon, J.
543 El Hank exact period 1/01/1975 31/12/1975 Sure Foreign worker 28 geologist from Cominor (compagnie des Minerais du Nord) explained that the "Beidanes" from Zouérat are going to hunt regularly addax to El Hank Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
544 Bir Moghrein (Fort Trinquet) approximative period 1/01/1975 31/12/1975 Sure Government official 28 Com. From General J. du Boucher. Hunting still exist regularly from Bir Moghrein to El Hank and Erg Chech. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
545 El Hank exact period 1/01/1975 31/12/1975 Sure Government official 28 Com. From General J. du Boucher. Hunting still exist regularly from Bir Moghrein to El Hank and Erg Chech. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
546 Erg Chech exact period 1/01/1975 31/12/1975 Sure Government official 28 Com. From General J. du Boucher. Hunting still exist regularly from Bir Moghrein to El Hank and Erg Chech. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
547 El Hank approximative period 1/01/1935 31/12/1960 Sure Government official 28 Com. From General J. du Boucher. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
548 Erg Chech approximative period 1/01/1935 31/12/1960 Sure Government official 28 Com. From General J. du Boucher. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
549 Erg Iguîdi approximative period 1/01/1935 31/12/1960 Sure Government official 28 Com. From General J. du Boucher. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
550 Ghallamane approximative period 1/01/1935 31/12/1960 Sure Government official 28 Com. From General J. du Boucher. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
551 Elb El Harach approximative period 1/01/1935 31/12/1960 Sure Government official 28 Com. From General J. du Boucher. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
552 Oualâta-Néma exact period 1/01/1950 31/12/1952 Sure Foreign worker 28 Com. From M. Lenormand.
Small herds
Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
small groups
0 0
Trotignon, J.
553 Mauritania exact period 1/01/1975 31/12/1975 Sure Scientist 28 each winter, hunting expeditions are organized. Wells of El Ghallâouîya, Ogue^let en Nmâdi, Aratâne, villages of Tichit, Oualata, Bir Moghrein are starting points for those hunting expeditions. Zouéat, Atar and Néma are places were the meat is cleared. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
fairly common
0 0
Trotignon, J.
554 Adrar exact period 1/01/1943 31/12/1943 Sure Scientist 306 Adrar is a starting point for Addax hunting expeditions. "Bien plus audacieux (que les Nemadi) sont les Amgarij de Ouadane et les Kédadra de l'Adrar; remontant sur Rallouïa (Ghallawiya) et Méjahouda, ils abordent le Djouf par le Nord et n'hésitent pas, pendant l'hiver, à rester plus d'un mois hors de leurs bases, descendant jusqu'à El Mrayer où ils font boire leurs montures et dans l'Erg Ijafene… généralement armés de fusils à tir rapide personnels..ils font de véritables massacres." Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Sevent, J.
555 Méjahouda exact period 1/01/1943 31/12/1943 Sure Scientist 306 the author met an hunting expedition with 6 guns which had killed 356 addax Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0
Sevent, J.
556 Idjiil exact period 1/01/1920 31/12/1920 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 307 Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
557 Bir Moghrein (Fort Trinquet) exact period 1/01/1930 31/12/1930 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 304. Com. du Lieutenant Delteil, méhariste, qui commandait alors le GN du Trarza. Dama présente dans les zones sahéliennes et sub-sahariennes : au Nord de la Mauritanie, dans l'Inchri, dans l'Aoukâr et le Tagant.
In Tanoust, 1930, parle d'abondance en citant la dama mais il dit qu'elle est mise en danger par la facilité avec laquelle on peut la tuer: il dit que les dama d'une harde restent à proximité quand un chasseur a tué une antilope du groupe.
Gazella dama 0 0
presence declining 0 0
Trotignon, J.
558 Inchiri exact period 1/01/1930 31/12/1930 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 304. Com. du Lieutenant Delteil, méhariste, qui commandait alors le GN du Trarza. Dama présente dans les zones sahéliennes et sub-sahariennes : au Nord de la Mauritanie, dans l'Inchri, dans l'Aoukâr et le Tagant
In Tanoust, 1930, parle d'abondance en citant la dama mais il dit qu'elle est mise en danger par la facilité avec laquelle on peut la tuer: il dit que les dama d'une harde restent à proximité quand un chasseur a tué une antilope du groupe.
Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
559 Âwkâr (Aouker / Aoukar) exact period 1/01/1930 31/12/1930 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 304. Com. du Lieutenant Delteil, méhariste, qui commandait alors le GN du Trarza. Dama présente dans les zones sahéliennes et sub-sahariennes : au Nord de la Mauritanie, dans l'Inchri, dans l'Aoukâr et le Tagant
In Tanoust, 1930, parle d'abondance en citant la dama mais il dit qu'elle est mise en danger par la facilité avec laquelle on peut la tuer: il dit que les dama d'une harde restent à proximité quand un chasseur a tué une antilope du groupe.
Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
560 Tagant exact period 1/01/1930 31/12/1930 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 304. Com. du Lieutenant Delteil, méhariste, qui commandait alors le GN du Trarza. Dama présente dans les zones sahéliennes et sub-sahariennes : au Nord de la Mauritanie, dans l'Inchri, dans l'Aoukâr et le Tagant
In Tanoust, 1930, parle d'abondance en citant la dama mais il dit qu'elle est mise en danger par la facilité avec laquelle on peut la tuer: il dit que les dama d'une harde restent à proximité quand un chasseur a tué une antilope du groupe.
Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
561 Kiffa exact period 1/01/1937 31/12/1937 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 302. Dama present surrounding Kiffa Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
562 Tidjikja exact period 1/01/1937 31/12/1937 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref : 302. Presence of dama sourrounding Tidjikja Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
563 Oualâta exact period 1/01/1937 31/12/1937 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref : 302. Presence of dama east of Oualâta Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
564 Néma exact period 1/01/1937 31/12/1937 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref : 302. Presence of dama North-West of Néma Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
565 Bacikounou exact period 1/01/1937 31/12/1937 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref : 302. Presence of dama North of Bassikounou Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
566 Adâfer exact period 1/01/1943 31/12/1943 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 306. Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
567 Aklé exact period 1/01/1943 31/12/1943 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 306 Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
568 Irrigui (Irîgui) exact period 1/01/1943 31/12/1943 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 306 Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
569 Gara el Arouia exact period 1/01/1950 31/12/1950 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 140. Gazella dama 0 0

0 0
Trotignon, J.
571 Adrar exact period 1/01/1951 31/12/1951 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 309. Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
572 Tagant exact period 1/01/1951 31/12/1951 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 309. Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
573 Âwkâr (Aouker / Aoukar) exact period 1/01/1951 31/12/1951 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 309. Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
574 Tiris -el Gharbia exact period 1/01/1951 31/12/1951 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 309. Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
575 Inchiri exact period 1/01/1951 31/12/1951 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 309. Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
576 Oualâta exact period 1/01/1951 31/12/1951 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Raf: 311. The author saw Nemadi kill 6 dama near Oualâta Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
577 Oualâta exact period 1/01/1952 31/12/1952 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref: 305. Presence of Gazlla dama at the south of 18° lat. Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
578 Msëiguilé (Mseïguil) exact period 1/01/1958 31/12/1958 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Th. Monod. Ref: 30. Presence of dama in the "semi-Aklé" , in the "Mseïguilé" and west of Faguibine lake Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
579 Aklé exact period 1/01/1958 31/12/1958 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Th. Monod. Ref: 30. Presence of dama in the "semi-Aklé" , in the "Mseïguilé" and west of Faguibine lake Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
580 Faguibine (Lake) exact period 1/01/1958 31/12/1958 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Th. Monod. Ref: 30. Presence of dama in the "semi-Aklé" , in the "Mseïguilé" and west of Faguibine lake Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
581 Tilemsi exact period 1/01/1955 31/12/1959 Sure Scientist 28 Les réserves de faune décrétées avant 1960 étaient toutes destinées à la protection des dama notamment. Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
582 Âwkâr (Aouker / Aoukar) exact period 1/01/1955 31/12/1959 Sure Scientist 28 Les réserves de faune décrétées avant 1960 étaient toutes destinées à la protection des dama notamment. Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
583 Moudjéria exact period 1/01/1955 31/12/1959 Sure Scientist 28 Les réserves de faune décrétées avant 1960 étaient toutes destinées à la protection des dama notamment. North -West of Modjéria Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
584 Tâziâzet (Tassiast) exact period 1/01/1955 31/12/1959 Sure Scientist 28 A l'est de la Baie du Lévrier : entre Bir el Gareb et Boû Lanouâr (Taziâzet). Les réserves de faune décrétées avant 1960 étaient toutes destinées à la protection des dama notamment. Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
585 Zemmour noir exact period 1/01/1961 31/12/1961 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref 312. L'auteur précise que "la dama est dans le Zemmour noir plus rare qu'entre Fort Trinquet (Bir Moghrein) et Aïn Ben Fili" Gazella dama 0 0
quite rare
0 0
Trotignon, J.
586 Bir Moghrein (Fort Trinquet) exact period 1/01/1961 31/12/1961 Sure Reliable document or report 28 Ref 312. L'auteur précise que "la dama est dans le Zemmour noir plus rare qu'entre Fort Trinquet (Bir Moghrein) et Aïn Ben Fili" Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
587 Cap Blanc exact period 1/01/1957 31/12/1960 Sure Foreign worker 28 Com. De M. Perrault : Sur la presqu'île du Cap Blanc, la dama s'observait, solitaire. Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
588 Châmi exact period 1/01/1957 31/12/1960 Sure Foreign worker 28 Com. De M. Perrault : aux environs de Châmi, la dama s'observait, fréquemment Gazella dama 0 0
reasonable numbers
0 0
Trotignon, J.
589 Bir el Gareb exact period 1/01/1957 31/12/1957 Sure Foreign worker 28 2/3 individus entre Bir el Gareb et Châmi, sur la route reliant Nouadhibou à Châmi (com. M. Barris) Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
590 Châmi exact period 1/01/1950 31/12/1968 Sure Warden 28 Data rapportée par un garde national mauritanien connaissant bien la région côtière : autrefois, la dama s'observait par troupeaux autour de Châmi Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
591 Châmi exact period 1/01/1968 31/12/1968

28 Data rapportée par un garde national mauritanien connaissant bien la région côtière : autrefois, la dama s'observait par troupeaux autour de Châmi: la dernière dama y a été tuée en 1968, au puits de Mouider. Gazella dama 0 0

0 0
Trotignon, J.
592 Akjoujt exact period 1/01/1950 31/12/1958 Sure Foreign worker 28 Com. M. Boussogne (Conseiller technique au Service de la Protection de la Nature) : la dama s'observait autrefois entre Nouakchott et Akjoujt, dans le Tâziazet et le Tijirît. Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
593 Tâziâzet (Tassiast) exact period 1/01/1950 31/12/1958
Foreign worker 28 Com. M. Boussogne (Conseiller technique au Service de la Protection de la Nature) : la dama s'observait autrefois entre Nouakchott et Akjoujt, dans le Tâziazet et le Tijirît. Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
594 Tijirît exact period 1/01/1950 31/12/1958 Sure Foreign worker 28 Com. M. Boussogne (Conseiller technique au Service de la Protection de la Nature) : la dama s'observait autrefois entre Nouakchott et Akjoujt, dans le Tâziazet et le Tijirît. Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
595 Akjoujt exact period 1/01/1967 31/12/1967 Sure Foreign worker 28 dernières dama dans la région. Com. M. Boussogne (Conseiller technique au Service de la Protection de la Nature) Gazella dama 0 0
rare highly endangered 0 0
Trotignon, J.
596 Tâziâzet (Tassiast) exact period 1/01/1967 31/12/1968 Sure Foreign worker 28 dernières dama dans la région. Com. M. Boussogne (Conseiller technique au Service de la Protection de la Nature) Gazella dama 0 0

highly endangered 0 0
Trotignon, J.
597 Tijirît exact period 1/01/1967 31/12/1968 Sure Foreign worker 28 dernières dama dans la région. Com. M. Boussogne (Conseiller technique au Service de la Protection de la Nature) Gazella dama 0 0

highly endangered 0 0
Trotignon, J.
598 Kankossa exact period 1/01/1960 31/12/1965 Sure Foreign worker 28 Com. M. Lenormand et M. Paquet. Présence réguli!ère de la dama entre Kankossa et Bassikounou et surtout entre Ayoûn el Atroûs et Néma . Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
599 Bacikounou exact period 1/01/1960 31/12/1965 Sure Foreign worker 28 Com. M. Lenormand et M. Paquet. Présence réguli!ère de la dama entre Kankossa et Bassikounou et surtout entre Ayoûn el Atroûs et Néma . Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
600 Ayoûn el Atroûs
1/01/1960 31/12/1965 Sure Foreign worker 28 Com. M. Lenormand et M. Paquet. Présence réguli!ère de la dama entre Kankossa et Bassikounou et surtout entre Ayoûn el Atroûs et Néma . Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
601 Néma exact period 1/01/1960 31/12/1965 Sure Foreign worker 28 Com. M. Lenormand et M. Paquet. Présence réguli!ère de la dama entre Kankossa et Bassikounou et surtout entre Ayoûn el Atroûs et Néma . Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
602 Bir Moghrein (Fort Trinquet) exact period 1/01/1955 31/12/1956 Sure Other 28 Com. M. Azemberti. Autour de Bir Moghrein, présence de dama jusqu'en 1955/1956 , date à laquelle les dernières ont été vues entre Aït Ben Tili et Bir Moghrein. Gazella dama 0 0
presence highly endangered 0 0
Trotignon, J.
603 Aït Ben Tili exact period 1/01/1955 31/12/1956 Sure Other 28 Com. M. Azemberti. Autour de Bir Moghrein, présence de dama jusqu'en 1955/1956 , date à laquelle les dernières ont été vues entre Aït Ben Tili et Bir Moghrein. Gazella dama 0 0
presence highly endangered 0 0
Trotignon, J.
604 Iguîdi exact period 1/01/1955 31/12/1960 Sure In the forces 28 Com. Du Général J. du Boucher. Petits groupes de dama Oryx dammah 0 0
small groups
0 0
Trotignon, J.
605 El Hank exact period 1/01/1955 31/12/1960 Sure In the forces 28 Com. Du Général J. du Boucher
Petits groupes de dama
Gazella dama 0 0
small groups
0 0
Trotignon, J.
606 Bir Moghrein (Fort Trinquet) exact period 1/01/1960 31/12/1960 Sure In the forces 28 Com. Du Général J. du Boucher. 2 individus vus à l'est de Bir Moghrein en 1960 vers Bû Bel Guerdâne. Gazella dama 0 0
presence highly endangered 0 0
Trotignon, J.
607 Bû Bel Guerdâne exact period 1/01/1960 31/12/1960 Sure In the forces 28 Com. Du Général J. du Boucher. 2 individus vus à l'est de Bir Moghrein en 1960 vers Bû Bel Guerdâne. Gazella dama 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
608 Amsâga exact period 1/01/1975 31/12/1975 Sure Scientist 28 Com. M. Boussogne (Conseiller technique au Service de la Protection de la Nature). Peut -être encore des dama dans l'Amsâga. Chasse responsable de la disparition de cette gazelle Gazella dama 0 0
still occurs ? highly endangered 0 0
Trotignon, J.
609 Irrigui (Irîgui) exact period 1/01/1975 31/12/1975 Sure Foreign worker 28 Com. M. Boussogne (Conseiller technique au Service de la Protection de la Nature). Peut -être encore des dama dans l'Irîgui et au nord de cette région (Aklé). Chasse responsable de la disparition de cette gazelle Gazella dama 0 0
still occurs ?
0 0
Trotignon, J.
610 Aklé exact period 1/01/1975 31/12/1975 Sure Foreign worker 28 Com. M. Boussogne (Conseiller technique au Service de la Protection de la Nature). Peut -être encore des dama dans l'Irîgui et au nord de cette région (Aklé). Chasse responsable de la disparition de cette gazelle Gazella dama 0 0
still occurs ?
0 0
Trotignon, J.
611 Western Mauritania exact period 1/01/1975 31/12/1975 Sure Foreign worker 28 Com. M. Boussogne (Conseiller technique au Service de la Protection de la Nature). La dama a disparu dans les régions occidentales de la Mauritanie. Chasse responsable de la disparition de cette gazelle Gazella dama 0 0
no more sighting extinct 0 0
Trotignon, J.
612 Mauritania approximative period 1/01/1900 31/12/1960 Sure Scientist 28 la dorcas occupait autrefois la quasi totalité de la Mauritanie, à l'exclusion des régions spécifiquement désertiques (le Majâbat) et méridionales.. Elle existait en nombre d ela côte océanique aux vallées des massifs montagneux. Gazella dorcas 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
613 Majâbat al Koubra (El Djouf) approximative period 1/01/1900 31/12/1975 Sure Scientist 28 la dorcas occupait autrefois la quasi totalité de la Mauritanie, à l'exclusion des régions spécifiquement désertiques (le Majâbat) et méridionales.. Elle existait en nombre de la côte océanique aux vallées des massifs montagneux. Gazella dorcas 0 0
absent from this region
0 0
Trotignon, J.
614 Southern Mauritania approximative period 1/01/1900 31/12/1975 Sure Scientist 28 La dorcas occupait autrefois la quasi totalité de la Mauritanie, à l'exclusion des régions spécifiquement désertiques (le Majâbat) et méridionales. Elle existait en nombre de la côte océanique aux vallées des massifs montagneux. Gazella dorcas 0 0
absent from this region
0 0
Trotignon, J.
615 Mauritania exact period 1/01/1975 31/12/1975 Sure Scientist 28 Disparition catastrophique due essentiellement à la chasse. Là où on voyait entre 1955/1960 des troupeaux de 10 à 30 bêtes, on ne voit plus que des individus isolés, des couples ou groupuscules. Les groupes qui dépassent la dizaine sont l'exception.
L'auteur a vu des expéditions de chasse se soldant par un butin de 20 ou 30 bêtes (mâles, femelles, jeunes)
Gazella dorcas 0 0
very low numbers endangered 0 0
Trotignon, J.
616 Âwkâr (Aouker / Aoukar) exact period 1/01/1975 31/12/1975 Sure Scientist 28 Disparition catastrophique due essentiellement à la chasse. Là où on voyait entre 1955/1960 des troupeaux de 10 à 30 bêtes, on ne voit plus que des individus isolés, des couples ou groupuscules. Les groupes qui dépassent la dizaine sont l'exception.
L'auteur a vu des expéditions de chasse se soldant par un butin de 20 ou 30 bêtes (mâles, femelles, jeunes)
Gazella dorcas 0 0
very low numbers endangered 0 0
Trotignon, J.
617 Hodh exact period 1/01/1975 31/12/1975 Sure Scientist 28 Disparition catastrophique due essentiellement à la chasse. Là où on voyait entre 1955/1960 des troupeaux de 10 à 30 bêtes, on ne voit plus que des individus isolés, des couples ou groupuscules. Les groupes qui dépassent la dizaine sont l'exception.
L'auteur a vu des expéditions de chasse se soldant par un butin de 20 ou 30 bêtes (mâles, femelles, jeunes)
Gazella dorcas 0 0
very low numbers endangered 0 0
Trotignon, J.
618 Trarza exact period 1/01/1975 31/12/1975 Sure Scientist 28 Disparition catastrophique due essentiellement à la chasse. Là où on voyait entre 1955/1960 des troupeaux de 10 à 30 bêtes, on ne voit plus que des individus isolés, des couples ou groupuscules. Les groupes qui dépassent la dizaine sont l'exception.
L'auteur a vu des expéditions de chasse se soldant par un butin de 20 ou 30 bêtes (mâles, femelles, jeunes)
Gazella dorcas 0 0
very low numbers endangered 0 0
Trotignon, J.
619 Adrar exact period 1/01/1975 31/12/1975 Sure Scientist 28 Disparition catastrophique due essentiellement à la chasse. Là où on voyait entre 1955/1960 des troupeaux de 10 à 30 bêtes, on ne voit plus que des individus isolés, des couples ou groupuscules. Les groupes qui dépassent la dizaine sont l'exception.
L'auteur a vu des expéditions de chasse se soldant par un butin de 20 ou 30 bêtes (mâles, femelles, jeunes)
Gazella dorcas 0 0
very low numbers endangered 0 0
Trotignon, J.
620 Tijirît exact period 1/01/1975 31/12/1975 Sure Scientist 28 Disparition catastrophique due essentiellement à la chasse. Là où on voyait entre 1955/1960 des troupeaux de 10 à 30 bêtes, on ne voit plus que des individus isolés, des couples ou groupuscules. Les groupes qui dépassent la dizaine sont l'exception.
L'auteur a vu des expéditions de chasse se soldant par un butin de 20 ou 30 bêtes (mâles, femelles, jeunes)
Gazella dorcas 0 0
very low numbers endangered 0 0
Trotignon, J.
621 Inchiri exact period 1/01/1975 31/12/1975 Sure Scientist 28 Disparition catastrophique due essentiellement à la chasse. Là où on voyait entre 1955/1960 des troupeaux de 10 à 30 bêtes, on ne voit plus que des individus isolés, des couples ou groupuscules. Les groupes qui dépassent la dizaine sont l'exception.
L'auteur a vu des expéditions de chasse se soldant par un butin de 20 ou 30 bêtes (mâles, femelles, jeunes)
Gazella dorcas 0 0
very low numbers endangered 0 0
Trotignon, J.
622 Bir Moghrein (Fort Trinquet) exact period 1/01/1975 31/12/1975 Sure Scientist 28 Disparition catastrophique due essentiellement à la chasse. Là où on voyait entre 1955/1960 des troupeaux de 10 à 30 bêtes, on ne voit plus que des individus isolés, des couples ou groupuscules. Les groupes qui dépassent la dizaine sont l'exception.L'auteur a vu des expéditions de chasse se soldant par un butin de 20 ou 30 bêtes (mâles, femelles, jeunes) Gazella dorcas 0 0
very low numbers endangered 0 0
Trotignon, J.
623 Boûlanouâr approximative period 1/01/1971
Sure Foreign worker 28 Com. M. Maigret. 100 to 150 animals seen in 1 day: herds of 10/20 animals Gazella dorcas 0 0
large herds

Trotignon, J.
624 Tâziâzet (Tassiast) exact period 1/01/1975 31/12/1975 Sure Scientist 28 les gazelles dorcas sont, en 1975, encore relativement nombreuses dans le Tâziazet et la partie orientale de l'Oued el Abiod. Gazella dorcas 0 0
reasonable numbers
0 0
Trotignon, J.
625 Oued El Abiod exact period 1/01/1975 31/12/1975 Sure Scientist 28 les gazelles dorcas sont, en 1975, encore relativement nombreuses dans le Tâziazet et la partie orientale de l'Oued el Abiod. Gazella dorcas 0 0
reasonable numbers
0 0
Trotignon, J.
626 Boûlanouâr exact period 1/01/1971
Sure Scientist 28 observations made in 1 day during 1971 : herds of 10/20 animals (Com. M. Maigret) Gazella dorcas 0 0
large herds
0 0
Trotignon, J.
627 Tâziâzet (Tassiast) exact period 1/01/1971 31/12/1971 Sure Foreign worker 28 Com. M. Marenthier. Gazella dorcas 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
628 Tâziâzet (Tassiast) exact period 1/01/1972
Sure Foreign worker 28 Com. M. Grunwald. Seen in one day survey during 1972. Herds of 15/20 animals Gazella dorcas 0 0
large herds
0 0
Trotignon, J.
629 Amatlîch exact period 1/01/1972 31/12/1972 Sure Foreign worker 28 groups of 2/3 gazelles Gazella dorcas 0 0
small groups
0 0
Trotignon, J.
630 Bou Naga exact period 1/01/1972 31/12/1972 Sure Foreign worker 28 herds of 3 to 10/12 animals: disappeared in 1975 Gazella dorcas 0 0
small groups
0 0
Trotignon, J.
631 Bou Naga exact period 1/01/1975 31/12/1975 Sure Foreign worker 28 no more sightings in 1975 Gazella dorcas 0 0
no more sighting
0 0
Trotignon, J.
632 Zouérat exact period 1/01/1969 31/12/1969 Sure Foreign worker 28 North-East from Zouérat Gazella dorcas 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
633 El Hammâni exact period 1/01/1969 31/12/1969 Sure Foreign worker 28
Gazella dorcas 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
634 El Hammâni exact period 1/01/1972 31/12/1972 Sure Foreign worker 28 South from El Hammâmi Gazella dorcas 0 0


Trotignon, J.
635 El Hammâni exact period 1/01/1971 31/12/1972 Sure Foreign worker 28
Gazella dorcas 0 0

declining 0 0
Trotignon, J.
636 Tâziâzet (Tassiast) exact period 1/01/1971 31/12/1972 Sure Foreign worker 28
Gazella dorcas 0 0

declining 0 0
Trotignon, J.
637 Châr exact period 1/01/1974 31/12/1974 Sure Foreign worker 28 South from Châr: few gazelles Gazella dorcas 0 0
few animals
0 0
Trotignon, J.
638 Tâziâzet-Cap Timiris exact period 1/01/1975 31/12/1975 Sure Foreign worker 28 only 3 + 5 gazelles on this road (pasisng by the Tijirit region). Com. M. Marenthier. So, a strong diminition Gazella dorcas 0 0
extremely scarce
0 0
Trotignon, J.
639 Bir Moghrein - Erg Chech exact period 1/01/1935 31/12/1960 Sure In the forces 28 Com. Général J. du Boucher. Gazella dorcas 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
640 Cap Blanc exact period 1/01/1954 31/12/1954 Sure Foreign worker 28 Com. P. Perrault.The Cap Blanc was overrun with docas following a locusts invasion Gazella dorcas 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
641 Cap Blanc exact period 1/01/1927 31/12/1928 Sure Foreign worker 28 Com. M. Jeanne. The Cap Blanc was overrun with docas following a locusts invasion Gazella dorcas 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
642 Nouadhibou - Cap Timiris exact period 1/01/1950 31/12/1960 Sure Foreign worker 28 during this period, easy to see dorcas on the road from Nouadhibou to Cap Timiris (310 km) Gazella dorcas 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
643 Nouadhibou - Cap Timiris exact period 1/01/1972 5/01/1972 Sure Scientist 28
Gazella dorcas 0 0

-1 2
Trotignon, J.
644 Nouadhibou - Cap Timiris exact period 1/01/1972 10/01/1975 Sure Scientist 28
Gazella dorcas 0 0

-1 2
Trotignon, J.
645 Nouadhibou - Cap Timiris exact period 10/01/1972 15/01/1972 Sure Scientist 28
Gazella dorcas 0 0

-1 1
Trotignon, J.
646 Nouadhibou - Cap Timiris exact 21/08/1973
Sure Scientist 28
Gazella dorcas 0 0
no sign
0 0
Trotignon, J.
647 Châmi - Timiris exact 5/07/1974
Sure Scientist 28
Gazella dorcas 0 0

-1 2
Trotignon, J.
648 Nouadhibou - Cap Timiris exact 10/07/1974
Sure Scientist 28 1 male, 1 femelle, 1 young, 1 couple Gazella dorcas 0 0

-1 5
Trotignon, J.
649 Nouadhibou - Baie de l'Archimède exact 4/06/1975
Sure Scientist 28
Gazella dorcas 0 0
no animals seen
0 0
Trotignon, J.
650 Tidra (île) exact period 1/01/1975 31/12/1975 Sure Scientist 28
Gazella dorcas 0 0
0 0
Trotignon, J.
651 Tidra (île) exact 27/12/1971
Sure Scientist 28 15 individus. Survey east-West and along the western coast to the south Gazella dorcas 0 0

-1 15
Trotignon, J.
652 Tidra (île) exact 29/08/1972
Sure Scientist 28 Survey in the northern part of Tidda Gazella dorcas 0 0
no animals seen
0 0
Trotignon, J.
653 Tidra (île) exact 16/06/1974
Sure Scientist 28 Survey east-West Gazella dorcas 0 0

-1 3
Trotignon, J.
654 Tidra (île) exact 22/06/1974
Sure Scientist 28 2 dorcas , at low tide, eating Avicennia africana Gazella dorcas 0 0

-1 2
Trotignon, J.
655 Néma exact period 1/01/1985 31/12/1985 Sure Scientist 29 some dama could go back seasonally from Mali to the South-East of Mauritania Gazella dama 0 0

highly endangered 0 0
Prévost, Y. A.
656 Mauritania exact period 1/01/1985 31/12/1985 Sure Scientist 29 few thousands Gazella dorcas 0 0

endangered 0 0
Prévost, Y. A.
657 Mauritania exact period 1/01/1965 31/12/1975 Sure Scientist 29
Oryx dammah 0 0

extinct 0 0
Prévost, Y. A.
658 Majâbat al Koubra (El Djouf) exact period 1/01/1985 31/12/1986 Sure Scientist 29 sevaral hundreds. This last population follows the pastures between Arawan region to Mali during the wintering, in the Mreyyé during the cold saison and to the south of the Aklé Awana, sometimes to Walata, at the end of the dry saison (Lamarche, 1980) Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

highly endangered 0 0
Prévost, Y. A.
659 Northern Sahara approximative period 31/12/1899
Sure Scientist 280 addax and oryx disappeared from the northern sahara at the end of XIX century Adaxx + Oryx 0 0

extinct 0 0
Newby, J.E.
660 Centrum + Southern Sahara approximative period 1/01/1887 31/12/1986 Sure Scientist 280 Presence of Addax : Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Chad, Niger, Mali, Mauritania.
Presence of Oryx from the Atlantic coasts to the Nile in savannahs and steppes (grass pastures)
Adaxx + Oryx 0 0
0 0
Newby, J.E.
661 Centrum + Southern Sahara exact period 1/01/1960 31/12/1963 Sure Scientist 280 Massacres. Alarm given, beginning of 1960', by Hubert Gillet, French naturalist. Adaxx + Oryx 0 0

highly endangered 0 0
Newby, J.E.
662 R.F.O.R.O.A.(Wadi Rimé-Wadi Achim Faunal Reserve exact period 1/01/1970 31/12/1977 Sure Scientist 280 The Reserve was created in 1969 but was destroyed by the civil war after 1977 and the Reserve was abandonned. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0
Newby, J.E.
663 R.F.O.R.O.A.(Wadi Rimé-Wadi Achim Faunal Reserve exact period 1/01/1970 31/12/1977 Sure Scientist 280 The Reserve was created in 1969 but was destroyed by the civil war after 1977 and the Reserve was abandonned. Oryx dammah 0 0

0 0
Newby, J.E.
664 Mauritania + Mali + Niger + Chad exact period 1/01/1985 1/03/1986 Sure Scientist 280 "causes majeures du déclin: chasse par le personnel minier, militaire et administratif, mauvaise gestion des terres, sécheresse et désertification, manque de protection flagrant" (J.Newby, 1987) Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

highly endangered 0 0
Newby, J.E.
665 Mauritania + Mali + Niger + Chad exact period 1/01/1985 1/03/1986 Sure Scientist 280 "causes majeures du déclin: chasse par le personnel minier, militaire et administratif, mauvaise gestion des terres, sécheresse et désertification, manque de protection flagrant" (J.Newby, 1987) Oryx dammah 0 0

highly endangered 0 0
Newby, J.E.
666 East of Majâbat al Koubra (El Djouf) exact period 1/01/1985 31/12/1987 Sure Scientist 313 "Le dernier réservoir de l'Addax du monde se trouve dans la partie Est de la Majâbat et renferme un contingent mouvant de plusieurs centaines d'individus dont la reproduction semble bonne, surtout depuis 3 ans - dans la mesure où les pâturages sahariens Aristida sp., Cornulaca monocantha, Stipagrostris sp., etc. sont de bonne qualité." (Bruno Lamarche, 1978) Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

highly endangered 0 0
Lamarche, B.
667 Eastern Mreyyé + Aklé Awana + Western Erigat exact period 1/01/1980 31/12/1980 Sure Scientist 313 key areas for addax in the 80' Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

highly endangered 0 0
Lamarche, B.
668 Majâbat al Koubra (El Djouf) exact period 1/01/1985 31/12/1987 Sure Scientist 27 "Queques centaines d'addax subsistent dans la Majâbat al Koubra . Où ils nomadisent entre la Mauritanie et le Mali, descendant près de Walata (Oualata) juste avant l'hivernage (MREYYE)" P. Vincke, 1987 Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

highly endangered 0 0
Vincke, P.; Sournia, G. & Wangari, E.
669 El Mreyye exact period 1/01/1990 31/12/1990 Sure Scientist 286 "the population probably comprised several hundred animals in the early 1980s but may now be <50." Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

highly endangered 0 0
East, R.
670 Erg Iguîdi exact period 1/01/1990 31/12/1990 Sure Scientist 286 " formerly occurred in the Erg Iguidi within Algeria and its range may have extended into southwestern part of Erg Iguidi in northeastern Mauritania. If it does occur in Mauritania, it is probably endangered because of the effects of hunting and prolonged extreme drought" Gazella leptoceros 0 0

insufficiently known 0 0
East, R.
671 Mauritania 01/01/1990 1/01/1990 31/12/1990 Sure Scientist 286 "the last individuals probably occurend in the Oualata-Néma area (in 1975)" In 1990, extinct in Mauritania Oryx dammah 0 0

extinct 0 0
East, R.
672 Mauritania exact period 1/01/1990 31/12/1990 Sure Scientist 286 "It may have survived until recently in the Aklé Aouana region on the Mali border (Lamarche, 1980) but it is no longer present in Mauritania" Gazella dama 0 0

extinct 0 0
East, R.
673 Aklé Awana (Aouana) exact period 1/01/1990 31/12/1990 Sure Scientist 286 "It may have survived until recently in the Aklé Aouana region on the Mali border (Lamarche, 1980) but it is no longer present in Mauritania" Gazella dama 0 0

highly endangered 0 0
East, R.
674 Parc National du Banc d'Arguin exact period 1/01/1983 31/12/1983 Sure Scientist 286 less than 200 dorcas in the entire park (Verschuren 1984,1985) Gazella dorcas 0 0

endangered 0 0
East, R.
675 Tidra (île) exact period 1/01/1983 31/12/1983 Sure Scientist 286 <10 animals in 1983 Gazella dorcas 0 0

highly endangered 0 0
East, R.
676 Tidra (île) exact period 1/01/1970 31/12/1970 Sure Scientist 286 about 100 dorcas gazelles on the island of Tidra within the National Park of Banc d'Arguin Gazella dorcas 0 0

endangered 0 0
East, R.
677 Mauritania exact period 1/01/1998 31/12/1998 Sure Scientist 14 "Formerly occurred widely in the west and south, but it was exterminated by uncontrolled hunting. It had probably died out by the 1960s" Oryx dammah 0 0

extinct 0 0
East, R.
678 El Mreyye exact period 1/01/1997 31/12/1998 Sure Scientist 14 "Formerly occurred widely in the deserts of central and northern Mauritania. It remained widespread until the 1940s and persisted trhoughout much of the north and east until 1960. Motorised illegal hunting then began to have a catastrophic effect on its distribution and abundance. By 1980 the few surviving animals were restricted to the remote eastern deserts of the Mreyyé area in the eastern part of Majabât al Koubra along Mali border. This population was considered to have decreased from several hundred animals in the early 1980s to <50 in 1990, but recent information indicates that it may have numbered a few hundred individuals in the late 1990s." Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

highly endangered 0 0
East, R.
679 Mauritania exact period 1/01/1998 31/12/1998 Sure Scientist 14 decreasing :"Formerly occurred throughout most of the country, but naturally absent from the better watered parts of the southern sahel zonr and from the most arid parts of the deserts such as the heart of the Majabat al Koubra in the east. It was formerly abundant, but by the 1980s intensive hunting had eliminated it from most of its former range and it survived only in small isolated populations in remote desert regions. It still occurs in a few areas, e.g., in the Maqteir in the northwest and probably in the Areg Chach (Erg Chech) Escarpment in the northeast. The remant population in Banc d'Arguin National Park was reduced greatly by poaching in the 1970s and early 1980s but is currently reported to be stable;" Gazella dorcas 0 0

highly endangered 0 0
East, R.
680 Parc National du Banc d'Arguin exact period 1/01/1998 31/12/1998 Sure Scientist 14 decreasing :" The remant population in Banc d'Arguin National Park was reduced greatly by poaching in the 1970s and early 1980s but is currently reported to be stable;" Gazella dorcas 0 0
very low numbers highly endangered 0 0
East, R.
681 Mauritania exact period 1/01/1998 31/12/1998 Sure Scientist 14
Gazella leptoceros 0 0

extinct 0 0
East, R.
682 Tidjikja exact period 1/01/1998 31/12/1998 Sure Scientist 14 "Formely occurred widely throughout the southern half of the country and in the northwest. It has suffered a catastrophic decline since the 1960s because of relentless hunting combined with habitat degradation, It was thought to be extinct in the late 1980s, but recent reports indicate that it still occurs in the remote southeast and that a few may survive in the vincinity of Tidjika to the west" Gazella dama 0 0
few animals highly endangered 0 0
East, R.
683 Oualâta-Néma exact period 1/01/1998 31/12/1998 Sure Scientist 14 "Formely occurred widely throughout the southern half of the country and in the northwest. It has suffered a catastrophic decline since the 1960s because of relentless hunting combined with habitat degradation, It was thought to be extinct in the late 1980s, but recent reports indicate that it still occurs in the remote southeast and that a few may survive in the vincinity of Tidjika to the west" Gazella dama 0 0
very low numbers highly endangered 0 0
East, R.
684 Djebel Guettar exact period 1/01/1930 31/12/1930 Sure Scientist 125 la cuvier était, à l'époque, le grand mammifère le plus répandu dans cette région. Si "elle cherche les croupes montueuses, elle n'en descend pas moins dans la plaine d'Alfa" Gazella cuvieri 0 0
0 0
Heim de Balsac, H.
685 Djebel Senalba exact period 1/01/1930 31/12/1930 Sure Scientist 125 "le pouvoir d'adaptation est si bien développé que la gazelle de montagne peut vivre en animal forestier ..En ce point (Djebel Senalba) la montagne est couverte de boisements de Pins, de Génévriers, de Chênes verts, entremêlés d'une végétation frutescente, relativement dense, même aux endroits les plus touffus, on pouvait voir les traces fraîches de gazelle.." Gazella cuvieri 0 0
0 0
Heim de Balsac, H.
686 Montagnes du Tell exact period 1/01/1930 31/12/1930 Sure Scientist 125 la cuvier ne s'y rencontre plus que dans quelques rare points. Plus de cheptel important. Autrefois elle y vivait en nombre Gazella cuvieri 0 0
very low numbers declining 0 0
Heim de Balsac, H.
687 Djebel Guettar exact period 1/01/1930 31/12/1930 Sure Scientist 125 "les derniers survivants algériens trouvèrent là un refuge, entre 1890 et 1900" Bubalis boselaphus 0 0

extinct 0 0
Heim de Balsac, H.
688 Atlas Saharien exact period 1/01/1935 31/12/1935 Sure In the forces 95 "may be found in small parties, rarely exceeding seven head, upon the bare southern slopes of the hills bordering the sahara" Gazella cuvieri 0 0

0 0
Maydon, H.C.
689 Ouargla exact period 1/01/1935 31/12/1935 Sure In the forces 95 around Ouargla "from Ouargla, a considerable journey would be necessary in order to find this beautiful Antelope" Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Maydon, H.C.
690 Oued Souf (El oued Souf) exact period 1/01/1935 31/12/1935 Sure In the forces 95 "inhabits dunes country such as that around Oued Souf, near border of Algeria and Tunis" Gazella leptoceros 0 0
0 0
Maydon, H.C.
691 Algeria exact period 1/01/1935 31/12/1935 Sure In the forces 95 very widely distributed in herds of from 3 to 15 or 20 head (and someties more) over the desert areas of the plateau and in the Sahara" Gazella dorcas 0 0
0 0
Maydon, H.C.
692 Algeria exact period 1/01/1960 31/12/1960


0 0

0 0
693 Tchad (chad) exact period 1/01/1958 31/12/1958 Sure Scientist 316 "En grand danger, surtout à cause de ses nouveaux poursuivants en auto" Addax nasomaculatus 0 0 5000
declining 0 0
Blancou, L.
694 Tchad (chad) exact period 1/01/1958 31/12/1958 Sure Scientist 316 "En grand danger, surtout à cause de ses nouveaux poursuivants en auto" Oryx dammah 0 0 <10000
declining 0 0
Blancou, L.
695 Erdi depression exact period 1/01/1962 31/12/1962 Sure Scientist 315 "voyage d'1 mois dans le nord-est du Borkou, entre le 16° et le 20° de latitude nord et le 20° et 24° de longitude est: région de dunes, de regs et de rochers"
"cet animal n'existe pas dan la région que nous avons visitée, alors qu'il est abondant plus au sud-ouest"
Oryx dammah 0 0
absent from this region
0 0
Edmond-Blanc,F.; de Rothschild, A.; de Rothschild, E.
697 Mourdi Depression exact period 1/01/1962 31/12/1962 Sure Scientist 315 "voyage d'1 mois dans le nord-est du Borkou, entre le 16° et le 20° de latitude nord et le 20° et 24° de longitude est: région de dunes, de regs et de rochers"
"cet animal n'existe pas dan la région que nous avons visitée, alors qu'il est abondant plus au sud-ouest"
Oryx dammah 0 0
absent from this region
0 0
Edmond-Blanc,F.; de Rothschild, A.; de Rothschild, E.
699 Borkou-Erdi + Mourdi Depression exact period 1/01/1962 31/12/1962 Sure Scientist 315 "voyage d'1 mois dans le nord-est du Borkou, entre le 16° et le 20° de latitude nord et le 20° et 24° de longitude est: région de dunes, de regs et de rochers"
petits troupeaux de dorcas de 7-8 individus
Gazella dorcas 0 0
small groups
0 0
Edmond-Blanc,F.; de Rothschild, A.; de Rothschild, E.
700 Bagada exact period 1/01/1962 31/12/1962 Sure Scientist 315
Gazella dorcas 0 0

0 0
Edmond-Blanc,F.; de Rothschild, A.; de Rothschild, E.
701 Bagada exact period 1/01/1962 31/12/1962 Sure Scientist 315 "malgré les affirmations unanimes de leur existence de la part des nomades, goumiers, méharistes et des guides, nous n'avaons pas pu identifier cette gazelle dans la région de Bagada, où elle est réputée exister.. nous a été affirmé que cette gazelle, qui n'est jamais abondante, mais don’t on trouve quelques individus mélangés aux Dorcas, vivrait plus particulièrement dans cette région de bagada, qui est relativement boisée"" Gazella leptoceros 0 0
0 0
Edmond-Blanc,F.; de Rothschild, A.; de Rothschild, E.
702 Ounianga Kebir exact period 1/01/1960 31/12/1961 Sure In the forces 315 com du Capitaine Fasseur, commandant du poste de Faya. Gazella leptoceros 0 0

0 0
Edmond-Blanc,F.; de Rothschild, A.; de Rothschild, E.
703 Erdi Dji exact period 1/01/1962 31/12/1962 Sure Scientist 315 les auteurs ont rencontré, au cours de leur voyage de 2.500 km, 3 fois des addax. "Au nord-est de l'Erdi Dji, dissimulés dans les dunes et les rochers, nous avions pu apercevoir plusieurs troupeaux d'addax au moment où le jour tombait." ..le ledemain , ils avaient disparu de la zone dans un rayon de 50 km pendant 4 jours. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Edmond-Blanc,F.; de Rothschild, A.; de Rothschild, E.
704 Borkou-Erdi + Mourdi Depression exact period 1/01/1962 31/12/1962 Sure Scientist 315 es auteurs ont rencontré, au cours de leur voyage de 2.500 km, 3 fois des addax et une cinquantaine de traces plus ou moins fraîches.. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0

0 0 Tracks/Spoors Edmond-Blanc,F.; de Rothschild, A.; de Rothschild, E.
705 Korotoro - Oum-Chalouba exact period 1/01/1962 31/12/162 Sure Scientist 315 au sud de la ligne Korotorao -oum-chalouba, on trouve également quelques addax, le plus souvent milieu des oryx et des Gazelles dama. Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
few animals
0 0
Edmond-Blanc,F.; de Rothschild, A.; de Rothschild, E.
706 Mourdi Depression exact period 1/01/1962 31/12/1962 Sure Scientist 315 "..à l'extrémité Est de la Dépression du Mourdi, à la frontière avec le Soudan, on trouve (affirmation par les méharistes) une région de pâturages beaucoup plus riches (que la région nord du Borkou-Ennedi), similaire à celle d'Oum-Chalouba-Koro-toro, où existerait la même végétation et la même faune Oryx et Addax" Addax nasomaculatus 0 0
0 0
Edmond-Blanc,F.; de Rothschild, A.; de Rothschild, E.
707 Mourdi Depression exact period 1/01/1962 31/12/1962 Sure Scientist 315 "..à l'extrémité Est de la Dépression du Mourdi, à la frontière avec le Soudan, on trouve (affirmation par les méharistes) une région de pâturages beaucoup plus riches (que la région nord du Borkou-Ennedi), similaire à celle d'Oum-Chalouba-Koro-toro, où existerait la même végétation et la même faune Oryx et Addax" Oryx dammah 0 0
0 0
Edmond-Blanc,F.; de Rothschild, A.; de Rothschild, E.