Biodiversity Monitoring and Assessment (BIOMON) Research Group

Tropical Forest Biodiversity unit




RBINS Ant and Termite eMuseum

tructured Inventories of Diversity database

Database system developed by Maurice Leponce (with a Ms-Access database core) to manage biodiversity survey data and especially adapted to ecological inventories of social insects. Its main features are: (i) management of sample and specimen data through barcode printed labels (alcohol proof, to speed up data entry and facilitate loan management); (ii) quick storage and retrieval of numeric pictures on habitats and taxa; (iii) tools for specimen identification (computer keys linked with an image bank) and data entry (world checklist of ant genera and South American habitats); (iv) data analysis friendly (filters for sorting data with respect to taxon, site and sampling method; abundance matrices automatically exported to EstimateS format); (v) simultaneous data-entry by several users.

Leponce, M.; Vander Linden, C. 1999 SIDbase : a database built for the management of Social Insects Diversity inventories. Colloque de la Section Française de l’IUSSI, Tours, France, 01-03/09/99, pdf document(84KB)

Leponce, M. 2003. SIDbase. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, internal technical report, 14p. download pdf document (538KB)

RBINS Ant eMuseum

Virtual collection of ants, especially morphospecies, collected during our sampling programs. In collaboration with the belgian biodiversity platform.

Paraguay collection : preview (under construction)

RBINS Termite eMuseum

Termites of Panama, in collaboration with Prof. Yves Roisin, ULB.


Web pages hosted by the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences and maintained by Maurice Leponce. Last update 08/07/2008.