Biodiversity Monitoring and Assessment (BIOMON) Research Group







Maurice Leponce Curriculum Vitae

Maurice Leponce
Research Group leader
Biodiversity Monitoring & Assessment RG (BIOMON): 
- Tropical Forest Biodiversity (BIOMON/TroFor) unit & 
- Belgian Bird Ringing Centre (BIOMON/BeBirds) unit

Operational Directorate Natural Environment

Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
29 rue Vautier
1000 Brussels, Belgium
Phone: (+32 2) 6274-357 (office), (+32 2) 6274-358 (lab), fax: (+32 2) 6274-113 (RBINS)

Research associate, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Evolutionary Biology and Ecology, CP160/12, 50 av. F.D. Roosevelt, 1050 Brussels, Belgium. 

Principal investigator "Life on Trees" programme


web pages: 

Life On Trees: life forms living on individual tropical 
IBISCA: Diversity and distribution of forest arthropods: 
Biodiversity and community ecology of ants and termites: 
Digital Collection: 
Royal Belgian Academy:
Lab view (photosphere) in Google Expeditions


Citizenship: Belgian.

Competence: ecology, conservation biology, developmental biology (fluctuating asymmetry, mites), agroecosystems, database development (SIDbase, IBISCA project: db_IBISCA, CTFS arthropod monitoring database), picture guides (termites of Panama), online collections (Paraguay ants), numerical ecology, programming, digital microscopy.

Languages: French (mother tongue), English, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Neo Melanesian.

Research interests

In chronological order : 

tropical forest biodiversity: large-scale biodiversity surveys with an emphasis on arthropods and canopy biodiversity (2003-...)

ant and termite community ecology and conservation  (1999-...).

multiple cropping systems in tropical regions (1987, 1988)

urban ecology (green and blue areas network) in Brussels (1998-2004)

mites and fluctuating asymmetry (1995-1997)

community ecology of arboreal neo-guinean termites (1989- 1995)


on my research: "In The Treetops of Papua New Guinea": 

Collection of insects and plants in the canopy. Papua New Guinea, 2013


Ingénieur agronome (i.e.: Master of Technology in Agronomic Sciences), orientation: tropical agronomy. Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques de Gembloux - Belgium. Qualification : grande distinction (high mark) (1987).

Docteur en Sciences Agronomiques (PhD Thesis in Agronomic Sciences). Université Libre de Bruxelles - Belgium. Qualification : la plus grande distinction avec félicitations du jury (highest mark) (1996).


Award Adolphe Wetrems, from the Royal Belgian Academy, 2017.

Scientific career

Research Group leader (BIOMON, Chef de travaux principal, SW3, 1/11/2013-) / Head of Section a.i. (Section of Biological Evaluation, 2011-2013) / Chef de travaux, SW2, Section of Biological Evaluation (1/11/2002-31/10/2013) / Tenured Research Fellow, Section of Biological Evaluation (1999-2002) / Research Fellow, Section of Biological Evaluation (1997-1999) / Assistant, Dept. of Entomology, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) (1995-1997) / IRSIA specialization grant, Belgium (1991-1994)) / Coordinator, King Léopold III Biological Station, Papua New Guinea (1990, 1994)

Consultancy to Life-Nature (EU) and Brussels Institute for Management of the Environment (IBGE / BIM); member of the Steering Committee for the CTFS arthropod monitoring initiative (2007-)

Academic experience

Research associate, Evolutionary Biology and Ecology, University of Brussels (ULB), Belgium (1998-).

Member of the Alumni College, royal Academies of Belgium (2009-)

Lecturer at the United Nations University (UNU), Biodiversity Training Course, Ghent University, Belgium (2000-2004). 

Supervision of 6 PhD students, University of Brussel, INECOL (Mexico), Bahia (Brasil). 

Supervision of 7 M.Sc. students: University of Brussels (ULB), University of Liège (ULg), University of Louvain (UCL), Belgium; Papua New Guinea University of Natural Resources and Environment, Rabaul.

Supervision of 5 undergraduate students (work experience).

Examiner of the PhD thesis of Mr Kolo Yéo, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), France (2006).

Examiner of the PhD thesis of Mr Petr Klimes, University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic (2011).

Examiner of the PhD thesis of Mrs Iroshani Indujina Hemachandra, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (2014).

Examiner of the PhD thesis of Mr Henri Herrera entitled "Faunistic, taxonomic and ecological research of ants fromGalapagos Islands with emphasis on invasive species", Ghent University, Belgium (2016)

Examiner of the PhD thesis of Mr Deogratias Nduwarugira entitled "Ecologie des termites ("Umuswa" et rôle des termitères dans la biodiversité de la forêt claire Miombo au Burundi - impact pour la conservation", University of Brussels, Belgium (2016)

Examiner of the PhD thesis of Ms Mélanie Fichaux entitled "Structuration des communautés de fourmis de la litière en forêt guyanaise", University of Guyane, French Guiana (2018)

Examiner of the PhD thesis of Ms Sarah Bonney entitled "Ants as little things that run the world: Ecological responses to the suppression of a dominant faunal group in an Australian savanna", Charles Darwin University, Australia (2021)

Member of the scientific committee of the Fonds National pour la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) research school "Biodiversity - Ecology - Evolution".

Scientific referee for Acta Oecologica, African Entomology, Agricultural and Forest Entomology, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Belgian Journal of Zoology, Biodiversity and Conservation, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Biology Letters, Bulletin de la Société Royale Belge d'Entomologie, Cambridge University Press, Diversity and Distributions, Ecography, Ecological Entomology, Insect Conservation and Diversity, Insectes Sociaux, Journal of African Zoology, Journal of Animal Ecology, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of East African Natural History, Journal of Insect Science, Journal of Tropical Ecology, Myrmecological News, National Geographic Society, Naturwissenschaften, Neotropical Entomology, Pacific Conservation Biology, PLoS One, Psyche, Sociobiology, The Science of Nature, Urban Ecosystems, Zoosystema.

Organization of sessions and scientific meetings

Chairman of the session “Biodiversity inventories in tropical ecosystems I” (10/7/2017), 54th Annual Meeting of the Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC), Merida.

Co-organizer with Jürgen Homeier, Yadvinder Mahli, Petr Klimes, Jörg Bendix, Vojtech Novotny of the Session "Complete Altitudinal Rainforest Transects", European Conference of Tropical Ecology, Brussels, 9 Feb. 2017. (21 talks).

Co-organizer with Yves Roisin of the Session "Arthropod Ecology and Conservation", European Conference of Tropical Ecology, Brussels, 9 Feb. 2017. (7 talks).

Member of the organizing committee of the 2017 annual meeting of the Society for Tropical Ecology - GTÖ, Brussels.

Co-organizer with Prof. Vojtech Novotny of the Symposium "From the mountains to seas: altitudinal trends in New Guinea biodiversity", Annual meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Cairns, Australia, July 2014 (18 talks).

Co-organizer of the 4th European Meeting of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects, La Roche-en-Ardenne, Belgium, 30 August - 4 September 2008.

Co-convenor with Yves Basset of an European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop, co-sponsored by the United Nations Environment Program and the Global Canopy Program entitled "The Last Biotic Frontier: Towards A Census of Canopy Life", Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, 5-9 July 2005.

Convenor of the roundtable "Biodiversity inventories and characterization of the ant community structure.", XXI simposio Mirmecologia, Fortaleza, 01-05 Dec. 2013.

Member of the scientific committee for the permanent exhibitions on biodiversity, RBINS (2009-).

Member of the scientific committee of the Belgian Biodiversity Platform conference "Conservation Research Matters" (2012)".

Member of the scientific committee of the symposium "Entomology in Belgium 2014" organized by the belgian royal society of entomology.


Exhibition "Ciel / Hemel" at Royal Palace of Brussels (22.07.2017- 03.09.2017): Presentation of a short version of "In The Treetops of Papua New Guinea" ( and ) and model of the Arboglisseur / Canopy Glider

Organizer of exhibitions on the IBISCA project and the biodiversity of tropical forest canopies:
- Brussels, Parc du Cinquantenaire: 23-29 June 2005, in collaboration with SolVin-Solvay.
- Brussels Museum of Natural History 1-8 July 2005, in collaboration with SolVin-Solvay.
- Brussels, Tour & Taxis: 23-24 April 2010, in collaboration with the Jeunesses Scientifiques de Belgique
- Parcs d'Aventures Scientifiques, PASS, Frameries, Belgium, 1 July - 31 August 2010.
- Brussels, Wolubilis, Objectif Wolu2050, 4-7 November 2010 download pdf document

International scientific expeditions


"Life on Trees" (LoT) program 2020-2025, scientific coordination.


Scientific expeditions in Parque Nacional del Rio Abiseo (Oct.21, May.22, Oct.22), in Parque Nacional Yanachaga-Chemillén (May.23, Oct.23), Reserva Natural La Isla Escondida (2024-2025)



"Our Planet Reviewed French Guiana 2014-2015", land module: Member of the scientific committee, participant.

"Our Planet Reviewed Papua New Guinea 2012-2013", land module, scientific coordinator with Prof. V. Novotny (Czech Academy of Sciences and Binatang Research Center). "Our Planet Reviewed Papua-New-Guinea 2012-2013" was a consortium of the Natural History Museums of Paris (MNHN) and Brussels (RBINS), the NGO Pro-Natura International (PNI), the Binatang Research Center (BRC, Papua New Guinea), l’Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) and the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG).

"Our Planet Reviewed" SANTO2006 (Vanuatu) & Mozambique 2009: participant.


IBISCA-Panama (2003-2004), IBISCA-Queensland (2006), IBISCA-Auvergne (2008): participant, database administrator.

Opération Canopée: Laos 2012 : participant.
(c) L. Pyot


Field experience


Argentina (1998-2001), Australia (1998, 2006, 2014), Belgium, Burundi (1987), Brasil (2005, 2012-2013, 2015, 2023), Colombia (2022-2025), D.R. Congo (2012-2013), Costa Rica (2002), Ecuador (1982, 2007-2010), Ethiopia (2020), France (2008), French Guiana (2006, 2009-2011, 2014-2015), Gabon (1999), Laos (2012), Mexico (2014, 2017), Mozambique (2009), Myanmar (2017, 2018), Panama (2002-2004, 2025), Papua New Guinea (1989-1994, 2011-2014), Paraguay (2001-2002), Peru (2019, 2021-2023), Uganda (1994), Vanuatu (2006), Zimbabwe (2013). 

Pictures of field work:
 Our Planet Reviewed Papua-New-Guinea 2012-2013: Mount Wilhelm ;
Our Planet Reviewed Mozambique-Madagascar 2009-2010 ; Santo-2006 expedition (Vanuatu)(by Xavier Desmier);  
IBISCA-Panama 2003-2004: by Roger Le Guen  , by participants

Scientific output from projects



Life on Trees project : publications

Our Planet Reviewed Papua New Guinea, land module project : 59 publications

IBISCA-Panama : publications



PDF available:

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Leponce, M.; Basset, Y.; Aristizábal-Botero, Á.; Baïben, N.; Barbut, J.; Buyck, B.; Butterill, P.; Calders, K.; Cárdenas, G.; Carrias, J.-F.; Catchpole, D.; D’hont, B.; Delabie, J.; Drescher, J.; Ertz, D.; Heughebaert, A.; Hofstetter, V.; Leroy, C.; Melki, F.; Michaux, J.; Moreno, J.C.N.; Poirier, E.; Rougerie, R.; Rouhan, G.; Rufray, V.; Scheu, S.; Schmidl, J.; Vanderpoorten, A.; Villemant, C.; Youdjou, N.; Pascal, O. (2024) Unveiling the above-ground eukaryotic diversity supported by individual large old trees : the “Life on Trees” integrative protocol. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 7 [#264].

Koch, E.B.A.; Silva, P.S.; Arnhold, A.; Ferraz, E.C.R.; Leponce, M.; Mariano, C.d.S.F.; Delabie, J.H.C. (2024) Contribution of omnidirectional flight traps to assess the ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) diversity in an agroforestry system. Sociobiology, 71 10.13102/sociobiology.v71i2.9827 [#262]

Luna, P.; Villalobos, F.; Escobar, F.; Neves, F.; Castillo-Campos, G.; Hinojosa-Díaz, I.; Cagnolo, L.; del-Val, E.; Leponce, M.; Dáttilo, W. (2023) Temperature dissimilarity drives flower–visitor interaction turnover across elevation in the Mexican Transition Zone. Journal of Biogeography. 10.1111/jbi.14684 [#259]

Dáttilo, W.; Cruz, C.P.; Luna, P.; Ratoni, B.; Hinojosa-Díaz, I.A.; Neves, F.S.; Leponce, M.; Villalobos, F.; Guevara, R. (2022) The Impact of the Honeybee Apis mellifera on the Organization of Pollination Networks Is Positively Related with Its Interactive Role throughout Its Geographic Range. Diversity, 14. 10.3390/d14110917 [#258]

Silva, R.R.; Martello, F.; Feitosa, R.M.; Silva, O.G.M.; do Prado, L.P.; Brandão, C.R.F.; de Albuquerque, E.Z.; Morini, M.S.C.; Delabie, J.H.C.; dos Santos Monteiro, E.C.; Emanuel Oliveira Alves, A.; Wild, A.L.; Christianini, A.V.; Arnhold, A.; Casadei Ferreira, A.; Oliveira, A.M.; Santos, A.D.; Galbán, A.; de Oliveira, A.A.; Subtil, A.G.M.; Dias, A.M.; de Carvalho Campos, A.E.; Waldschimidt, A.M.; Freitas, A.V.L.; Avalos, A.N.; Meyer, A.L.S.; Sánchez-Restrepo, A.F.; Suarez, A.V.; Souza, A.S.; Queiroz, A.C.M.; Mayhé-Nunes, A.J.; da Cruz Reis, A.; Lopes, B.C.; Guénard, B.; Trad, B.M.; Caitano, B.; Yagound, B.; Pereira-Silva, B.; Fisher, B.L.; Tavares, B.L.P.; Moraes, B.B.; Filgueiras, B.K.C.; Guarda, C.; Ribas, C.R.; Cereto, C.E.; Esbérard, C.E.L.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R.; Paris, C.I.; Bueno, C.; Lasmar, C.J.; da Costa-Milanez, C.B.; Lutinski, C.J.; Ortiz-Sepulveda, C.M.; Wazema, C.T.; Mariano, C.S.F.; Barrera, C.A.; Klunk, C.L.; Santana, D.O.; Larrea, D.; Rother, D.C.; Souza-Campana, D.R.; Kayano, D.Y.; Alves, D.L.; Assis, D.S.; Anjos, D.; França, E.C.B.; Santos, E.F.; Silva, E.A.; Santos, É.V.; Koch, E.B.; Siqueira, E.L.S.; Almeida, É.A.; Araujo, E.S.; Villarreal, E.; Becker, E.; de Oliveira Canedo-Júnior, E.; Santos-Neto, E.A.; Economo, E.P.; Araújo-Oliveira, É.S.; Cuezzo, F.; Magalhães, F.S.; Neves, F.M.; Rosumek, F.B.; Dorneles, F.E.; Noll, F.B.; Arruda, F.V.; Esteves, F.A.; Ramos, F.N.; Garcia, F.R.M.; de Castro, F.S.; Serna, F.; Marcineiro, F.R.; Neves, F.S.; do Nascimento, G.B.; de Figueiredo Jacintho, G.; Camacho, G.P.; Ribeiro, G.T.; Lourenço, G.M.; Soares, G.R.; Castilho, G.A., et al. (2022) ATLANTIC ANTS: a data set of ants in Atlantic Forests of South America. Ecology, 103, e03580.  [#255]

Cannon, C.H.; Borchetta, C.; Anderson, D.L.; Arellano, G.; Barker, M.; Charron, G.; LaMontagne, J.M.; Richards, J.H.; Abercrombie, E.; Banin, L.F.; Tagle Casapia, X.; Chen, X.; Degtjarenko, P.; Dell, J.E.; Durden, D.; Guevara Andino, J.E.; Hernández-Gutiérrez, R.; Hirons, A.D.; Kua, C.-S.; La Vigne, H.; Leponce, M.; Lim, J.Y.; Lowman, M.; Marshall, A.J.; Michaletz, S.T.; Normark, B.B.; Penneys, D.S.; Schneider, G.F.; Strijk, J.S.; Tiamiyu, B.B.; Trammell, T.L.E.; Vargas-Rodriguez, Y.L.; Weintraub-Leff, S.R.; Lussier Desbiens, A.; Spenko, M. (2021) Extending Our Scientific Reach in Arboreal Ecosystems for Research and Management. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 4. 10.3389/ffgc.2021.712165 [#254]

Antoniazzi, R.; Camarota, F.; Leponce, M.; Dáttilo, W. (2021) Discovery-defense strategy as a mechanism of social foraging of ants in tropical rainforest canopies. Behavioral Ecology. 10.1093/beheco/arab054 [#253]

Leponce, M.; Corbara, B.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Orivel, J.; Aberlenc, H.-P.; Bail, J.; Barrios, H.; Campos, R.I.; do Nascimento, I.C.; Compin, A.; Didham, R.K.; Floren, A.; Medianero, E.; Ribeiro, S.P.; Roisin, Y.; Schmidl, J.; Tishechkin, A.K.; Winchester, N.N.; Basset, Y.; Dejean, A. (2021) Spatial and functional structure of an entire ant assemblage in a lowland Panamanian rainforest. Basic and Applied Ecology, 56, 32-44. [#252]

Mottl, O.; Yombai, J.; Novotný, V.; Leponce, M.; Weiblen, G.D.; Klimeš, P. (2021) Inter-specific aggression generates ant mosaics in canopies of primary tropical rainforest. Oikos. 10.1111/oik.08069 [#251]

Leponce, M.; Dejean, A.; Mottl, O.; Klimes, P. (2021) Rapid assessment of the three-dimensional distribution of dominant arboreal ants in tropical forests. Insect Conservation and Diversity. 10.1111/icad.12486 Data: 10.5281/zenodo.4554164 Video: YouTube or Vimeo [#250] 

Antoniazzi, R.; Viana-Junior, A.B.; Pelayo-Martínez, J.; Ortiz-Lozada, L.; Neves, F.S.; Leponce, M.; Dáttilo, W. (2021) Distance–decay patterns differ between canopy and ground ant assemblages in a tropical rainforest. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 1-9. 10.1017/s0266467420000188 [#249]

Antoniazzi, R.; Guevara, R.; García-Franco, J.; Janda, M.; Leponce, M.; Dáttilo, W. (2020) Environmental drivers of ant dominance in a tropical rainforest canopy at different spatial scales. Ecological Entomology. 10.1111/een.12988 [#248]

Delabie, J.; Koch, E.; Dodonov, P.; Caitano, B.; DaRocha, W.; Jahyny, B.; Leponce, M.; Majer, J.; Mariano, C. (2020). Sampling and analysis methods for ant diversity assessment. In Measuring arthropod diversity: a handbook of sampling methods (ed. by J.C. Santos & G.W. Fernandez), pp. 13-54. Springer, Cham. 10.1007/978-3-030-53226-0_2 [#247]

Leponce, M.; Pascal, O.; Basset, Y.; Novotny, V. (2020). Organizing large-scale inventories of biodiversity in the tropics: the genesis and lessons of the project Our Planet Reviewed Papua New Guinea – land component. In Insects of Mount Wilhelm, Papua New Guinea - volume 2 (ed. by T. Robillard F. Legendre C. Villemant & M. Leponce), Vol. 214. Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle. [#246]

Robillard, T.; Legendre, F.; Villemant, C.; Leponce, M. (2020) Insects of Mount Wilhelm, Papua New Guinea - volume 2 Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle,  Vol. 214, 599 p. [#245]

Finnie, S.; Sam, K.; Leponce, M.; Basset, Y.; Drew, D.; Schutze, M.K.; Dahl, C.; Damag, M.; Dilu, M.; Gewa, B.; Kaupa, B.; Keltim, M.; Koane, B.; Kua, J.; Lilip, R.; Mogia, M.; Philip, F.; Ray, B.; Sam, L.; Tulai, S.; Uma, C.; Umari, R.; Valeba, J.; Yalang, J.; Novotny, V. (2020) Assemblages of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) along an elevational gradient in the rainforests of Papua New Guinea. Insect Conservation and Diversity. 10.1111/icad.12456 [#244]

Antoniazzi, R.; Ahuatzin, D.A.; Pelayo-Martinez, J.; Ortiz-Lozada, L.; Leponce, M.; Dattilo, W. (2020) On the Effectiveness of Hand Collection to Complement Baits When Studying Ant Vertical Stratification in Tropical Rainforests. Sociobiology, 67, 213-222. 10.13102/sociobiology.v67i2.4909 [#243]

Antoniazzi, R.; García-Franco, J.; Janda, M.; Leponce, M.; Dáttilo, W. (2020) Diurnal foraging ant–tree co-occurrence networks are similar between canopy and understorey in a Neotropical rain forest. Biotropica, DOI: 10.1111/btp.12773. 10.1111/btp.12773 [#242]

Franco, W., Ladino, N., Delabie, J.H.C., Dejean, A., Orivel, J., Fichaux, M., Groc, S., Leponce, M., & Feitosa, R.M. (2019) First checklist of the ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of French Guiana. Zootaxa, 4674, 509-543. [#238]

Delsinne, T.; Serna, F.J.; Leponce, M.; Boudinot, B.E. (2019). Capítulo 13. Glosario de morfología. In Hormigas de Colombia (ed. by F. Fernández R.J. Guerrero & T. Delsinne), pp. 387-458. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Facultad de Ciencias. Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Bogotá. [#235]

Weiss, M.; Didham, R.K.; Procházka, J.; Schlaghamerský, J.; Basset, Y.; Odegaard, F.; Tichechkin, A.; Schmidl, J.; Floren, A.; Curletti, G.; Aberlenc, H.-P.; Bail, J.; Barrios, H.; Leponce, M.; Medianero, E.; Fagan, L.L.; Corbara, B.; Cizek, L. (2019) Saproxylic beetles in tropical and temperate forests – A standardized comparison of vertical stratification patterns. Forest Ecology and Management, 444, 50-58. 10.1016/j.foreco.2019.04.021 [#234]

Leponce, M.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Orivel, J.; Jacquemin, J.; Martin, M.C.; Dejean, A. (2019) Tree-dwelling ant survey (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in Mitaraka, French Guiana. Zoosystema, 41, 163-179. [#232]

Dejean, A.; Compin, A.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Azémar, F.; Corbara, B.; Leponce, M. (2019) Biotic and abiotic determinants of the formation of ant mosaics in primary Neotropical rainforests. Ecological Entomology, 44, 560-570.  10.1111/een.12735 [#231]

Pollet, M.; Leponce, M.; Pascal, O.; Touroult, J. (2018) Dipterological survey in Mitaraka Massif (French Guiana) reveals megadiverse dolichopodid fauna with an unprecedented species richness in Paraclius Loew, 1864 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Zoosystema, 40, 471-491. [#230]

Dejean, A.; Orivel, J.; Leponce, M.; Compin, A.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Azémar, F.; Corbara, B. (2018) Ant–plant relationships in the canopy of an Amazonian rainforest: the presence of an ant mosaic. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 125, 344-354. 10.1093/biolinnean/bly125 [#229]

Arnan, X.; Andersen Alan, N.; Gibb, H.; Parr Catherine, L.; Sanders Nathan, J.; Dunn Robert, R.; Angulo, E.; Baccaro Fabricio, B.; Bishop Tom, R.; Boulay, R.; Castracani, C.; Cerdá, X.; Toro Israel, D.; Delsinne, T.; Donoso David, A.; Elten Emilie, K.; Fayle Tom, M.; Fitzpatrick Matthew, C.; Gómez, C.; Grasso Donato, A.; Grossman Blair, F.; Guénard, B.; Gunawardene, N.; Heterick, B.; Hoffmann Benjamin, D.; Janda, M.; Jenkins Clinton, N.; Klimes, P.; Lach, L.; Laeger, T.; Leponce, M.; Lucky, A.; Majer, J.; Menke, S.; Mezger, D.; Mori, A.; Moses, J.; Munyai Thinandavha, C.; Paknia, O.; Pfeiffer, M.; Philpott Stacy, M.; Souza Jorge, L.P.; Tista, M.; Vasconcelos Heraldo, L.; Retana, J. (2018) Dominance–diversity relationships in ant communities differ with invasion. Global Change Biology, 24, 4614–4625. 10.1111/gcb.14331 [#228]

Van de Perre, F.; Willig, M.R.; Presley, S.J.; Bapeamoni Andemwana, F.; Beeckman, H.; Boeckx, P.; Cooleman, S.; de Haan, M.; De Kesel, A.; Dessein, S.; Grootaert, P.; Huygens, D.; Janssens, S.B.; Kearsley, E.; Kabeya, P.M.; Leponce, M.; Van den Broeck, D.; Verbeeck, H.; Würsten, B.; Leirs, H.; Verheyen, E. (2018) Reconciling biodiversity and carbon stock conservation in an Afrotropical forest landscape. Science Advances, 4, no. 3, eaar6603 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aar6603 [#226]

Dejean, A.; Compin, A.; Leponce, M.; Azémar, F.; Bonhomme, C.; Talaga, S.; Pelozuelo, L.; Hénaut, Y.; Corbara, B. (2018) Ants impact the composition of the aquatic macroinvertebrate communities of a myrmecophytic tank bromeliad. Comptes Rendus Biologies. 10.1016/j.crvi.2018.02.003 [#225]

Orivel, J.; Klimes, P.; Novotny, V.; Leponce, M. (2018) Resource use and food preferences in understory ant communities along a complete elevational gradient in Papua New Guinea. Biotropica, 50:641-648 10.1111/btp.12539 [#224]

Klimes, P.; Borovanska, M.; Plowman, N.S.; Leponce, M. (2018) How common is trophobiosis with hoppers (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) inside ant nests (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)? Novel interactions from New Guinea and a worldwide overview. Myrmecological News, 26, 31-45. [#222] 

Dejean, A., Petitclerc, F., Azemar, F., Pelozuelo, L., Talaga, S., Leponce, M., & Compin, A. (2018) Aquatic life in Neotropical rainforest canopies: Techniques using artificial phytotelmata to study the invertebrate communities inhabiting therein. C R Biol, 341, 20-27 10.1016/j.crvi.2017.10.003  [#220]

Hanisch, P.E., Lavinia, P.D., Suarez, A.V., Lijtmaer, D.A., Leponce, M., Paris, C.I., & Tubaro, P.L. (2017) Mind the gap! Integrating taxonomic approaches to assess ant diversity at the southern extreme of the Atlantic Forest. Ecology and Evolution, 7, 10451-10466.[#221]

Groc, S., Delabie, J.H.C., Fernandez, F., Petitclerc, F., Corbara, B., Leponce, M., Céréghino, R. & Dejean, A. (2017) Litter-dwelling ants as bioindicators to gauge the sustainability of small arboreal monocultures embedded in the Amazonian rainforest. Ecological Indicators, 82: 43-49 [#216]

Gibb, H., Dunn, R.R., Sanders, N.J., Grossman, B.F., Photakis, M., Abril, S., Agosti, D., Andersen, A.N., Angulo, E., Armbrecht, I., Arnan, X., Baccaro, F.B., Bishop, T.R., Boulay, R., Bruhl, C., Castracani, C., Cerda, X., Del Toro, I., Delsinne, T., Diaz, M., Donoso, D.A., Ellison, A.M., Enriquez, M.L., Fayle, T.M., Feener, D.H., Jr., Fisher, B.L., Fisher, R.N., Fitzpatrick, M.C., Gomez, C., Gotelli, N.J., Gove, A., Grasso, D.A., Groc, S., Guenard, B., Gunawardene, N., Heterick, B., Hoffmann, B., Janda, M., Jenkins, C., Kaspari, M., Klimes, P., Lach, L., Laeger, T., Lattke, J., Leponce, M., Lessard, J.P., Longino, J., Lucky, A., Luke, S.H., Majer, J., McGlynn, T.P., Menke, S., Mezger, D., Mori, A., Moses, J., Munyai, T.C., Pacheco, R., Paknia, O., Pearce-Duvet, J., Pfeiffer, M., Philpott, S.M., Resasco, J., Retana, J., Silva, R.R., Sorger, M.D., Souza, J., Suarez, A., Tista, M., Vasconcelos, H.L., Vonshak, M., Weiser, M.D., Yates, M., & Parr, C.L. (2017) A global database of ant species abundances. Ecology. 98(3):883-884 [#206]

Basset, Y., Barrios, H., Ramirez, J.A., Lopez, Y., Coronado, J., Perez, F., Arizala, S., Bobadilla, R., & Leponce, M. 2016. Contrasting the distribution of butterflies and termites in plantations and tropical forests. Biodiversity and Conservation, DOI 10.1007/s10531-016-1231-6.[#202]

Leponce, M.; Novotny, V.; Pascal, O.; Robillard, T.; Legendre, F.; Villemant, C.; Munzinger, J.; Molino, J.-F.; Drew, R.; Odegaard, F.; Schmidl, J.; Tishechkin, A.; Sam, K.; Bickel, D.; Dahl, C.; Damas, K.; Fayle, T.M.; Gewa, B.; Jacquemin, J.; Keltim, M.; Klimes, P.; Koane, B.; Kua, J.; Mantilleri, A.; Mogia, M.; Molem, K.; Moses, J.; Nowatuo, H.; Orivel, J.; Pintaud, J.-C.; Roisin, Y.; Sam, L.; Siki, B.; Soldati, L.; Soulier-Perkins, A.; Tulai, S.; Yombai, J.; Wardhaugh, C.; Basset, Y. (2016). Land module of Our Planet Reviewed - Papua New Guinea: aims, methods and first taxonomical results. In Insects of Mount Wilhelm, Papua New Guinea (ed. by T. Robillard F. Legendre C. Villemant & M. Leponce). Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle. pp.11-48. [#200]

Robillard, T.; Legendre, F.; Villemant, C.; Leponce, M. (2016) Insects of Mount Wilhelm, Papua New Guinea. Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, 573 p. [#199]

Jacquemin, J., Roisin, Y. & Leponce, M. 2016. Spatio-temporal variation in ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) communities in leaf-litter and soil layers in a premontane tropical forest. Myrmecological News:129-139.[#195]

Dejean, A.; Azemar, F.; Cereghino, R.; Leponce, M.; Corbara, B.; Orivel, J.; Compin, A. 2016. The dynamics of ant mosaics in tropical rainforests characterized using the Self-Organizing Map algorithm. Insect Science, 23:630-7 doi:10.1111/1744-7917.12208 [#182]

Basset, Y.; Cizek, L.; Cuenoud, P.; Didham, R.K.; Novotny, V.; Odegaard, F.; Roslin, T.; Tishechkin, A.K.; Schmidl, J.; Winchester, N.N.; Roubik, D.W.; Aberlenc, H.P.; Bail, J.; Barrios, H.; Bridle, J.R.; Castano-Meneses, G.; Corbara, B.; Curletti, G.; Duarte da Rocha, W.; De Bakker, D.; Delabie, J.H.; Dejean, A.; Fagan, L.L.; Floren, A.; Kitching, R.L.; Medianero, E.; Gama de Oliveira, E.; Orivel, J.; Pollet, M.; Rapp, M.; Ribeiro, S.P.; Roisin, Y.; Schmidt, J.B.; Sorensen, L.; Lewinsohn, T.M.; Leponce, M. (2015) Arthropod Distribution in a Tropical Rainforest: Tackling a Four Dimensional Puzzle. PLoS One, 10, e0144110. 10.1371/journal.pone.0144110 [#188]

Hanisch, P.E.; Calcaterra, L.; Leponce, M.; Achury, R.; Suarez, A.; Silva, R.; Paris, C. 2015. Check list of ground-dwelling ant diversity (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the Iguazú National Park with a comparison at regional scale. Sociobiology, 62. 10.13102/sociobiology.v62i2.213-227 [#185]

Gibb, H.; Sanders, N.J.; Dunn, R.R.; Watson, S.; Photakis, M.; Abril, S.; Andersen, A.N.; Angulo, E.; Armbrecht, I.; Arnan, X.; Baccaro, F.B.; Bishop, T.R.; Boulay, R.; Castracani, C.; Del Toro, I.; Delsinne, T.; Diaz, M.; Donoso, D.A.; Enriquez, M.L.; Fayle, T.M.; Feener, D.H.; Fitzpatrick, M.C.; Gomez, C.; Grasso, D.A.; Groc, S.; Heterick, B.; Hoffmann, B.D.; Lach, L.; Lattke, J.; Leponce, M.; Lessard, J.P.; Longino, J.; Lucky, A.; Majer, J.; Menke, S.B.; Mezger, D.; Mori, A.; Munyai, T.C.; Paknia, O.; Pearce-Duvet, J.; Pfeiffer, M.; Philpott, S.M.; de Souza, J.L.P.; Tista, M.; Vasconcelos, H.L.; Vonshak, M.; Parr, C.L. 2015. Climate mediates the effects of disturbance on ant assemblage structure. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282, 20150418-20150418. 10.1098/rspb.2015.0418 [#184]

Dejean, A.; Ryder, S.; Bolton, B.; Compin, A.; Leponce, M.; Azémar, F.; Céréghino, R.; Orivel, J.; Corbara, B. 2015. How territoriality and host-tree taxa determine the structure of ant mosaics. The Science of Nature. DOI: 10.1007/s00114-015-1282-7. [#183]

Dejean, A.; Céréghino, R.; Leponce, M.; Rossi, V.; Roux, O.; Compin, A.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Corbara, B. 2015. The fire ant Solenopsis saevissima and habitat disturbance alter ant communities. Biological Conservation, 187:145-153 [#179]

DaRocha, W.D.; Ribeiro, S.P.; Neves, F.S.; Fernandes, G.W.; Leponce, M. ; Delabie, J.H.C. 2015. How does bromeliad distribution structure the arboreal ant assemblage (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on a single tree in a Brazilian Atlantic forest agroecosystem? Myrmecological News, 21, 83-92.[#178]

Dejean, A.; Corbara, B.; Céréghino, R.; Leponce, M.; Roux, O.; Rossi, V.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Compin, A. 2015. Traits allowing some ant species to nest syntopically with the fire ant Solenopsis saevissima in its native range. Insect Science, 22:289-294 DOI: 10.1111/1744-7917.12078 [#163]

Brecko, J.; Mathys, A.; Dekoninck W.; Leponce, M.; VandenSpiegel, D.; Semal, P. 2014. Focus stacking: Comparing commercial top-end set-ups with a semi-automatic low budget approach. A possible solution for mass digitization of type specimens. ZooKeys 464: 1-23. doi:10.3897/zookeys.464.8615 [#176]

Jacquemin, J.; Delsinne,T.; Maraun, M.; Leponce, M. 2014. Trophic ecology of the armadillo ant Tatuidris tatusia assessed by stable isotopes and behavioral observations. Journal of Insect Science: 14(108) Available online:  [#157]

Groc, S.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Fernandez, F.; Leponce, M.; Orivel, J.; Silvestre, R.; Vasconcelos, H.; Dejean, A. 2014. Leaf-litter ant communities in a pristine Guianese rainforest: stable functional structure versus high species turnover. Myrmelocogical News, 19:43-51. [#158]

Roisin, Y.; Bourguignon, T.; Leponce, M. 2013. Nutrient recycling starts in the canopy: the secretive action of termites. In: treetops at risk. Challenges of global canopy ecology and conservation. (ed. S.D. Margaret Lowman, T. Ganesh). Springer New York Heidelberg Dordrecht London, London, 415-421. [#160]

Delsinne, T.; Arias Penna, T.; Leponce, M. 2013. Effect of rainfall exclusion on ant assemblages in mountain rainforests of Ecuador. Basic and Applied Ecology, 14: 357-365. [#156]

Basset, Y.; Cizek, L.; Cuénoud, P.; Didham, R.K.; Guilhaumon, F.;  Missa, O.; Novotny, V.; Ødegaard, F.; Roslin, T.; Schmidl, J.; Tishechkin, A.K.; Winchester, N.W.; Roubik, D.W.; Aberlenc, H.P.; Bail, J.; Barrios, H.; Bridle, J.R.; Castaño-Meneses, G.; Corbara, B.; Curletti, G.; Duarte da Rocha, W.; De Bakker, D.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Dejean, A.; Fagan, L.L.; Floren, A.; Kitching, R.L.; Medianero, E.; Miller, S.E.; Gama de Oliveira, E.; Orivel, J.; Pollet, M.; Rapp, M.; Ribeiro, S.P.; Roisin, Y.; Schmidt, J.B.; Sørensen, L.; Leponce, M. 2012. Arthropod diversity in a rainforest. Science, 338:1481-1484. [#139]

Delsinne, T., Sonet, G.; Nagy, Z.T.; Wauters, N.; Jacquemin, J.; Leponce, M. 2012. High species turnover of the ant genus Solenopsis (Hymenoptera Formicidae) along an altitudinal gradient in the Ecuadorian Andes, indicated by a combined DNA sequencing and morphological approach. Invertebrate Systematics, 26:457-469. [#147]

Delsinne, T., J. Schmidl, M. Pollet, J. Jacquemin, Y. Roisin, and M. Leponce. 2012. Podocarpus National Park Biodiversity. Tropical Mountain Forest (TMF) Newsletter 17:29-30. [#146]

Jacquemin, J.; Drouet, T.; Delsinne, T.; Roisin, Y.; Leponce, M. 2012. Soil properties only weakly affect subterranean ant distribution at small spatial scales. Applied Soil Ecology, 62:163-169. [#149]

Leponce, M.; Corbara, B.; Basset, Y. 2012. IBISCA - a collaborative programme to study the diversity and distribution of arthropods from canopy to forest floor. In: Lowman, M.; Schowalter, T.; Franklin, J. (eds). Forest Canopy Methods. University of California Press, 34-39. [#154]

Rey, O.; Estoup, A.; Vonshak, M.; Loiseau, A.; Blanchet, S.; Calcaterra, L.; Chifflet, L.; Rossi, J-P.; Kergoat, G.; Foucaud, J.; Orivel, J.; Leponce, M.; Schultz, T.; Facon, B. 2012. " Where do adaptive shifts occur during invasion? A multidisciplinary approach to unravelling cold adaptation in a tropical ant species invading the Mediterranean area" Ecology Letters,15:1266-1275. [#155]

Dejean, A.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Corbara, B.; Azémar, F.; Groc, S.; Orivel, J.; Leponce, M. 2012. The Ecology and Feeding Habits of the Arboreal Trap-Jawed Ant Daceton armigerum, PLoS ONE  [#140]
Report in National Geographic: 

Delsinne, T.; MacKay, W.; Wild, A.; Roisin, Y.; Leponce, M. 2012. Distribution and diversity of the cryptic ant genus Oxyepoecus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae) in Paraguay, with descriptions of two new species. Psyche, doi:10.1155/2012/594302, 8 pages  [#144]

Jacquemin, J.; Maraun, M.; Roisin, Y.; Leponce, M. 2012. Differential response of ants to nutrient addition in a tropical Brown Food Web; Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 46:10-17. [#153]

Jacquemin, J.; Drouet, T.;  Roisin, Y.; Leponce, M. 2012. Do Soil Properties Affect Subterranean Ant Distribution at a Small Spatial Scale? TMF Newsletter, 16: 18. [#152]

Bourguignon, T.; Leponce, M.; Roisin, Y. 2011. Are the spatio-temporal dynamics of soil-feeding termite colonies shaped by intraspecific competition? Ecological Entomology, 36:776-785. [#122]

Dejean, A. ; Céréghino, R.; Carpenter, J.M.; Corbara, B. ;Hérault, B.; Rossi, V.; Leponce, M.; Orivel, J.; Bonal, D. 2011.Climate change impact on Neotropical social wasps. PLoS ONE, 6  [#124]

Roisin, Y.; Corbara, B.; Delsinne, T.; Orivel, J.; Leponce, M. 2011. Termites in Santo: lessons from a survey in Penaoru area. In: Bouchet, P.; Le Guyader, H.; Pascal, O. (eds). The Natural History of Santo. Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris; IRD, Marseille; Pro-Natura International, Paris, 128-130. [#135]

Delsinne, T.; Arias Penna, T.; Leponce, M. 2011. Experimental drought impacts ant assemblages. TMF Newsletter, 13: 15. [#125]

Jacquemin, J.; Maraun, M.; Roisin, Y.; Leponce, M. 2011. Habitat Rather than Prey Limits Predatory Ants, TMF-newsletter, 12: 15. [#129]

Bourguignon, T.; Leponce, M.; Roisin, Y. 2011. Beta-Diversity of Termite Assemblages among Pristine French Guiana Rainforests. Biotropica, 43: 473-479. [#123]

Leponce, M.; Basset, Y. 2010. Mégadiversité des arthropodes des canopées. Biofutur, 315: 30-33. [#114]

Leponce, M.; Meyer, C., Häuser, C.; Bouchet, P.; Delabie, J.; Weigt, L.;  Basset, Y. 2010. Chapter 3 - Challenges and solutions for planning and implementing large-scale biotic inventories. In: Eymann, J.; Degreef, J.; Häuser, C.; Monje, J.C.; Samyn, Y.; VandenSpiegel, D. (eds). Manual on field recording techniques and protocols for All Taxa Biodiversity Inventories and Monitoring. ABC taxa vol. 8 (Part 1): 18-48. [#120]

Leponce, M.; Delsinne, T.; Arias Penna, T.; Jacquemin, J. 2010. Structure, Diversity and Distribution of ant communities. EDIT ATBI+M newsletter , 3: 5. [#117]

Delsinne, T.; Roisin, Y.; Herbauts, J. & Leponce, M. 2010. Ant diversity along a wide rainfall gradient in the Paraguayan dry Chaco. J. Arid Environments, 74: 1149-1155. [#111]

Leponce, M.; Delsinne, T.; Arias Penna, T.; Jacquemin, J. 2010. Ant Communities (in Podocarpus National Park, Ecuador): Structure, Diversity and Distribution. TMF-newsletter, 8: 10. [#118]

Dejean, A.; Fisher, B.I; Corbara, B.; Rarevohitra, R.; Randrianaivo, R. Rajemison, B.; Leponce, M. 2010. Spatial distribution of dominant arboreal ants in a malagasy coastal rainforest: gaps and presence of an invasive species. PLoS ONE 5(2): e9319. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0009319 [#108]

Dejean, A. ; Carpenter, J.M. ; Gibernau, M. ; Leponce, M. ; Corbara, B. 2010. Nest relocation and high mortality rate in a Neotropical social wasp: impact of an exceptionally rainy La Niña year / Migration et fort taux de mortalité chez une guêpe Néotropicale: conséquence de pluies exceptionnelles durant une année La Niña. Comptes-Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris, Biologies,333:35-40. [#107]

Bourguignon, T.; Leponce, M.; Roisin, Y. 2009. Insights into the termite assemblage of a neotropical rainforest from the spatio-temporal distribution of alate flights. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 2: 153-162. [#099]

Corbara, B.; Carpenter J.M.; Céréghino R.; Leponce, M.; Gibernau, M.; Dejean, A. 2009. Diversity and nest site selection of social wasps along Guianese forest edges: assessing the influence of arboreal ants. Comptes-Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris, Biologies, 332:470-479. [#101]

Delsinne, T.; Leponce, M.; Theunis, L.; Braet, Y.; Roisin, Y. 2008. Rainfall influence the ant sampling in dry forests. Biotropica, 40: 590-596. [#094]

Dejean, A.; Moreau, C.S.; Kenne, M. & Leponce, M. 2008. The raiding success of Pheidole megacephala on other ants in both its native and introduced ranges. Comptes-Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris, Biologies, 331: 631–635. [#093]

Bourguignon T.; Leponce M. & Roisin Y. 2008. Revision of the Termitinae with snapping soldiers (Isoptera: Termitidae) from New Guinea. Zootaxa, 1769: 1-34 [#091]

Dejean, A.; Djiéto-Lordon, C.; Céréghino, R. & Leponce, M. 2008. Ontogenetic succession and the ant mosaic: an empirical approach using pioneer trees. Basic and Applied Ecology, 9:316-323. [#092]

Delsinne, T.; Leponce, M.; Roisin, Y. 2007. Spatial and temporal foraging overlaps in a Chacoan ground foraging ant assemblage. J. Arid Environments. 71:29-44 [#085]

Delabie, J.H.C.; Jahyny, B.; Cardoso do Nascimento, I. ; Mariano, C.; Lacau, S.; Campiolo, S.; Philpott, S.M. & Leponce, M. 2007. Contribution of cocoa plantations to the conservation of native ants (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Formicidae) with a special emphasis on the Atlantic Forest fauna of southern Bahia, Brazil. Biodiversity and Conservation. 16:2359-2384. [#084]

Basset, Y.; Corbara, B.; Barrios, H.; Cuénoud, Ph.; Leponce, M.; Aberlenc, H.P.; Bail, J.; Bito, D.; Bridle, J.R.; Castaño-Meneses, G.; Cizek, L.; Cornejo, A.; Curletti, G.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Dejean, A.; Didham, R.K.; Dufrêne, M.; Fagan, L.L.; Floren, A.; Frame, D.; Hallé, F.; Hardy, O.J.; Hernandez, A.; Kitching, R.L.; Lewinsohn, T.M.; Lewis, O.T.; Manumbor, M.; Medianero, E.; Missa, O.; Mitchell, A.M.; Mogia, M.; Novotny, V.; Ødegaard, F.; Gama de Oliveira, E.; Orivel, J.; Ozanne, C.M.P.; Pascal, O.; Pinzón, S.; Rapp, M.; Ribeiro, S.P.; Roisin, Y.; Roslin, T.; Roubik, D.W.; Samaniego, M.; Schmidl, J.; Sørensen, L.L.; Tishechkin, A.; Van Osselaer, C.; & Winchester, N.N. 2007. IBISCA-Panama, a large-scale study of arthropod beta-diversity and vertical stratification in a lowland rainforest: rationale, study sites and field protocols. Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Entomologie, 77: 39-69 [#080]

Dejean A.; Corbara, B.; ; Orivel, J.; Leponce, M. 2007. Ants of rainforest canopies: the implications of territoriality and predatory behavior. Functional Ecosystems and Communities. 1: 105-120. [#082]

Roisin, Y.; Dejean, A.; Corbara, B.; Orivel, J. & Leponce, M. 2006. Vertical partitioning of the termite assemblage in a neotropical rainforest. Oecologia, 149:301-311. [#079]

Theunis, L.; Gilbert, M.; Roisin, Y.; Leponce, M. 2005. Periodic pattern of species distribution in a ground-dwelling ant assemblage. Insectes Sociaux, 52:366-377. download pdf document [#074]

Basset, Y. & Leponce, M. 2005. IBISCA: Towards a Census of Canopy Life. What's Up? The Newsletter of the International Canopy Network, 12: 1-2download pdf document [#060]

Leponce, M. ; Theunis, L. ; Delabie, J. & Roisin, Y. 2004. Scale dependence of diversity measures in a leaf-litter ant assemblage. Ecography, 27: pdf document [#055]

Roisin, Y. & Leponce, M. 2004. Characterizing termite assemblages in fragmented forests: a test case in the Argentinian Chaco. Austral Ecology, pdf document [#057]

Leponce, M.; Noti, M.-I.; Bauchau, V.; Wauthy G. 2001. Vertition of integumental organs in mites revisited: a case of fluctuating asymmetry. Comptes-Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris, Sciences de la vie pdf document [#036]

Leponce, M.; Roisin, Y.; Pasteels, J.M. 1999 Community interactions between ants and arboreal-nesting termites in New Guinea coconut plantations. Insectes Sociaux , 46 : pdf document [#029]

Wauthy, G.; Noti, M.-I. ; Leponce, M.; Bauchau, V. 1998 Taxy and variations of leg setae and solenidia in Tetranychus urticae (Acari, Prostigmata). Acarologia, 39 : 233 – pdf document [#026]

Wauthy, G. ; Leponce, M. ; Banaï, N. ; Sylin, G. ; Lions, J.C. 1998 The backward jump of a box moss mite. Proceedings of the Royal Society, serie B., 265 : 2235-2242. [#028]
Report in Nature by Henry GEE (Frantic antics of the mighty mite).
Movies: Microcerotermes biroi galleries (FR); Microcerotermes biroi galleries (NL)

Leponce, M. ; Roisin, Y. ; Pasteels, J.M. 1997 Structure and dynamics of the arboreal termite community in New Guinean coconut plantations. Biotropica, 29 : pdf document [#017]

Darlington, J.P.E.C. ; Leponce, M. ; Ogutu, W. 1997 Termites (Isoptera) in Kibale Forest National Park, Western Uganda. Journal of East African Natural History, 86 : 51-59. [#020]

Wauthy, G.; Leponce, M.; Banaï, N.; Sylin, G.; Lions, J.C. 1997 Le saut chez un acarien oribate du genre Indotritia. Comptes-Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris, Sciences de la vie / Life Sciences, 320 : 315-317. [#024]

Leponce, M. 1997 Reproductive strategies and community structure of New Guinean arboreal nesting termites. Bulletin & Annales de la Société royale belge d’Entomologie, 133 : 283-289. [#016]

Leponce, M.; Roisin, Y. ; Pasteels, J.M. 1996 Reproductive mechanisms and dynamics of habitat colonization in Microcerotermes biroi (Isoptera: Termitidae). Ecological Entomology, 21 : pdf document [#009]

Leponce, M.; Roisin, Y.; Pasteels, J.M. 1996 Intraspecific interactions in a community of arboreal nesting termites. Journal of Insect Behavior, 9 : pdf document [#010]

Leponce, M. ; Roisin, Y. ; Pasteels, J.M. 1995 Environmental influences on the arboreal nesting termite community in New Guinean coconut plantations. Environmental Entomology, 24 : pdf document [#006]

Unpublished reports

Leponce, M. & Roisin, Y. 2009. CTFS arthropod monitoring initiative. Termite protocol: an illustrated guide, RBINS, Brussels, March 2009, 8 p. [#105]

Leponce, M.; Schmidl, J.; Riede, K.; Pollet, M.; Roisin, Y. 2008. Inventory and monitoring programme for arthropods at EDIT ATBI site 680 - Podocarpus National Park, Ecuador :Progress report and proposal to EDIT and DFG RU-816 for the period 2007-2009. RBINS, Brussels, August 2008, 64 p. [#097]

Leponce, M. & Basset, Y. 2005. The last biotic frontier: towards a census of canopy life. European Science Foundation exploratory workshop co-funded by the United Nations Environment Program and the Global Canopy Program. Brussels, 5-9 July 2005. Final scientific report to the ESF, september 2005, 49 pdf document [#065]

Leponce, M. & Basset, Y. 2005. The last biotic frontier: towards a census of canopy life. European Science Foundation exploratory workshop co-funded by the United Nations Environment Program and the Global Canopy Program. Brussels, 5-9 July 2005. Final scientific report to the UNEP + appendices, 81 p. [#159]

Lafontaine, R.M. & Devillers, P. Beudels, R.C. & Leponce M. 2004. Support scientifique à l’élaboration des plans de gestion des étangs gérés par l’IBGE en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale. Rapport Final 2004 à l'IBGE. [#053]

Leponce, M. ; Lafontaine, R. ; Laurent, Y. ; Devillers, P. 1998. Etude de conception du Maillage Vert. Le maillage vert ecologique en région de Bruxelles Capitale. Rapport technique dans le cadre de la convention IBGE/AGORA/IRScNB, 1 carte, 41 pages. [#025]

IBGE/AGORA/IRScNB 1998. Etude de conception du Maillage Vert. Région de Bruxelles-Capitale. Rapport technique, 3 volumes with CD-ROM and maps. [#008]

Leponce, M. 1996. Structure et dynamique d'une communauté de termites à nids arboricoles en cocoteraie néo-guinéenne. phD thesis, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 158 p. (supervisors: Prof. J.M. Pasteels & Dr. Y. Roisin, ULB). [#100]

Leponce; M. 1987. Etude sur le comportement de différents mélanges variétaux de haricot commun (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) au Burundi. Gembloux : FUSAGx, 102, v. p. [#001]

International meetings, conferences

with abstracts

Leponce, M.; Roisin, Y.; Pasteels, J.M. 1992 Compétition entre trois espèces de termites arboricoles dans les cocoteraies néo-guinéennes, en relation avec leurs stratégies de reproduction et de défense. Proceedings, Union Internationale pour l'Etude des Insectes Sociaux, Tanger, Maroc, 7-9 sept. pdf document [#002]
Roisin, Y.; Leponce, M.; Pasteels, J.M. 1993 Competition among Neo-Guinean arboreal termites with different dispersal and warfare strategies. Proceedings, 30th anniversary of the association for tropical biology, San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 1-4, 1993, pdf document [#004]
Leponce, M.; Roisin, Y.; Pasteels, J.M. 1994 Ecology of two arboreal nesting termites in New Guinea coconut plantations. Proceedings, 12th Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects, IUSSI, Paris, Sorbonne, 21-27 August 1994, pdf document [#005]
Leponce, M.; Roisin, Y.; Pasteels, J.M. 1995 Reproduction et dynamique de colonisation du milieu chez un termite à nid arboricole, Microcerotermes biroi. Proceedings, Union Internationale pour l'Etude des Insectes Sociaux, Bruxelles, 28-30 août 1995. Université Libre de Bruxelles, p. pdf document [#007]
Leponce, M.; Roisin, Y.; Pasteels, J.M. 1996 Life history strategies in arboreal termites from New Guinea. Proceedings, XX international Congress of Entomology, Firenze, Italy, 25-31 August 1996. pdf document [#013]
Noti, M.-I.; Leponce, M. ; Bauchau, V. ; Wauthy, G. 1996 Numerical variations of leg bristles in Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Prostigmata). 3rd European Symposium of Acarology (EURAAC), Amsterdam 1-5 juillet 1996, proceedings, pp. pdf document [#015]
Leponce, M.; Noti, M.-I.; Bauchau, V. ; Wauthy, G. 1996 Meristic variation of leg bristles in spider mites (Tetranychus urticae). European Science Foundation Workshop on Developmental stability, individual performance, and population biology, Copenhagen, 17-22 septembre 1996. Internal pdf document [#011]
Noti, M.-I.; Leponce, M. ; Bauchau, V. ; Wauthy, G. 1996 Asymmetry of leg bristles in spider mites (Tetranychus urticae). Proceedings, 3rd Benelux Congress of Zoology, Namur, 8-9 novembre 1996, p. pdf document [#014]
Leponce, M.; Noti, M.-I.; Wauthy, G.; Bauchau, V. 1997 Developmental instability in haplodiploid spider mites. Sixth Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Arnhem, The Netherlands, 24-28 August 1997, p.306download pdf document [#021]
Leponce, M.; Roisin, Y. & Pasteels, J.M. 1997 Ant-termite interactions in New Guinea coconut plantations. Colloque de l’Union Internationale pour l’Etude des Insectes Sociaux, Section Française, Créteil, 3-5 Septembre pdf document [#022]
Missa, O. ; Leponce, M. ; Pauly , A. 1998 Structure of an ant assemblage in the canopy of a tropical rainforest in Papua New Guinea. Proceedings, 13th Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects, IUSSI, Adelaide, Australia, 29/12/98 – 4/1/99, pdf document [#027]
Leponce, M.; Theunis, L. 1999 Diversity of leaf litter ants in Iguazu National Park. Poster. Colloque de la Section Française de l’IUSSI, Tours, France, 01-03/01/99, pdf document [#030]
Leponce, M.; Vander Linden, C. 1999 SIDbase : a database built for the management of Social Insects Diversity inventories. Poster. Colloque de la Section Française de l’IUSSI, Tours, France, 01-03/09/99, pdf document [#031]
Leponce, M.; Theunis, L. ; Roisin, Y. 2000 Leaf litter ant and termite diversity in Iguassu and Rio Pilcomayo national parks, argentina. XXI International Congress of Entomology, Foz de Iguassu, Brazil, 20-26/08/2000, p.132 download pdf document [#033]
Leponce, M.; Theunis, L.; Roisin, Y. 2000. Evaluation of a rapid assessment protocol for ants and termites in two subtropical forests of Argentina. 7th Benelux Congress of Zoology, Brussels, 24-25 Nov. 2000 : pdf document [#032]
Leponce, M.; Theunis, L.; Roisin, Y. 2001. Estimating ground ant and termite species richness in subtropical forests of Argentina. proceedings, International Union for the Study of Social Insects, meeting of the european sections, Berlin, Germany, 25-29/09/ pdf document [#038]
Leponce, M.; Missa, O.; Delabie, J.H.C. 2002. Estimation of tropical ant local diversity from partial inventories. Tropical forests: past, present, future. Association for Tropical Biology. Annual meeting. Panama City, July 29- Aug 3. pdf document [#039]
Leponce M.; Theunis, L.; Roisin, Y.; Delabie, J.H.C. 2002. Small-scale spatial distribution of ground living ants in a subtropical dry forest. Tropical forests: past, present, future. Association for Tropical Biology. Annual meeting. Panama City, July 29- Aug 3. pdf document [#040]
Roisin, Y.; Ingenbleek, A.; Leponce, M. 2002. Testing the transect method to characterize termite assemblages in subtropical forests. Tropical forests: past, present, future. Association for Tropical Biology. Annual meeting. Panama City, July 29- Aug 3. p. pdf document [#041]
Leponce, M. ; Theunis, L. ; Delabie, J. & Roisin, Y. 2003. Caractérisation de la diversité d’une communauté de fourmis des litières en région subtropicale. Journées Francophones de Conservation de la Biodiversité - UCBL Villeurbanne 22-25 avril 2003, pdf document [#046]
Roisin, Y. & Leponce, M. 2003. Comment caractériser un assemblage de termites: un test de la méthode des transects. Journées Francophones de Conservation de la Biodiversité - UCBL Villeurbanne 22-25 avril 2003, pdf document [#048]
Leponce, M., Delabie, J.H.C. & Vasconcelos, H.L. 2003. Diversity and structure of ant communities in central Amazonia. Biotic Interactions in The Tropics : A Special Symposium of the British Ecological Society & The Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. University of Aberdeen, 7-10 July 2003, pdf document [#044]
Roisin, Y.; Vauthier, F. & Leponce, M. 2003. Pitfalls in the characterization of termite assemblages: lessons from neotropical ecosystems. Biotic Interactions in The Tropics : A Special Symposium of the British Ecological Society & The Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. University of Aberdeen, 7-10 July 2003, pdf document [#049]
Leponce, M.; Missa, O.; Delabie, J.H.C. 2003. Performance of species richness estimators in a leaf-litter ant assemblage, Colloque annuel Section Française UIEIS, Bruxelles 1-3 septembre 2003, pdf document [#045]
Leponce, M. ; Theunis, L. ; Delabie, J. & Roisin, Y. 2003. Caractérisation de la diversité d’une communauté de fourmis des litières en région subtropicale. Colloque annuel Section Française UIEIS, Bruxelles 1-3 septembre 2003, pdf document [#047]
Theunis, L.; Gilbert, M.; Leponce, M. 2003. Effets du micro-habitat sur l’assemblage des fourmis des litières dans une forêt sèche naturellement morcelée du Chaco argentin, Colloque annuel Section Française UIEIS, Bruxelles 1-3 septembre 2003, pdf document [#050]
Delsinne, T.; Leponce, M.; Roisin, Y. 2003. Etude des recouvrements temporel et spatial lors du fourragement au sein d'une communauté de fourmis des litières forestières dans le Chaco sec paraguayen, Colloque annuel Section Française UIEIS, Bruxelles 1-3 septembre 2003, pdf document [#043]
Theunis, L.; Gilbert, M.; Roisin, Y.; Leponce, M. 2004. Periodic pattern of species distribution in a ground-dwelling ant assemblage. Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Geographic And Conceptual Frontiers Of Tropical Biology, Knight Convertion Center, Miami, Florida July 12th - 16th, pdf document [#056]
Delsinne, T.; Roisin, Y.; Leponce, M. 2004. Temporal foraging overlaps in a Chacoan dry forest ant assemblage. Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Geographic And Conceptual Frontiers Of Tropical Biology, Knight Convertion Center, Miami, Florida July 12th - 16th, pdf document [#052]
Corbara, B.; Basset, Y.; Barrios, H.; Aberlenc, H.P.; Bail, J.; Cabrera,R.; Cizek, L.; Cornejo, A.; Curletti, G.; Dejean, A.; Didham, R.K.; Fagan, L.; Floren, A.; Frame, D.; Gonzalez, M.; Hallé, F.; Hernandez, A.; Herrera, J.; Jordan, K.; Kitching, R.;Leponce, M.; Manumbor, M.; Medianero, E.; Mogia, M.; Oliveira, E.; Ødegaard, F.; Orivel, J.; Perez, B.; Pinzon, S.; Ribeiro, S.; Roisin, Y.; Roubik, D.; Samaniego, M.; Schmidl, J.; Tishechkin, A.; Valdez, O.; Winchester, N.; Wright, J.S. 2004. IBISCA: une étude à grande échelle de la biodiversité des arthropodes dans une forêt du Panama. Deuxièmes Journées de l’Institut français de la biodiversité, Marseille, 25-28 mai 2004, p.115. download pdf document [#051]
Y. Roisin, A. Dejean, B. Corbara, J. Orivel, & M. Leponce. 2005. Arthropod biodiversity in tropical rainforest canopies: Panamanian termites in the framework of the IBISCA project. 3rd GBIF Science Symposium, "Tropical Biodiversity: Science, Data, Conservation", Brussels, 18-19 April 2005, pdf document [#071]
Basset, Y.; Curletti, G.; Barrios, H.; Cizek, L.; Aberlenc, H.P.; Leponce, M.; Barba, A. 2005. The IBISCA sticky trap programme and focal taxa: Auchenorrhyncha and Agrilus (Hemiptera, Coleoptera). ESF-UNEP-GCP Exploratory workshop. The Last Biotic Frontier: Towards A Census of canopy Life. Brussels, 5-9 July 2005, pdf document [#059]
Roisin, Y.; Dejean, A.; Corbara, B.; Orivel, J.; Leponce, M. 2005. Distribution of termites from the ground to the canopy of a Panamanian rainforest. ESF-UNEP-GCP Exploratory workshop. The Last Biotic Frontier: Towards A Census of canopy Life. Brussels, 5-9 July 2005, pdf document [#072]
Leponce, M.; Basset, Y. 2005. The IBISCA database. ESF-UNEP-GCP Exploratory workshop. The Last Biotic Frontier: Towards A Census of canopy Life. Brussels, 5-9 July 2005, p. pdf document [#066]
Basset, Y.; Leponce, M. 2005. Project IBISCA - One example: Stratification and beta-diversity of Auchenorrhyncha in a Panamanian rainforest. 4th International Canopy Conference, 10-17 July 2005, University of Leipzig, Germany, pdf document [#061]
Leponce, M.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Corbara, B.; Orivel, J.; Roisin, Y.; Ribeiro, S.; Campos, R.; Schmidl, J.; Floren, A.; Dejean, A. 2005. Distribution of ants in a Panamanian rainforest. 4th International Canopy Conference, 10-17 July 2005, University of Leipzig, Germany, pdf document [#068]
Roisin, Y.; Dejean, A.; Corbara, B.; Orivel, J.; Leponce, M. 2005. Termites in the canopy of a Panamanian rainforest. 4th International Canopy Conference, 10-17 July 2005, University of Leipzig, Germany, pdf document [#159]
Leponce, M.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Corbara, B.; Orivel, J.; Roisin, Y.; Ribeiro, S.; Campos, R.; Schmidl, J.; Floren, A.; Dejean, A. 2005. Project IBISCA: Distribution of ants in a Panamanian rainforest. Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation meeting, 24-28 July, Uberlândia, Brasil, pdf document [#069]
Roisin, Y.; Dejean, A.; Corbara, B.; Orivel, J.; Leponce, M. 2005. Vertical stratification of termites in a Panamanian rainforest. Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation meeting, 24-28 July, Uberlândia, Brasil, p pdf document [#073]
Basset, Y.; Leponce, M. 2005. Project IBISCA - One example: Stratification and beta-diversity of Auchenorrhyncha in a Panamanian rainforest. Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation meeting, 24-28 July, Uberlândia, Brasil, pdf document [#062]
Delsinne, T.; Roisin, Y.; Leponce, M. 2005. Beta-diversity of ant assemblages in the Paraguayan dry Chaco and its implication for conservation. Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation meeting, 24-28 July, Uberlândia, Brasil, pdf document [#064]
Braet, Y. & Leponce, M. 2005. Diversity of ground-dwelling ants in the Chaco National Park (Argentina). Symposium “Entomology in Belgium”, December 2nd, 2005, Brussels, RBINS. Organized by the Royal Belgian Entomological Society, pdf document [#063]
Leponce, M.; Basset, Y.; Corbara, B.; Barrios, H.; Roisin, Y. The IBISCA programme: spatio-temporal distribution of arthropods in tropical rainforests. Symposium "Entomology in Belgium", December 2nd, 2005, Brussels, RBINS. Organized by the Royal Belgian Entomological Society, pdf document [#067]
Dejean, A.; Leponce, M.; Cereghino, R. 2006. New approaches to the study of tropical rainforest ant mosaics. International Union for the Study of Social Insects Congress, Washington, DC, USA, 30 July- 5 Aug., pdf document [#077]
Leponce, M.; Delabie, J.; Orivel, J.; Corbara, B.; Roisin, Y.; Delsinne, T.; Dejean, A. 2006. Ants and their role in international environmental projects. International Union for the Study of Social Insects Congress, Washington, DC, USA, 30 July- 5 Aug., pdf document [#078]
De Bakker, D.; Baert, L. ; Grootaert, P. & Leponce, M. 2006. Canopy spider diversity in Papua New Guinea : a never ending story ? 23th European Colloquium of Arachnology, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 04 -08 Sept. 2006, pdf document [#076]
Leponce, M. 2007. Standardized collection of data & tracking of specimens in large biodiversity inventories. Workshop on ATBI+M field recording techniques and protocols. EDIT WP4 + WP7. El Ventorrillo Field Station, Navacerrada, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, Spain, June 12 -17, pdf document [#086]
Bourguignon T., Leponce M., Roisin, Y. 2007. Spatio-temporal distribution of termite swarming in a Panamanian rainforest. Union internationale pour l’étude des insectes sociaux ­ Section française. Colloque annuel. Toulouse ­ 3-5 septembre 2007, pdf document [#081]
Leponce, M.; Basset, Y.; Corbara, B. 2007. Forest arthropod biodiversity from root tips to treetop. Symposium Buffon. Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France, 18-19 october 2007, Proceedings of the pdf document [#088]
Leponce, M.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Cardoso do Nascimento, I.; Corbara, B.; Orivel, J.; Roisin, Y.; Ribeiro, S.; Campos, R.; Schmidl, J.; Floren, A. & Dejean, A. Vertical stratification of the ant assemblage in a Panamanian rainforest. 4th IUSSI european meeting. La Roche-en-Ardenne, Belgium, 30 Aug - 4 Sept 2008, p.17. download pdf document [#095]
Roisin, Y.; Bourguignon, T.; Corbara, B.; Dejean, A.; Orivel, J.; Leponce, M. 2008. Vertical distribution of termites in a Panamanian rainforest. 4th IUSSI european meeting. La Roche-en-Ardenne, Belgium, 30 Aug - 4 Sept 2008, p.18. download pdf document [#098]
Leponce, M.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Cardoso do Nascimento, I.; Corbara, B.; Orivel, J.; Roisin, Y.; Ribeiro, S.; Campos, R.; Schmidl, J.; Floren, A. & Dejean, A. Vertical stratification of the ant assemblage in a Panamanian rainforest. Symposium Entomology in Belgium 2008.  Belgian Royal Entomological Society, Brussels, 5 Dec. 2008, pdf document [#096]
Leponce, M.; Wauters, N.; Jacquemin, J.; Delsinne, T. & Roisin, Y. 2009. High elevation ants from the Ecuadorian Andes. Joint Meeting of Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation & Society for Tropical Ecology, July 27 to 30, 2009, Marburg, Germany, p. pdf document [#106]
Delsinne, T. ; Roisin, Y.; Herbauts, J. & Leponce, M. 2009. Influence of aridity and soil on the distribution and diversity of ant assemblages and dominant plant Joint Meeting of Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation & Society for Tropical Ecology, July 27 to 30, 2009, Marburg, Germany, pdf document [#102]
Bourguignon, T.; Leponce, M.; Roisin, Y. 2009. Termite beta-diversity in French Guiana rainforests: high turnover of soil feeders. Joint Meeting of Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation & Society for Tropical Ecology, July 27 to 30, 2009, Marburg, Germany, p. pdf document [#100]
Leponce, M. ; Basset, Y.; Meyer, C.; Häuser, C.; Bouchet, P.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Weigt, L. 2010. Challenges and Solutions for Planning and Implementing Large-scale Biotic Inventories. International meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, July 19 to 23, 2010, Bali, Indonesia, pdf document [#115]
Roisin, Y.; Bourguignon, T.; Pasteels, J.M.; Leponce, M. 2010. Diversity and Distributional Patterns of New Guinea Termites. International meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, July 19 to 23, 2010, Bali, Indonesia, pdf document [#121]
Delsinne, T.; Arias Penna T.M.; Leponce, M. 2010.Effects of experimental rainfall exclusion on a diverse ant assemblage from Ecuadorian mountain rainforest. Meeting of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI), 8-13 August, 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark, pdf document [#110]
Jacquemin, J.; Maraun, M.; Roisin, Y.; Leponce, M. 2010. Nutrient limitation in an Andean brown food web: effects of C, N, P addition on leaf-litter ants and mesofauna. Meeting of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI), 8-13 August, 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark, pdf document [#112]
Leponce, M.; Dejean, A. 2010. Rapid assessment protocol for surveying dominant arboreal-nesting ant distribution in tropical forests. Meeting of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI), 8-13 August, 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark, pdf document [#116]
Delsinne, T.; Arias Penna, T.; Leponce, M. 2010. Effects of experimental rainfall exclusion on a diverse ant assemblage from Ecuadorian mountain rainforests. Symposium annuel de la Société royale belge d'Entomologie, Brussels, 3 dec. 2010, pdf document [#109]
Jacquemin, J.; Maraun, M.; Roisin, Y.; Leponce, M. 2010. Leaf litter ants trophic level revealed by stable isotopes in an Andean Brown Food Web. Symposium annuel de la Société royale belge d'Entomologie, Brussels, 3 dec. 2010, pdf document [#113]
Leponce, M.; Dejean, A. 2010. Rapid assessment protocol for surveying arboreal-nesting ant distribution in tropical forests. Symposium annuel de la Société royale belge d'Entomologie, Brussels, 3 dec. 2010, pdf document [#117]
Delsinne T., Arias Penna T.M., Leponce M. 2011. Effects of experimental rainfall exclusion on a diverse ant assemblage along an elevational gradient in the Ecuadorian Andes. Fifth International conference of the International Biogeography Society, Irakleio, Crete, Greece, 07-11 January, pdf document [#126]
Sonet, G.; Nagy, Z.T.; Jacquemin, J. & Leponce, M. 2011. Validation of the DNA barcoding approach to survey ant communities in the Ecuadorian Andes. Biosystematics, Berlin, 21-27 February, pdf document [#136]
Jacquemin, J.; Maraun, M.; Roisin, Y.; Leponce, M. 2011. Differential response of leaf-litter ants to a nutrient addition in a tropical brown food web. XXVI colloque annuel de la section française de l'union internationale pour l'étude des insects sociaux. Banyuls-sur-mer, France, 13-15/04/2011, pdf document [#130]
Jacquemin, J.; Maraun M.; Roisin Y.; Leponce M. 2011. Effects of nutrient supply on leaf litter arthropod community in an Andean tropical forest. Annual congress of the ATBC (Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation), ATBC & SCB Africa Meeting 2011, Arusha, Tanzania, 12-16/06/2011, pdf document [#131]
Jacquemin J., Maraun M., Roisin Y., Leponce M. 2011. Habitat rather than prey availability limits predatory ants in a tropical mountain brown food web. 8th Biennal General Meeting of the Bolivarian Section of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects, Trinidad, 1-4/08/2011, pp. pdf document [#132]
Leponce, M.; Dejean, A. 2011. How to assess rapidly the spatial distribution of numerically dominant ants in the canopy? Anais XX Simposio de Mirmecologia i encuentro de mirmecologistas de las americas. Pétropolis, RJ, Brasil, 16-20 oct. 2011, pdf document [#134]
Sonet G., Nagy Z.T., Wauters N., Jacquemin J., Delsinne T., Leponce M. 2011. DNA barcoding of fire ants and thief ants (genus Solenopsis) of the Ecuadorian Andes as a tool for biodiversity research. Fourth international Barcode of Life conference, Adelaide, Australia, 28/11-3/12/2011. [#137]
Jacquemin J., Drouet T., Roisin Y., Leponce M. 2012. Soil properties affect the small-scale distribution of subterranean ants in a montane tropical forest. Conference of the Society for Tropical Ecology, Erlangen, Germany, 22-25/02/2012, pdf document [#150]
Jacquemin J., Drouet T., Roisin Y., Leponce M. 2012. Soil properties weakly affect subterranean ant distribution at small spatial scale. EUROIUSSI2012, Montecatini Terme, Tuscany, Italy, 26-30 Aug. 2012, p. pdf document [#151]
Jacquemin J., Delsinne T., Roisin Y., Leponce M. 2012. Stable isotope analysis: from individual diet determination to complex food web disentanglement. 19th Benelux Congress of Zoology. Integrative biology: from ecology to molecules.ULB, Belgium, 19-20/10/2012, p. 21. [#148]
Jacquemin, J., Y., R. & Leponce, M. 2013. Spatio-temporal variation of ant abundance among ground layers in a tropical forest. 27ème Colloque de l'Union Internationale pour l'Etude des Insectes Sociaux, 28-30/8/2013, Villetaneuse, France, p. pdf document [#161]
Leponce, M.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Da Rocha, W.; do Nascimento, I.; Carmo, A.F.R.; Orivel, J.; Corbara, B.; Ribeiro, S.; Campos, R.; Didham, R.;  Schmidl, J.; Basset, Y. & Dejean, A. 2013. Intensive ant biotic surveys: lessons from IBISCA-Panama and new perspectives. XXI simposio Mirmecologia, Fortaleza, 1-5 Dec. 2013, p. 101 download pdf document [#162]
Jacquemin, J.; Roisin, Y.; Leponce, M. (2013) Nutrient addition changes taxonomic composition but not trophic functions in a tropical leaf-litter ant assemblage. 43rd annual conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Potsdam, pdf document[#164]
Jacquemin, J.; Roisin, Y.; Leponce, M. (2013) Spatio-temporal variation of ant distribution among ground layers in a tropical forest. 9th Biennal General Meeting of the Bolivarian Section of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects, p. 31. Cali, pdf document[#165]
Jacquemin, J.; Roisin, Y.;  Leponce, M. (2013) Variation spatiale et saisonnière de la distribution des fourmis dans le sol d’une forêt tropicale. Bioengineering Research Day, p. 13. Brussels, pdf document[#166]
Leponce, M.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Klimes, P.; Delsinne, T.; Jacquemin, J.;  Dejean, A. 2014. Ant mosaics in primary rainforests across four continents. Meeting of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI), 13-18 July, 2014, Cairns, Australia.[#167]
Jacquemin, J., Roisin, Y. & Leponce, M. (2014) Ant differential response to nutrient addition in an Andean forest. International Union for the Study of Social Insects, pp. 258. Cairns 13-18 July. [#168]
Jacquemin, J., Roisin, Y. & Leponce, M. (2014) Spatio-temporal variation of ant distribution among ground layers in an Andean tropical forest. 51th annual meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. Cairns, Australia, 20-24July. [#169]
Leponce, M. & Klimes, P. (2014) Arboreal ant mosaics meltdown with elevation. 51th annual meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. Cairns, Australia, 20-24July. [#170]
Basset, Y., Leponce, M., Didham, R. & Kitching, R. (2014) Arthropod distribution in tropical rainforests: contribution of horizntal, vertical and seasonal gradients to species diversity. 51th annual meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. Cairns, Australia, 20-24July. [#171]
Leponce, M., Delabie, J., Klimes, P., Delsinne, T., Jacquemin, J., & Dejean, A. (2014) Ant mosaics in primary rainforests across four continents. In Symposium "Entomology in Belgium 2014", Royal Belgian Entomological Society, Brussels, p.8. [#172]download pdf document
Brecko, J., Mathys, A., Dekoninck, W., Leponce, M., VandenSpiegel, D., & Semal, P. (2014) Focus Stacking: a low budget semi-automated approach allowing high quality mass digitization. In Symposium "Entomology in Belgium 2014", Royal Belgian Entomological Society, Brussels, p.24.[#173]download pdf document
Brecko, J.; Mathys, A.; Dekoninck, W.; Leponce, M.; VandenSpiegel, D.; Semal, P. (2014) Image stacking: a semi-automated approach allowing high quality mass digitization. In Digital Specimen 2014 (ed. by H. Mallison J. Vogel & M. Belvedere), pp. 13. Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Berlin. [#196]
Jacquemin, J. & Leponce, M. (2014) From individual diet determination to food web disentanglement: the use of stable isotopes and fatty acids in the study of ant trophic ecology. In 21st Benelux Congress of Zoology, 12 & 13/12/2014, Liège, Belgium.[#174]download pdf document
Leponce, M. & Klimes, P. (2014) Arboreal ant mosaics meltdown along an elevational gradient in Papua New Guinea. In 21st Benelux Congress of Zoology, 12 & 13/12/2014, Liège, Belgium.[#175]download pdf document
Brecko, J.; Mathys, A.; Dekoninck, W.; Leponce, M.; VandenSpiegel, D.; Semal, P. (2014) Image stacking: a semi-automated approach allowing high quality mass digitization. In Digital Specimen 2014 (ed. by H. Mallison J. Vogel & M. Belvedere), pp. 13. Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Berlin. [#196]
Jacquemin, J. & Leponce, M. (2015). From individual diet determination to food web disentanglement: the use of stable isotopes and fatty acids in the study of ant trophic ecology. In: Congress of the Graduate School BEE (Biodiversity, Ecology, Evolution) Université Libre de Bruxelles, p. 17. [#177]download pdf document
Jacquemin, J.; De Bakker, D.; Maraun, M.; Maraun, M.; Roisin, Y.; Leponce, M. (2015) Fourmis, papous et isotopes: les réseaux trophiques le long du Mont Wilhelm. In 28ème Congrès de l'Union Internationale pour l'Etude des Insectes Sociaux, UIEIS 2015, Tours, 26-28 août, pp. 17. [#186].download pdf document
Sonet, G.; Delsinne, T.; Donoso, D.; Troya, A.; Leponce, M.; Dekoninck, W.; Nagy, Z.T.; Lattke, J.; Backeljau, T. (2015) Large-scale DNA barcoding of ants from Ecuador. In 6th International Barcode of Life Conference, August 18 – 21, University of Guelph, pp. 283. [#187]download pdf document
Leponce, M.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Klimes, P.; Queiroz, J.; Delsinne, T.; Jacquemin, J.; Dejean, A. (2015) Ant mosaics in neotropical forests and elsewhere. In XXII Simposio de Mirmecologia, 18-22 October, pp. 76, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil. [#189]download pdf document
Leponce, M.; Basset, Y. (2015) Data flow in IBISCA projects. In XXII Simposio de Mirmecologia, 18-22 October, pp. 97, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil. [#190]download pdf document
Leponce, M. (2015) In the treetops of Papua New Guinea. In XXII Simposio de Mirmecologia, 18-22 October, pp. 159, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil. [#191]download pdf document
Leponce, M.; Klimes, P. (2015) Arboreal ant mosaics meltdown with elevation. In XXII Simposio de Mirmecologia, 18-22 October, pp. 302, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil. [#192]download pdf document
Leponce, M.; Novotny, V.; Pascal, O. (2015) Integrating capacity building and nature conservation in large-scale biodiversity surveys: Our Planet Reviewed Papua New Guinea. In Biodiversity and Development conference: a global heritage, 26 November, pp. 49, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium. [#194]download pdf document
Leponce, M.; Jacquemin, J.; Klimes, P. (2016) Epiphytic myrmecophyte distribution along an altitudinal gradient in Papua New Guinea and their role in ant mosaics. In Ants interactions with their biotic environments. Munich Botanical Garden, 5-6th May 2016, Germany. (ed. by S. Renner & G. Chomicki), pp. 24. [#197]download pdf document
Jacquemin, J.; Debakker, D.; Maraun, M.; Roisin, Y.; Leponce, M. (2016) Trophic ecology of ants and spiders along a wide elevational gradient in Papua New Guinea revealed by stable isotopes. In 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Montpellier. [#198]download pdf document
Leponce, M., Delabie, J., Klimes, P., Queiroz, J., Delsinne, T., Jacquemin, J., & Dejean, A. (2016) Ant mosaics in tropical forests. In 7th Canopy Conference, 21-26 August, Patterns and processes in canopy science, p. 8, University of Roehampton, London UK. [#201]download pdf document
Vanderheyden, A.; Sonet, G.; Herrera, H.W.; Delsinne, T.; Donoso, D.A.; Lattke, J.; Hendrickx, F.; Leponce, M.; Backeljau, T.; Dekoninck, W. (2016) DNA barcoding of ants from the Galápagos Islands (Ecuador). In Entomology in Belgium 2016, 6th Symposium of the Royal Belgian Entomological Society, Brussels, 2/12/2016., p. 13. [#203]
Leponce, M.; Basset, Y. (2016) Organizing large-scale insect inventories in the tropics: lessons from IBISCA projects. In Entomology in Belgium 2016, 6th Symposium of the Royal Belgian Entomological Society, Brussels, 2/12/2016., p. 15. [#204]
Jacquemin, J.; Leponce, M. (2016) Trophic ecology of ants and spiders along a wide elevational gradient in Papua New Guinea revealed by stable isotopes. In Entomology in Belgium 2016, 6th Symposium of the Royal Belgian Entomological Society, Brussels, 2/12/2016., p. 19. [#205]
Van de Perre, F.; Willig, M.; Presley, S.; Kearsley, E.; Verbeeck, H.; Boeckx, P.; De Kesel, A.; Van Den Broeck, D.; De Haan, M.; Wursten, B.; Janssens, S.; Lachenaud, O.; Grootaert, P.; Leponce, M.; Cooleman, S.; Leirs, H.; Dessein, S.; Verheyen, E.; Ballings, P. (2016) The relationship between taxonomic diversity and aboveground carbon storage is taxon-specific. In Annual Meeting of the Association for tropical Biology and Conservation, 19-23 june 2016., pp. 391, Le Corum, Montpellier, France. [#207]
Novotny, V.; Sam, K.; Sam, L.; Moses, J.; Toko, P.; Molem, K.; Dem, F.; Dahl, C.; Amick, P.; Kaman, O.; Klimes, P.; Tulai, S.; Koane, B.; Segar, S.; Miller, S.; Wardhaugh, C.; Leponce, M. (2017) Plant-invertebrate-vertebrate biodiversity and food web patterns along Mt Wilhelm and other complete altitudinal rainforest gradients. In European Conference of Tropical Ecology, Brussels, 6-10 Feb. 2017., pp. 266. [#208]
Klimes, P.; Leponce, M.; Fayle, T.M.; Jacquemin, J.; Moses, J.; Orivel, J.; Novotny, V. (2017) Contrasting ant diversity and distribution between ground, understorey and canopy rainforest strata along Mt Wilhelm, Papua New Guinea. In European Conference of Tropical Ecology, Brussels, 6-10 Feb. 2017., pp. 281. [#209]
Mottl, O.; Yombai, J.; Novotný, V.; Leponce, M.; Klimeš, P. (2017) Ants mosaic in tropical lowland forest: Take a look on a bigger scale. In European Conference of Tropical Ecology, Brussels, 6-10 Feb. 2017, pp. 361. [#210]
Van de Perre, F.; Willig, M.R.; Presley, S.J.; Boeckx, P.; Verbeeck, H.; Kearsley, E.; Kesel, A.D.; Ballings, P.; Broeck, D.V.D.; Haan, M.d.; Würsten, B.; Janssens, S.; Lachenaud, O.; Grootaert, P.; Leponce, M.; Cooleman, S.; Dessein, S.; Leirs, H.; Verheyen, E. (2017) The relationship between taxonomic diversity and aboveground carbon storage is taxon-specific. In European Conference of Tropical Ecology, Brussels, 6-10 Feb. 2017, pp. 321. [#211]
Leponce, M.; Novotny, V.; Pascal, O.; Basset, Y. (2017) Our Planet Reviewed 2012 biodiversity survey along Mt Wilhelm, Papua New Guinea. In European Conference of Tropical Ecology, Brussels, 6-10 Feb. 2017., pp. 264. [#212]
Leponce, M.; Pascal, O.; Novotny, V.; & Basset, Y. (2017) Organizing large-scale biodiversity inventories in the tropics: lessons from IBISCA projects. In 54th Annual Meeting of the Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC), Merida, Mexico, 9-13/7, Merida, Mexico, p. 188. [#214]
Leponce, M. (2017) Canopy exploration and paraecologist training in Papua New Guinea. In 54th Annual Meeting of the Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC), Merida, Mexico, 9-13/7, Merida, Mexico. [#215]
Schmidt, F.A., Leponce, M., & Martins, M.F.O. (2017) Subterranean ants: what have been advanced in the last frontier of ant biodiversity studies? In XXIII Simposio de Mirmecologia, Curitiba, Brasil, 23-27 October, p. 61.[#217]
Hanisch, P.E.; Lavinia, P.D.; Suarez, A.V.; Litmajer, D.A.; Leponce, M.; Paris, C.I.; Tubarol, P.L. (2017) Dna barcoding and ecological surveys of the ants of southern Atlantic forest: looking at the tip of the iceberg in a biodiversity hotspot. In XXIII Simposio de Mirmecologia, Curitiba, Brasil, 23-27 October, p. 96. [#218]
Leponce, M.; Jacquemin, J.; Roisin, Y. (2017) Spatio-temporal variation of ant distribution among ground layers in an Andean tropical forest. In XXIII Simposio de Mirmecologia, Curitiba, Brasil, 23-27 October, p. 63. [#ML219]
Vanderheyden, A.; Sonet, G.; Herrera, H.W.; Delsinne, T.; Donoso, D.; Lattke, J.; De Busschere, C.; Hendrickx, F.; Leponce, M.; Pauly, A.; Backeljau, T.; Dekoninck, W. (2017) DNA barcoding of ants from the Galapagos Archipelago: searching endemic and introduced species. In Scientific abstracts from the 7th International Barcode of Life Conference, Genome, Vol. 60, p. 1005. [#223]
Leponce, M.; Jacquemin, J.; Roisin, Y. (2018) Variation in space and time of ant distribution among ground layers in an ecuadorian premontane forest. In European Conference of Tropical Ecology, Paris, 26-29 March 2018, p. 234. [#227]
Klimes, P.; Fayle, T.M.; Jacquemin, J.; Moses, J.; Mottl, O.; Orivel, J.; Novotny, V.; Leponce, M. (2019) Petr Klimes: How much does a tropical forest elevational gradient contribute to biodiversity? Insights from the ant communities of Mt. Wilhelm. In Joint BES/GTÖ meeting. Unifying Tropical Ecology, Edinburgh, 9-12 April 2019, p. 68. [#233]
Antoniazzi, R.; García-Franco, J.; Janda, M.; Leponce, M.; Dáttilo, W. (2019) La estructura de las redes de coocurrencia de hormigas y plantas son similares en el dosel y el sotobosque de una selva húmeda tropical. In IV Reunion Formicidae México, pp. 64. Instituto de Ecologia, A.C. Xalapa, Veracruz, 10-11 Junio 2019. [#236]
Klimes, P.; Mottl, O.; Fayle, T.M.; Jacquemin, J.; Moses, J.; Orivel, J.; Novotny, V.; Leponce, M. (2019) How much does a tropical forest elevational gradient contribute to biodiversity? Insights from the ant communities of Mt. Wilhelm. In 12th ANeT International Conference 2019, 11 - 15 Nov, 2019, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand, pp.? [#237]
Antoniazzi, R.; Garcia-Franco, J.; Janda, M.; Leponce, M.; Dattilo, W. (2019) Exploring the ecology of arboreal ants in a tropical forest. In XXIV Simposio de Mirmecologia, 30 Sept.-4 Oct. 2019, Belo Horizonte (ed. by R. Solar), p. 62. [#239]
Leponce, M.; Klimes, P.; Mottl, O.; Dejean, A. (2019) Three-dimensional ant distribution in rainforests and a method to detect ant mosaics. In XXIV Simposio de Mirmecologia, 30 Sept.-4 Oct. 2019, Belo Horizonte (ed. by R. Solar), p. 64. [#240]
Antoniazzi, R.; Viana-Jr., A.; Pelayo-Martinez, J.; L.Ortiz-Lozada; Neves, F.; Leponce, M.; Dattilo, W. (2019) Distance-decay of compositional similarity in ground but not in canopy ant assemblages in a tropical rainforest. In XXIV Simposio de Mirmecologia, 30 Sept.-4 Oct. 2019, Belo Horizonte (ed. by R. Solar), p. 300. [#241]
Leponce, M.; Basset, Y.; Calders, K.; Carrias, J.-F.; Decock, C.; D'hont, B.; Ertz, D.; Garcia Reynaga, G.A.; Horna, L.O.; Mendieta Leiva, G.; Mouton, L.; Rouhan, G.; Vanderpoorten, A.; Portuguez Yataco, B.; Silva Dávila, D.; Macedo Cuenca, V.H.; Salas Guerrero, M.; Aguilar Rengifo, G.; Valles Sandoval, J.C.; Pérez Aguilar, W.; Octavio Pecho, J.; Butterill, P.; Heughebaert, A.; Youdjou, N.; Pascal, O. (2022) Biodiversity of eukaryotes in large tropical trees: the Life On Trees (LOT) program. In ATBC2022, Annual meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Cartagena, Colombia, 10-14 July 2022. [#256]

D’hont, B.; Calders, K.; Leponce, M.; Pascal, O.; Verbeeck, H. (2022) Reaching for new heights: canopy laser scanning in the Peruvian Amazon. In 9th ForestSAT 2022 Conference, Aug. 29 - Sept. 03, 2023 Berlin, Germany [#257]

Leponce, M.; Basset, Y.; Aristizábal-Botero, Á.; Albán Castillo, J.; Aguilar Rengifo, G.; Barbut, J.; Buyck, B.; Butterill, P.; Calders, K.; Carrias, J.-F.; Catchpole, D.; D'hont, B.; Delabie, J.; Drescher, J.; Ertz, D.; Heughebaert, A.; Hofstetter, V.; Leroy, C.; Leveque, A.; Macedo Cuenca, V.H.; Melki, F.; Michaux, J.; Horna, L.O.; Pillaca Huacre, L.; Poirier, E.; Ramage, T.; Rouhan, G.; Rufray, V.; Salas Guerrero, M.; Scheu, S.; Schmidl, J.; Silva Dávila, D.; Vanderpoorten, A.; Villemant, C.; Youdjou, N.; Pascal, O. (2023) Large old tropical trees as pools of biodiversity: the Life On Trees program. In GTOE 2023, 6th European Conference of Tropical Ecology, Ceske Budejovice, 19-23 June 2023. [#ML260]

Melo, T.S.; Andrade, A.R.S.; Koch, E.B.A.; Leponce, M.; Delabie, J.H.C. (2023) Influence of an urbanization gradient on the vertical stratification of arboreal ants in green areas. In Simpósio de Mirmecologia: an international ant meeting 2023 pp. 228, Manaus, Brasil. [#260]

Melo, T.S.; Andrade, A.R.S.; Koch, E.B.A.; Leponce, M.; Delabie, J.H.C. (2023) Importance of green area rate nesting site and exotic species on native ants in an urban environment. In Simpósio de Mirmecologia: an international ant meeting 2023 pp. 227, Manaus, Brasil. [#261]

Koch, E.B.A.; Melo, T.S.; Andrade, A.R.S.; Leponce, M.; Delabie, J.H.C. (2023) Evaluation of different taxonomic levels as surrogates of ant diversity in green areas in an urbanized environment. In Simpósio de Mirmecologia: an international ant meeting 2023 pp. 213, Manaus, Brasil. [#262]

Leponce, M.; Basset, Y.; Aristizábal-Botero, Á.; Castillo, J.A.; Rengifo, G.A.; Barbut, J.; Buyck, B.; Butterill, P.; Calders, K.; Carrias, J.-F.; Catchpole, D.; D’hont, B.; Delabie, J.; Drescher, J.; Ertz, D.; Heughebaert, A.; Hofstetter, V.; Leroy, C.; Leveque, A.; Cuenca, V.M.; Melki, F.; Michaux, J.; Horna, L.O.; Pillaca, L.; Poirier, E.; Ramage, T.; Rougerie, R.; Rouhan, G.; Rufray, V.; Guererro, M.S.; Scheu, S.; Schmidl, J.; Davila, D.S.; Gamarra, L.V.; Vanderpoorten, A.; Villemant, C.; Youdjou, N.; Pascal, O. (2024) Large old tropical trees as keystone biodiversity structures: the Life on Trees program. In 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, 14-18 July 2024, Kigali, Rwanda. [#265]

 without abstracts

Leponce, M.; Roisin, Y.; Pasteels, J.M. 1992 Competition between three arboreal termite species in New Guinean coconut plantations in relation with their reproductive and defensive strategies. International Congress of Entomology, Beijing, june pdf document [#003]

Noti, M.-I.; Leponce, M.; Wauthy, G.; Bauchau, V. 1997 Fluctuating asymmetry in the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Prostigmata, Tetranychidae). Joint Meeting Entomological Society of Canada and Entomological Society of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, 4-8 October 1997. [#023]

Missa, O. ; Leponce, M. ; Pauly , A. 1998. Structure of an ant assemblage in the canopy of a tropical rainforest in Papua New Guinea. Poster présenté au workshop « Belgian research in Papua New Guinea, current issues », IRScNB, 12/12/98. [#027]
Roisin, Y.; Theunis, L.; Leponce, M. 2000 Termite diversity in subtropical forests of northern Argentina Symposium on Biodiversity, 13-14 Dec.2000, U.C.L., Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium. [#034]
Leponce, M.; Theunis, L. 2001. Spatio-temporal dependence of the estimation of ant species richness. In : Scientific tools for biodiversity conservation: monitoring, modelling and experiments European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy, Brussels, 2-4/12/2001. [#037]
Theunis, L.; Leponce, M. 2002. Leaf litter ant distribution in islets of a naturally fragmented forest of the national park Rio Pilcomayo, Argentina. Habitat fragmentation. Effects and remedies. International Symposium organized by the Royal Society of Natural Sciences DODONAEA, Ghent University, Belgium; 23 Nov. 2002. [#042]
Leponce, M.; Missa, O.; Delabie, J.H.C. 2004. Accuracy of species richness estimates obtained from incomplete inventories: lessons from a benchmark dataset on tropical ants. International Congress of Entomology, Brisbane. [#054]
Aberlenc, H.P.; Leponce, M.; Orivel, J.; Corbara, B. ; Roisin, Y. 2005. The IBISCA Winkler programme and focal taxa. ESF-UNEP-GCP Exploratory workshop. The Last Biotic Frontier: Towards A Census of canopy Life. Brussels, 5-9 July 2005. [#058]
Orivel, J. ; Leponce, M.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Corbara, B.; Roisin, Y.; Cardoso do Nascimento, I.; Ribeiro, S.; Campos, R.; Schmidl, J.; Floren, A. & Dejean, A. 2005. The IBISCA social insects programme: ants. ESF-UNEP-GCP Exploratory workshop. The Last Biotic Frontier: Towards A Census of canopy Life. Brussels, 5-9 July 2005. [#070]
Roisin, Y. ; Leponce, M. 2007. Monitoring ants and termites in CTFS plots. CTFS Interactions Group Workshop, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI), Panama City, Panama, May 25 - 27, 2007. [#090]
Leponce, M. 2007. IBISCA. 2nd EDIT WP7 Workshop - 14-16 March, 2007 Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, pdf document  [#087]
Leponce, M. & Riede, K. 2007.Composition and distribution of biodiversity in forests: the EDIT and IBISCA approaches. Status-Symposium of the DFG Research Unit 816, Loja, Ecuador, September 20th and 21st, 2007. [#089]
Leponce, M. & Basset, Y. 2009. Large scale biodiversity inventories and collections: challenges and solutions. Workshop on ATBI+M field recording techniques and protocols. EDIT Workshop “ATBI+M field methods manual”. 25-27 January 2009, Las Palmas).download pdf document [#103]
Leponce, M. & Basset Y. The CTFS Arthropod Initiative database management system. Workshop "Establishing a 50-ha forest dynamics plot for Papua New Guinea" Center for Tropical Forest Science & Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Barro Colorado Island, Panama, February 23-29, 2009. [#104]
Positive Visions for Biodiversity. 2010. Meeting of the European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy (EPBRS) under the Belgian Presidency of the European Union. EPBRS, Brussels, Belgium, 16-19 Nov. 2010.
Delsinne T., Arias-Penna T., Jacquemin J., Laurent Y., Bachy I. & Leponce M. Subfamilias y géneros de hormigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) presentes en el Parque Nacional Podocarpus. Simposio anual de la Unidad de Investigación FOR816 "Biodiversidad y manejo sostenible de un ecosistema de montaña megadiverso en el sur del Ecuador", UTPL-Loja, Ecuador. 06-07.Oct. 2011. (Poster). [#127]
Delsinne T., Arias-Penna T., Jacquemin J. & Leponce M. Uso de las hormigas para monitorear las perturbaciones de la selva tropical de los Andes ecuatorianos causadas por los cambios atmosféricos. Simposio anual de la Unidad de Investigación FOR816 "Biodiversidad y manejo sostenible de un ecosistema de montaña megadiverso en el sur del Ecuador", UTPL-Loja, Ecuador. 06-07.Oct. 2011. (Spanish talk by TD). [#128]
Leponce, M. (2015) Studying ants in the treetops: perspectives. In Forest Canopies: Frontiers of Ecosystem Services, October 27th – 29th., Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Menglun, Mengla, Yunnan, China. [#193]download pdf document

Invited seminars, conferences, webinars


2024/04/17: "Tropical forest biodiversity: large-scale inventories, canopy access, and the role of natural history museums". Ghent University, Prof. K. Calders.

2023/08/25: "Proyecto Life On Trees-Yanachaga : Biodiversidad de eucariotas en grandes arboles en el Parque Nacional Yanachaga-Chemillén". In: Webinar "Investigaciones cientifica en el Parque Nacional Yanachaga Chemillen"

2023/07/18: Museo Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru: "Proyecto Life On Trees-Peru: biodiversidad de eucariotas en grandes árboles del Parque Nacional del Río Abiseo y Yanachaga-Chemillén" 

2022/09/30: Museo Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru: "Proyecto Life On Trees Abiseo: biodiversidad de eucariotas en un gran árbol amazónico del Parque Nacional del Río Abiseo" download pdf document

2017/12/13: French Embassy, Yangon, Myanmar "Life On Trees"

2017/12/12: University of Mandalay, Myanmar "Life On Trees"

2017/12/06: University of Myeik, Myanmar: "Life On Trees"

2017/05/03: University of Hasselt "Studying rainforest biodiversity"

2015/11/04: University of Yangon, Myanmar, Dept of Botany and Zoology. Prof.  San San Aye &  Prof. Myint Zu Minh. "Studying rainforest canopy biodiversity. Previous achievements, general scientific strategy."

2015/10/31: Institut Français, Yangon, Myanmar. Mind Your Planet day. "Studying rainforest canopy biodiversity. Previous achievements, general scientific strategy."

2015/10/30: Chinese Academy of Sciences. Kunming Institute of Botany, Prof GAO Lianming. "Studying rainforest canopy biodiversity. Previous achievements, general scientific strategy."

2015/10/05: Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, UFRRJ, Departamento de Ciências Ambientais (Prof. Jarbas Queiroz)."Studying the rainforest biodiversity from root tips to treetops: from Panama to Papua New Guinea". 

2015/01: "Mon monde de demain". PechaKucha event of the Plateforme Maison Passive (PMP), organized by Alok Nandi, Architempo. @ Rockerill, Marchienne-au-Pont. 29 January.

2014/10. Tracking ants in Papua New Guinea. Night on M.A.R.S. (Music, Art, Research, Science) @ Halles Saint-Géry. 17 October 21h00-21h45.

20140/07. Ant mosaic meltdown with elevation. Binatang Research Center, Madang, Papua New Guinea.

2012/05. Arboreal-dwelling ants and termites. Camp de l'Iguane, Ban Nathan, Laos. Organizer: Francis Hallé.

2012/03. Spatial distribution of numerically dominant ants in the canopy. Binatang Research Center, Madang, Papua New Guinea.

2011/06. Quantification of arthropod diversity and distribution in tropical rainforests: the IBISCA approach. University of Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby.

2011/06. Quantification of arthropod diversity and distribution in tropical rainforests: the IBISCA approach. Binatang Research Center, Madang, Papua New Guinea.

2010/11. La biodiversité de la canopée des forêts tropicales. 6 nov.Wolu 2050. Festival du développement durable. Wolubilis, Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, Brussels. download pdf document

2010/08. Congrès pluraliste des Sciences, 24-26 August, Faculté Universitaire Notre Dame de la Paix. La biodiversité à son apogée. download pdf document download pdf document

04/2010 & 04/2008. ULB, Prof. C. de Ridder, BAC 3. Evaluation de la biodiversité des forêts tropicales.

10/2007. Estacion Scientifica San Francisco, Ecuador. Preliminary assessment of ants and termites in ECSF plots.

05/2007. Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali - Torino, Italy. Termiti e formiche delle foreste tropicali. Scienza e arte tra forme e colori al Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali di Torino.

09/2006. ULB, Prof. C. de Ridder, BAC 3. Evaluation de la biodiversité des forêts tropicales.

04/2006. ULB, Prof. C. de Ridder. Quantification de la biodiversité des forêts tropicales.

10/2005. ULB, Prof. Y. Roisin. Muséums, collections et inventaires de biodiversité.

05/2005. ULB, Prof. C. de Ridder. Quantification de la biodiversité des forêts tropicales. Etudes de cas avec les fourmis.

10/2004. ULB, Prof. Y. Roisin. Muséums, collections et inventaires de biodiversité

05/2004. Centre Paul Duvigneaud, CIVA. Investigation de la canopée des forêts tropicales. A bord du radeau des cimes.

05/2004. ULB, Prof. C. de Ridder. Distribution et quantification de la (mega) biodiversité des forêts tropicales.

02/2004. Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse. Quantification de la diversité des assemblages de fourmis néotropicales.

02/2004. Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionelle et Evolutive, CNRS, Montpellier, France. Quantification de la diversité des assemblages de fourmis néotropicales.

01/2004. UNU, Ghent. Symposium Tropical Forests.

11/2002. UNU, Ghent. Symposium Tropical Forests.

12/2001.UNU, Ghent. Symposium Tropical Forests. Insect surveys in tropical forests. Case studies with ants and termites.

11/2000. UNU, Ghent. Symposium Tropical Forests. Insect surveys in tropical forests. Case studies with ants and termites.

03/2000.  United Nations University (UNU), Biodiversity Training Course, Ghent University, Belgium. Symposium Tropical Forests. Insect surveys in tropical forests. Case studies with ants and termites.

Conferences, presentations at RBINS

2023/06/01: Leponce, M. (2023) Life On Trees : a biodiversity study program to support conservation and education. Operational Directorate Nature Sciences Day, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, 1 June 2023. 

2023/01/18: Implementing large-scale biodiversity inventories in the tropics. Challenges and solutions.  TETTRIs keynote talk.  

2008/11/24: Research day. Programme. Poster Entomofauna and tropical forests.

2007/05/04: Biodiversity: an essential partner in development. RBINS, Friday 4 May 2007 : Guided tour behind the scenes: discovery of RBINS collections and laboratories: "Etude de la biodiversité des canopées des forêts tropicales".

2005/09/03: European researchers' night: "Trip to the tropical forest canopies."

2004/12: Tours behind the scenes: "Ants and termites in tropical forests".

Insect Species Dedicated


Nasutitermes leponcei (Isoptera: Nasutitermitinae) Roisin & Pasteels 1996 [Papua New Guinea]


Protalaridris leponcei (Formicidae, Myrmicinae, Basicerotini) in Lattke, JE, Delsinne, T, Alpert, GD & Guerrero, RJ (2018) Ants of the genus Protalaridris (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), more than just deadly mandibles. European Journal of Entomology 115:268-295. DOI: 10.14411/eje.2018.027

Pambolus leponcei (Braconidae) in C. van Achterberg & Y. Braet. Two new species of Pambolus Haliday (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Pambolinae) from Argentina. Zool. Med. Leiden 78:337-344.

Betylobracon leponcei in Braet, Y. (2016). New species and new records of Betylobraconinae, Braconinae, Cheloninae, Helconinae and Rogadinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from Papua New Guinea. In Insects of Mount Wilhelm, Papua New Guinea (ed. by T. Robillard F. Legendre C. Villemant & M. Leponce), Vol. 209, pp. 409-450. Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire pdf document

Anteon leponcei in Olmi, M.; Guglielmino, A. (2016). Description of three new species of Anteon Jurine, 1807 (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea: Dryinidae) from Papua New Guinea, with a checklist of the species from New Guinea. In Insects of Mount Wilhelm, Papua New Guinea (ed. by T. Robillard F. Legendre C. Villemant & M. Leponce), Vol. 209, pp. 355-374. Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire pdf document


Elaphropeza leponcei (Diptera: Empidoidea: Hybotidae)[D.R. Congo] in Grootaert, P. & Shamshev, I. (2014) New Tachydromiinae (Diptera: Empidoidea: Hybotidae) from different types of forests along the Congo river (D. R. of the Congo). Belgian Journal of Entomology, 18, 1-34. download pdf document

Nature videography


2021 : Standardized baitline protocol for collecting arboreal ants along tall tropical rainforest trees  Companion paper: Leponce, M., Dejean, A., Mottl, O. and Klimes, P. (2021), Rapid assessment of the three-dimensional distribution of dominant arboreal ants in tropical forests. Insect Conserv Diversity 

2017: Flatid nymphs (Fulgoromorpha: Flatidae) interacting with Pseudolasius breviceps ant workers. ; Companion paper: Klimes, P.; Borovanska, M.; Plowman, N.S.; Leponce, M. (2018) How common is trophobiosis with hoppers (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) inside ant nests (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)? Novel interactions from New Guinea and a worldwide overview. Myrmecological News, 26, 31-45. pdf:  

2016: "In The Treetops of Papua New Guinea": Youtube: ; Vimeo: ; M.Leponce & G. Corgnet (HD, 16:9, 17') download pdf document

2013: "Caterpillar hunters / Les chasseurs de chenille - DR Congo" (HD, 15:9, 1:59')


video images used in / interviews:

Dany Cleyet Marrel & Maurice Leponce, Laos, 2012

2018/01/04: Passion Outremer: Papouasie (Gildas Corgnet & Julien Félix, What's Up Productions): France ô 

2016: "Papouasie - le scientifique de la jungle - #fautpasrever"  – France 3 – Faut Pas Rêver - What's Up Production

2014: The technical details and origin of THE TREE WALKER project. Christoph Both-Asmus.  (

2014: Belgian Biodiversity Platform video 2014 1/3 (Dancing Dog Productions):  (interview)

2013: "L'odyssée papoue"/"The papuan odyssey" by Gwenlaouen Le Gouil, Régis Croizer, Amandine Stelleta, Gaël Mocaer. ARTE REPORTAGE - 27'40. Cargo Culte Productions.

2012: "Science Needs You!". Interviews by Monique Chalude & Carole Paleco. Directed by Sylvain Biegeleisen. Produced by BeWiSe and MC2-Chalude & associates. 

2011: "Opération terre" by Bernard Guerrini. Produced by Gédéon Production, Arte France. 

2008: "Des scientifiques high tech"  ( ( ).

2007: "SolVin in Vanuatu" (DVD, SolVin) [format: HDV, 16:9]

2006: "Le Monde des Minuscules" by Roger Le Guen (documentary) (RFO, K Production & PANACOCO) [format: HDV, 16:9]

2004: "Die Siel van die Mier" ("L'Ame des Termites") by Josse De Pauw (stage production) (Kaai Theater, Brussels 2004-2005; Théâtre National, Brussels, 2007) [format: Hi8, 4:3].

2004: "Mission: IBISCA" (DVD, Solvay 2004) [format: DVCAM, 4:3] 

Nature photography

Journal & book covers: 

Robillard, T.; Legendre, F.; Villemant, C.; Leponce, M. (2016) Insects of Mount Wilhelm, Papua New Guinea. Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, 573 p.
Science, 14 dec. 2012
Ecology Letter, September 2016

ABC taxa Volume 7 - Manual on Field Recording Techniques and Protocols for All Taxa Biodiversity Inventories [2010]

Insect Conservation and Diversity Vol. 1 (1) [2008]

Entomologische Zeitschrift vol.115 (3) [2005]

Comptes-Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris, Sciences de la vie / Life Sciences, 320 [1997]

Probio revue, 41(1) (2018.

Journal articles:



Nature (2020) Novotny, V. & Molem, K., 2020. An inventory of plants for the land of the unexpected. News and views. 5 August 2020.


Mongabay. The diversity of biodiversity: Connecting shrews, ants and slime molds with carbon storage. By Joshua Parfitt on 14 June 2018

Hoyaux, J. (2018) Les explorateurs d’hier et d’aujourd’hui 2ème partie. In Probio revue, Vol. 41, pp. 17-27. Probio, association des professeurs de biologie, asbl.

The Biologist, vol. 56(1):10-13, Feb. 2009. [pages 10&12]

Sciences & Avenir, no 152, oct-nov.2007, hors-série. Mailleux, A.-C. & Detrain, C. Un chantier sans architectes. pp.32-36.

Entomologische Zeitschrift vol.115 (3) [2005], p.107

OPIE Insectes 133 [2004] B. Corbara. Diversité des insectes dans une forêt du Panama. p.2 download pdf document

Trends in Ecology and Evolution. vol.16 (8): 426 [2001]


Odegaard, F.; Staverlokk, A.; Gjershaug, J.O. (2018) Maur i Norge NINA (Norsk institutt for naturforskning) (pp.417, 418, 422, 425, 426).

Schmiedel, U. (2016): Die Bedeutung der Paraökologen und Parataxonomen für die Biodiversitätsforschung. In: Lozán, J. L., S.-W. Breckle, R. Müller & E. Rachor (Hrsg.). Warnsignal Klima: Die Biodiversität. pp. 57-60. Online: doi:10.2312/warnsignal.klima-die-biodiversitaet.09

Novotny, V., Toko, P., 2015. Ecological research in Papua New Guinean rainforests: insects, plants and people. In: Bryan, J.E., Shearman, P.L. (Eds.), The State of the Forests of Papua New Guinea 2014: Measuring change over the period 2002-2014. University of Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby, pp. 71-85. [Fig. 50A]. download pdf document

Aron, S. & Passera L. 2000. Les Sociétés Animales. Evolution de la Coopération et Organisation Sociale. Bruxelles: Editions De Boeck Université, 336p. [planche 13]

Tardieu, V. & Lise Barnéoud, L. 2007. Santo : Les explorateurs de l'île planète. Ed. Belin, 287 p.


Mara Figueira. Os menores bichos do Brasil. Capitulo 5. Uma pequena grande formiga. 




Knight, S. The incredible plan to make money grow on trees. The Guardian, Tuesday 24 November 2015. 

Media coverage


Dejean, A. 2010. Biodiversité des insectes de Guyane - projet BIG. In: Pavé, A. & Fornet, G. (eds). Amazonie. Une aventure scientifique et humaine du CNRS. Galaade éditions, Paris, France:114-115 .

Journals and newspapers

ILA magazine, Chloé Glad, "En finir avec le mythe du « savant fou »", 23 Dec. 2023 

24h01. "Cellules grises" Chloé Glad, spring 2017, pp. 28-36

La Dernière Heure. "Un chercheur belge en ballon chez les Papous." Maïli Bernaerts, 27 Nov. 2016, p. 17.

Paradise (Air Niugini's in-flight magazine). "Saving the rainforests". John Wright, May-June 2015.

Le Monde, "Guyane. La chasse aux trésors biologiques". Yann Chavance, 15 avril 2015, pp.4-5. 

SIGMAG, France. March 2015. Les trésors négligés de la Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée. Alice Schwab, pp. 46-50.

National Geographic, France, août 2013, Céline Lison, Expédition en terre papoue, 167, pp. 108-117.

Fedra. Août 2013. "De la Science dans l'air". No 111, p.2

Le Journal des Enfants. Août 2013. "Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée: la cueillette d'insectes en montgolfière". No 1045, p.4.

Science & Avenir (France), Juin 2010. "Mozambique, en quête d'espèces". Nadège Monschau, pp.62-67.

Figaro Magazine (France), 24 Mai 2010. "Biodiversité : les héritiers de Buffon". Katia Clarens, No1543, pp.52-62.

Science & Vie (France), hors série. Mars 2010. "Une forêt auvergnate examinée à la loupe". Marie Lescroart, pp.66-73.

Ebullisciences, journal of the Jeunesses Scientifiques de Belgique. "Quand je serai grand ... je serai entomologiste" no 330, Dec.2009-Jan.2010, p.6.

Museum contact. Homo Musealis, Oct.2009-Feb.2010.  

La Stampa (Italy), "Siamo ospiti nel pianeta delle formiche". Monica Mazzotto, 2 July 2008.  360KB (IT)

Louvain, Bimestriel de l'Université catholique de Louvain. no 172 - février/mars 2008. "Les savanturiers". Laurence Mundschau p.27. 177 KB (FR)

Le Soir 5 june 2007, pp.23-24: "Maurice Leponce, découvreur d'obscurs insectes des Galapagos à la Papouasie". Elise Dubuisson, Supplément du journal Le Soir. 1480 KB (FR)

Le Soir 16 dec. 2006 "Le plus grand inventaire de biodiversité",  p.19 

Vers l'Avenir 16 dec. 2006, p.9: "Deux scientifiques belges en plein Pacifique" 

Belga 15 dec. 2006, p.444: "Belgische wetenschappers nemen deel aan missie over biodiversiteit" Belga .

Le Soir, 24 June 2005 Christian Du Brulle. 2005. Quand le Bretzel se fait outil. . ;

One Life magazine 2004 vol.5: 36-39. Daue, J.R.: "Au sommet de la forêt d'Emeraude. 1939KB (FR)"

Le Soir Illustré 26 feb. 1997 ; Joëlle Smets. Les termites sont entrés à Anvers.


2016: "Papouasie - le scientifique de la jungle - #fautpasrever"  – France 3 – Faut Pas Rêver - What's Up Production

Belgian television -RTBF- Ouftivi - news: A bord de la cinébulle, une montgolfière équipée d'un moteur, un scientifique belge va mener une expérience incroyable ! 13 Nov. 2014.

Belgian television - RTBF. Télétourisme Dec. 2004 

Belgian television - RTBF. Matière Grise 16 Feb 2004 download pdf document 


2016: France Culture - Les Passeurs de science. Arnaud Contreras (with Gilles Ebersolt). Les expéditions du Radeau des Cimes

Belgian radio - RTBF O Positif. Interview by Véronique Thyberghien. Sur la piste des fourmis de Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée (M.A.R.S. event at Halles St Géry, 17 Oct. 2014). 15 Oct. 2014.

RCF Liège - Village Monde - 12 Jun 2014 - Retour d'expédition en Papousie-Nouvelle Guinée, avec Maurice Leponce, entomologiste et ecologue belge. Presented by Sébastien Kessels.

Belgian radio - RTBF La première. 08 Feb 2013. Nuwa, le magazine de l'environnement et du développement durable. Coup d'oeil sur la planète avec Sophie Brems : insectes en altitude - Expédition en Papouasie. Podcast. mp3

Belgian radio - RTBF O Positif. Interview by Yasmine Boudaka. Pro-Natura's "Our Planet Reviewed" expedition in Papua New Guinea. 14 Dec. 2012. mp3

Belgian radio - RTBF La Première. Interview by Sophie Brems. Pro-Natura's "Our Planet Reviewed" expedition in Mozambique. In « Nuwa » presented by Corinne Boulangier. 14 Feb.2010

Belgian radio - RTBF La Première. Interview by Sophie Brems. "Discovery of new species". 8 Jan. 2009.


"Science Needs You!". Interviews by Monique Chalude & Carole Paleco. Directed by Sylvain Biegeleisen. Produced by BeWiSe and MC2-Chalude & associates. 2012. 

"Des chercheurs, des insectes et des plantes" by Marcel Dalaise (CNRS images, 2010, 33 min)

"L2i Les deux infinis" by J-J Beineix (CNRS, 2008)

"SolVin in Vanuatu" (SolVin, 2007).

"Le Monde des Minuscules" by Roger Le Guen (documentary) (RFO, K Production & PANACOCO, 2006)

"Les Aventuriers de l'île planète" by Bernard Guerrini (France 3 Thalassa-Faut pas rêver, ATOM, MVC, RFO et Prodom, 2006) 1 h 50 min

"Mission: IBISCA" (Solvay, 2004) 


(2013) La Cinébulle en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée / Ballonvaart boven Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea.

(2012) Expédition en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée / Expeditie naar Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea.

(2012) Combien d'espèces dans une forêt tropicale ? / Hoeveel soorten geleedpotigen telt een tropisch woud?

Our Planet Reviewed Papua-New-Guinea (2012) & 

IBISCA-Santo (2006): 

IBISCA-Panama expedition (2003): 

Collaborations to artistic projects and exhibitions

stage production: video provided to : "Die Siel van die Mier" ("L'Ame des Termites") by Josse De Pauw (stage production) (Kaai Theater, Brussels 2004-2005; Théâtre National, Brussels, 2007

sculpture: Termite One project of Koen Wastijn.

architecture: tree houses "campflying" project of Pierre-Yves Six. ENSAPL école nationale supérieure d'architecture et de paysage de Lille, France (2007).

architecture: Kanopi drone of Thomas Beauclair, Master Design de Produit, l'ENSAAMA Olivier de Serres. (2014).

exhibition: insect pictures provided to "Vegetal City. Vision of a sustainable future" by Luc Schuiten. (Musées royaux d'Art et d'Histoire. Parc du Cinquantenaire, Bruxelles)(30/04-30/08/2009).


© Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
, last update
08 Jan 2025