1. Eurekalert 30 September 2003: Canopy raft, canopy crane, canopy bubble, Ikos tree house in Panama. IBISCA's push to understand insect habitats in the tropical forest. http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2003-09/si-crc093003.php

  2. Web site of the canopy raft: mainly in French, with a good selection of representative pictures. The site also presents background information for many of the methods of canopy access used during IBISCA 2003. http://www.radeau-des-cimes.org/03/panama.htm

  3. Web site of Solvay: site by the main sponsor of IBISCA 2003, with an emphasis on the canopy raft. http://www.solvinbretzel.com/

  4. Futura Sciences provides a dossier in French about IBISCA 2003-2005. http://www.futura-sciences.com/decouvrir/d/dossier297-1.php?word=bananas

  5. Royal Belgian Institute of natural sciences - Expeditions


Web pages hosted by the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences and maintained by Maurice Leponce and Yves Basset. Last update 30/01/2008.