Belgium & Luxemburg EURING Database         

As National Center for Bird-Ringing in Belgium and Luxemburg, the Royal Institute for Natural Sciences of Belgium collects data about recoveries of birds wearing rings in the framework of EURING, a European program.

About 115000 records are collected in the EURING database and cover data up to 1927. On the current site, we display a collection of maps and tables from the EURING database.


The database is presented as-is (january 1998) and some not-validated data may remain.
Moreover, any interpretation from the presented data should take into account prospection efforts.

Short description of available documents   Selection of a Species
  • Time summary of Recoveries (table)
  • Cartography of catches and recoveries (map)
  • Directions of move (map)
  • Distribution of recoveries (table)
  • Recovery conditions (table)
  • Recovery circumstances (table)
  • Time distribution of catches and recoveries (table)

  • Time summary of Recoveries    

    The table displays the number of recoveries versus the year of bird-ringing either as Pulli (P) or Fully-Grown birds (V). The total number of ringing actions since 1960 is also displayed for the two categories.

    Cartography of catches and recoveries     

    The map displays the UTM grid distribution of the locations where each species is catched and/or recovered in the Belgium-Luxemburg area. The UTM unit is 10x10km² (zones 31 & 32).

    Three periods are distinguished:

    1. 1927 à 1959 ;
    2. 1960 à 1979 ;
    3. 1980 à 1996.

    Directions of move   

    The map displays segments linking the location of bird-ringing and the location of bird-recovery. Quantitative data are provided in the following table.

    Distribution of recoveries    

    The table displays recovery data among 16 sectors around the bird-ringing location.

    Various raw and statistical data (maximum, mean, standard deviation) are presented which cover the number of recoveries, the distance between ringing and recovery locations and the time elapsed between the two events.

    Recovery conditions    

    The table collects the conditions of recovery (EURING conventions) for each species in each country.

    Recovery circumstances    

    The table displays the circumstances of recoveries (EURING terminology) for each species in each country.

    Time distribution of catches and recoveries    

    The table collects the monthly distribution of catches and recoveries

    Royal Belgian Institute
    of Natural Sciences
    Databases Conservation biology section
    Last update: 02/18/2019 12:08:50 C.Vander Linden